Открытый урок по теме "Какое твое хобби?" 5-й класс

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Класс: 5

Цели: активизация ранее усвоенной лексики.


  • Познавательные: знакомство с увлечениями, любимыми занятиями, досугом подростков
  • Развивающие: развитие мышления, воображения, внимания, способности к догадке по дефиниции.
  • Воспитывающие: умение работать в группе, коллективно находить пути решения проблемы.
  • Обучающие: активация ранее усвоенной лексики, тренировать детей во всех видах речевой деятельности, развитие умения читать с разными стратегиями, проверка уровня сформированности навыков и развития умений по различным видам речевой деятельности.

Оснащение урока: иллюстративный материал по теме, дидактические карточки-задания.


1. Организационный момент

–  Good afternoon, boys and girls.
–  I’m glad to see you here. (We are glad to see you, too.)
–  How are you today? I hope you are all feeling well today. And now let’s begin.

2. Объяснение темы, целей, задач урока

– Let’s begin by looking at the board. Here is the task for you.
– Put the letters in right square and you’ll know the topic of our lesson

The letter O is on the right of H
Two letters B are after O
Y is after B

– Today we are going to talk about hobby. We’ll revise the vocabulary,
– We’ll have some fun, we’ll read the text ”hobby”, you’ll tell us about your hobbies.

3. Речевая + фонетическая зарядка:

I like dancing,
They like swimming
She likes reading
He likes singing,
And what about you?

– Answer this question, use these phrases:

I like …
I enjoy …
I’m fond of …
I get pleasure from …
I’m keen on …

4. Активизация ранее усвоенной лексики:

– Let’s revise the vocabulary we discussed the previous lesson playing some games.
How is your vocabulary?
– You’ll  see one letter of the alphabet on the board, write down all the words you can think of that begins with this letter.

S – swimming, snooker, singing
C – cartoon, cycling, computer games.

You’ll never guess.
– How did you get on with your H/w? Did you find it difficult?
– You were to write 4 sentences about one of the hobbies.
– Get ready with your sentences. You’ll read a brief description of some hobby for the others in the class to guess. You have 4 sentences. There should be 4 sentences in the description beginning with the less obvious details and moving toward those that make it easier for the others to guess. You will get 4points after hearing the 1st sentence,  3 points after –  the 2nd sentence, 2 points after – the 3d, 1point after – the 4th sentence

Triple definitions: каждый ученик рисует сетку для игры в крестики-нолики и выбирает 6 слов из числа написанных на доске. Он выписывает эти 6 слов в свои 6 ячеек на бумаге. Например, можно выбрать следующие слова и вписать их в таком порядке:

Film dancing swimming
Collecting  playing football Book

Reading                                          travelling
Film                                                dancing
Cartoon                                          gardening
Collecting                                       swimming
Music                                             playing football

Учитель в произвольном порядке берет слова из числа написанных, и, не называя,дает им определение. Например:

Reading – look at smith written say, understand, say it aloud
Film – a motion picture such as those shown on TV
Cartoon – an animated film
Collecting – bring things together, obtain examples as a hobby
Music – you can listen to it
Sports – a game, pastime especially outdoors
Book – you can read it
Traveling – move from place to place visit different countries
Dancing – a set of movements used in dancing
Gardening – a hobby when people plant trees, flowers
Swimming  – be in the water for pleasure
Football – the ball is used in this game.

Когда слово в сетке ученика совпадет с определением, данным учителем, ученик перечеркивает это слово. Первый, кто перечеркнет все слова – победил.

5. Работа над текстом: “Hobby”

What is a hobby? It is what you like to do when you have free time. Hobbies differ like tastes. The most popular hobbies among children are collecting computer games, post-cards, coins, music, drawing and so on. Children who are interested in collecting computer games like to play on the computer. They buy new compact discs o exchange them with their friends. Some children are interested in modern music. They collect records and cassettes of the most popular pop-singers and pop-groups. Many children like to play the piano or the guitar. They do it with great pleasure. Some children like to spend their free time in he countryside. They are fond of nature. There is an opinion that hobbies help children to choose their future profession.
Read the text on your own very carefully. Would you like anything to be explained? Is       everything clear? You’ve read the text, so let’s see how much you have understood. Now I want you to do some tasks.

Give English equivalents for the following words, phrases:

– иметь свободное время
– различаться
– коллекционирование монет
– интересоваться
– покупать новые диски
– обмениваться
– делать с удовольствием
– сельская местность
– выбирать

Give Russian equivalents for the following:

To play on the computer
Modern music
To play the piano, the guitar

Give synonyms for:

Leisure time = free time
To be keen on = to be interested in
Big = great

Complete my sentences, using the information from the text:

Hobby is what you like to do when …
Those who are fond of nature their hobby is …
Hobbies help children …

True or false. State whether the statement is right or wrong. If the statement is not right, give the correct one.

1. The most popular hobby among children is parachuting.
2. Children buy compact discs because they like to play computer games.
3. If children are fond of nature, they spend their free time in towns.
4. Hobbies help children to choose their future profession.

Make up questions and ask questions using these words. Let’s ask some questions on the topic “Hobby”.

What    is
a hobby?
the most popular hobbies?
children collect?
children buy, if  they like to play on the computer?
children buy?

6. Составить рассказ по конспекту

– Now will you tell me the same story in your own words? I want you to tell me the story we’ve just read in your own words. These cards will help you.

7. Объяснение домашнего задания:

–  Tell about your hobby. Ex. 1, p. 181.

8. Подведение итогов урока

– It’s time to finish our lesson. I suppose now you know what hobby is, what the most popular hobbies are. I’m sure you deserve excellent good marks today. Thank you for your fruitful work. Have a nice day, my dears!