Урок домашнего чтения по книге Lemony Snicket "The Bad Beginning - Chapter 6"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Цель: активизация монологической речи учащихся.

Задачи: повторить и закрепить лексику, подготовиться к пересказу, стимулировать общение учащихся на английском языке, совершенствовать навыки чтения и аудирования.

Оборудование: карточки с заданиями <Приложение 1> (выдаются обучающимся за 2 недели), аудиозапись <Приложение 2>, комплекты карточек для составления краткого пересказа <Приложение 3>.

Ход урока

I. Starting the class

Today we are having home reading class. Do you like reading English books at home? What opportunities does it give you? Who can tell me why is it so important to have home reading classes at school? And what is the most important thing for you, what do you want to practice during today’s lesson?

We are to discuss chapter 6, but before we start let us revise what happened in the previous chapter. First of all, please, answer some of my questions:

  • Why did the children feel better in the morning?

(A good long session of weeping can often make you feel better. So it was with the children. Having cried all night they rose the next morning feeling as if a weight were off their shoulders.)

  • What did Count Olaf order them to do?

(He ordered them to chop firewood in the backyard.)

  • What did they dream of?

(They wished they could use their parents’ money. Then they could buy a castle and live in it, with armed guards patrolling the outside to keep out Count Olaf and his troupe. And Violet could have a large inventing studio, and Klaus could have a large library, and Sunny could have lots of things to bite.)

  • What did the children want Justice Strauss to do?

(They wanted Justice Strauss to adopt them.)

  • What did the children decide to do finally?

(They decided to go see Mr Poe.)

  • Did they know the way to the bank?

(No, they didn’t. They couldn’t even the map in the house.)

  • Did they manage to find Mr Poe?

(Yes, they did. The children entered every bank and asked for Mr Poe. Finally one receptionist told them that Mr Poe worked at Mulctuary Money Management.)

  • Was he glad to see the children again?

(At first he was very puzzled. But then he said he was very busy and had no time to chat. Perhaps he was a bit angry as he told the children that they should call ahead of time when they plan to visit him.)

  • What did the children tell Mr Poe?

(They told him that Count Olaf was a madman and they couldn’t stay with him any longer, that he had struck Claus across the face, that he had only provided them with one bed, that he made them do a great many different chores, that he drank too much wine, that he called them orphans, that he had terrible friends, that he was always asking about their money and that they had been there long enough to know that Count Olaf was a bad man.)

  • Did he believe them? How did the children feel?

(He said that it was just the first impression and that the children need time to adjust to the new home and get used to all these thing, as Count Olaf is acting in loco parentis.)

  • Where did they go next? Why?

(They decided to go to Justice Strauss’ library in order to escape Count Olaf by immersing themselves in their favourite reading topics.)

  • Did the children manage to escape from Count Olaf?

(They did, figuratively. But they hoped that soon their figurative escape would eventually turn into a literal one.)

II. Retelling

Now that we’ve revised all the necessary information, are there any volunteers to retell chapter 5?

III. Vocabulary

Let us move on to chapter 6. We will start with some useful words. Please pronounce the word, translate it and give the example from the text:

  • to stumble

(ковылять – …the children stumbled sleepily from their bedroom into the kitchen…)

  • to pluck

(выдернуть – Count Olaf … plucked a berry out of Sunny’s bowl.)

  • to pop

(совать, засовывать – …he popped it into his mouth…)

  • to blab

(разбалтывать выбалтывать – …kept a secret… and not blabbed to Count Olaf.)

  • standoffish

(надменный, высокомерный – …I may have acted a bit standoffish.)

  • finale

(финал – In the finale, he marries the young, beautiful woman he loves…)

  • a midget

(карлик – You will be playing two midgets who attend the wedding…)

  • backstage

(за кулисами – A pretty girl like you shouldn’t be working backstage.)

  • to stroke

(гладить – Count Olaf reached out one of his spidery hands and stroked Violet on the chin…)

IV. Definitions

What definitions have you come across while reading?

  • in confidence

(kept a secret between Mr Poe and themselves and not blabbed to Count Olaf)

  • standoffish

(reluctant to associate with others)

V. Good reading and translation

At home you prepared good reading and translation of the extract:

Сount Olaf reached out one of his spidery hands and stroked Violet on the chin, looking deep into her eyes. ``You will,'' he said, ``participate in this theatrical performance. I would prefer it if you would participate voluntarily, but as I believe Mr. Poe explained to you, I can order you to participate and you must obey.'' Olaf's sharp and dirty fingernails gently scratched on Violet's chin, and she shivered. The room was very, very quiet as Olaf finally let go, and stood up and left without a word. The Baudelaire children listened to his heavy footsteps go up the stairs to the tower they were forbidden to enter.

Граф Олаф протянул свою паучью лапу и взял Вайолет за подбородок.

– Нет, ты будешь участвовать в представлении, – сказал он, пристально глядя ей в глаза. – Я бы предпочел, чтобы ты сделала это добровольно, но, как вам, кажется, объяснил мистер По, я могу заставить тебя, и тебе придется послушаться.

Острые грязные ногти слегка царапнули ей подбородок, и Вайолет вздрогнула. В комнате стояла мертвая тишина, когда наконец Граф Олаф отпустил Вайолет, выпрямился и вышел, не сказав больше ни слова. Бодлеровские дети молча прислушивались к тяжелым шагам на лестнице, которая вела в башню и куда им не полагалось ходить. [3]

VI. Discussion

Finish my sentences, please:

  • The children started nervously into their oatmeal because… (they were afraid there was something terrible in it, like poison or ground glass)
  • Count Olaf plucked a berry out of Sunny’s bowl, popped it into his mouth and ate it because… (he wanted to show the children that the food wasn’t poisonous)
  • Klaus knew the word “standoffish” and almost laughed out loud at Olaf’s incorrect use of it. But he remained silent because… (his face still had a bruise on it)
  • Klaus and Violet didn’t want to participate in Count Olaf’s play because… (they were sure that Count Olaf was up to something)
  • Violet didn’t want to play the young woman because… (to consider Count Olaf her husband, even for the purpose of a play, was too dreadful)
  • Count Olaf invited Justice Strauss to play the part of the judge because… (he wanted to be neighbourly, as well as fatherly)
  • The children wished they knew something more about inheritance law because… (they were sure that Count Olaf had some plan how to get their money)
  • They decided to visit Justice Strauss and her library because… (they wanted to read some books about inheritance law)
  • The Baudelaire orphans laughed because… (they remembered the word which Count Olaf had used very ridiculously)
  • The children wanted to figure out Count Olaf’s plan as quickly as possible because… (Friday, the day of the performance, was only a few days off)

VII. Listening

Listen to the recording <Приложение 2> and guess who said that:

  • Aren’t raspberries delicious? (Count Olaf)
  • I’m sorry Mr Poe bothered you. (Violet)
  • Because I want the three of you to feel at home here. (Count Olaf)
  • But we’re shorter than most adults. (Klaus)
  • I am very handy with tools. (Violet)
  • Build the set? Heavens, no. (Count Olaf)
  • It’s a very important role although you have no lines other than “I do”. (Count Olaf)
  • Father, I’m not sure I’m talented enough to perform professionally. (Violet)
  • I can order you to participate and you must obey. (Count Olaf)
  • It seems to be very important to him, and we want to keep on his good side. (Klaus)
  • But he must be up to something. (Violet)
  • Killing us would do him no good. (Violet)
  • I’ll bet Count Olaf has cooked up some plan to get our money. (Klaus)
  • She’s a judge, so she must know all about the law. (Klaus)
  • Would somebody please wipe my face? (Sunny)
  • And we don’t want to be “standoffish”. (Klaus)

VIII. Summary (pairwork or groupwork)

This task will help you to prepare for the retelling of this chapter. If you put these cards in the right order you will get the summary. The task is really challenging as there are no capital letters or full points. <Приложение 3>

at breakfast the children are greeted by Count Olaf himself
who reveals that Mr Poe called him
to tell him about the children’s visit the day before
so as not to appear “standoffish”
Count Olaf gives them each a role in the play
being performed that Friday
and Violet is to be the bride in the play
to be married to Count Olaf himself
they are suspicious
so they decide to go to Justice Strauss’ library
to research inheritance law
because they believe Count Olaf is after their fortune

IX.Finishing the class

I hope it will be easier for you now to prepare the retelling of chapter 6.

We have a couple of minutes left, so let’s sum everything up. What did you manage to do during this class? (Revise vocabulary, practise reading, translating, listening and speaking, prepare for the retelling). And did you achieve your personal goals which were set up in the very beginning of the lesson?

(Give out the task for the next home reading class.)


  1. Audiobook, 2003, read by Tim Curry
  2. Snicket L. A Series of Unfortunate Events #1: The Bad Beginning.
  3. Сникет Лемони «Тридцать три несчастья: Скверное начало» (переводчик: Н.Л.Рахманова).