Урок-КВН "People speak English all over the world". 7-й класс

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Класс: 7

Цели и задачи: Обобщение и систематизация лексики и грамматики раздела “English-speaking countries” (УМК Биболетова М.З., Турбанева Н.Н.) в игровой форме.


  • Развитие коммуникативных навыков.
  • Воспитание и развитие творческой личности, умеющей ориентироваться в любой речевой ситуации.

Оборудование: Интерактивная доска, компьютер, карточки с заданиями.

Подготовка к игре: Каждая группа заранее выбирает командира, придумывает название команды и ее девиз, выполняет домашнее задание – подготовить сценку, или номер художественной самодеятельности, которые подтверждают название команды.

Жюри состоит из старшеклассников.

План урока.

I. Организационный момент:

1) Приветствие.
2) Вступительная речь учителя.
3) Представление жюри и жеребьевка команд.

II. Учебная деятельность:

1) Приветствие команд.
2) Состязание команд.

III. Итоги урока (игры):

1) Подведение итогов игры и награждение команд.
2) Анализ ответов и оценивание учащихся.
3) Рефлексия.

Приложение 1, Приложение 2, Приложение 3

Ход урока

I. Представление команд

1-я команда – название, девиз: My team’s name was – Glowworms.

Moto- The only unsinkable ship is friendship. The song- “The Yellow submarine”

Инсценировка песни.

2-я команда – название, девиз:

Домашнее задание (номер творческой самодеятельности).

II. Речевая разминка.

Do the quiz “How much English do you know?”

1. Translate into Russian:

  1. The Lord of Ring
  2. Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone
  3. Alice in Wonderland

2. Say the name of:

  1. three drinks in English
  2. three English/ American films
  3. three computer games in English
  4. three holidays of GB or the USA

3. Translate into English:

  1. гостиница
  2. электронная почта
  3. Млечный Путь

4. Say a line from an English song.

5. Think of cartoon characters and say the English for:

А) Белоснежка
Б) утка
С) мышь

III. Конкурс команд. “Guess the COUNTRY and name: its capital, nationalities, and languages. Say, what the country looks like.

IV. Flags and National Emblems of English– Speaking Countries. Задание : Match flags and National Emblems. Name the country.






National Emblems.






V. Try to explain each letter in the word “English”

Example: D – different


(Члены команды выбегают к доске и записывают слова. Побеждает та команда, которая быстрее и правильнее запишет слова)

VI. Listen and say why the children are at school in summer.

Azuko Annika Sasha

VII. Say the reasons for learning English.

(Монологические высказывания. Оценивается грамматическое, лексическое и фонетическое оформление речи)

VIII. Grammar test.

Choose the best variant.

1. This film about Great Britain … next week.

A. will show
B. is showing
C. will be shown

2. When I rang Mike yesterday, he …

A. learns English
B. learnt English
C. was learning English

3. What is the most beautiful city you …?

A. have ever visited
B. will ever visit
C. ever visited

4. The police have caught the man … stole the car.

A. which
B. who
C. what

5. Which is … Country in the world that occupies a whole continent?

A. only
B. one
C. the only

6. When she was 25 she … a lot.

A. uses to travel
B. used to travel
C. am use to travel

7. His money … on the table.

A. is
B. were
C. have been

8. If you … to the USA, you’ll certainly see the Statue of Liberty.

A. go
B. will go
C. would go

9. I will leave for Wellington ... 7 November.

A. in
B. at
C. on

IX. Reflection.

I liked / didn’t like the lesson very much because it was interesting / funny / boring /difficult / easy for me.

Easy Difficult

I would like to…

Choose the number(s) which describe/s your feelings and emotions at the end of the lesson:

1 — very happy
2 — liked everything very much
3 — want to have more lessons like this
4 — enjoyed myself during the lesson
5 — everything is OK
6 — didn’t understand a lot of things
7 — sick and tired
8 — very angry
9 — very unhappy

Текст к аудированию.

Interviewer: Welcome to Plymouth summer language school. Summer is the holiday season but a lot of children choose to go to school in summer to learn English. Why do they need English? Let’s ask them. Excuse me, can I ask you a few questions?

Azuko: Yes, sure.

Interviewer: What’s your name and where are you from?

Azuko: My name’s Azuko and I’m from Japan.

Interviewer: Why are you here, at school in summer?

Azuko: I’m learning English and it’s a summer school.

Interviewer: Why are you learning English?

Azuko: I like playing computer games. I have a lot of friends all over the world. I write e-mails to them. I think it’s important to speak to people from different countries. I learn about different cultures. And I want to go to a college in England.

Interviewer: Thank you, Azuko. Hello, could you answer a question for me, please? Why are you at a summer school learning English?

Annika: My name’s Annika and I’m from Germany. When I finish school I want to go to Hollywood and be an actress. I listen to lots of songs. I want to know English to understand what they sing about. And I learn English at my school in Germany. It’s great because you need English everywhere.

Interviewer: Thank you, Annika.

And what about you?

Sasha: My name’s Sasha and I’m from Russia. All my friends are on holiday now and I’m here at school. But I have more fun because I’m learning English and I serf the Internet a lot. There are lots of interesting websites in English about everything. And of course I need English to read my favourite books about Harry Potter and Sherlock Holmes.

Interviewer: Thank you very much, Sasha. As you see there are lots of reasons to learn English. Come to Plymouth and learn English with us. We’re the best language school and we have the best teachers and the best students.