Урок английского языка «Britain and Its People at a Glance» (Form 8)

Разделы: Иностранные языки


1. Образовательная:

  • развивать умение читать с полным пониманием содержания;
  • формировать лексические и грамматические навыки говорения;
  • формировать навык устно-речевого общения в логике технологии диалога культур.

2. Развивающая:

  • развивать и активизировать речемыслительную деятельность учащихся;
  • развивать способности к сравнению и сопоставлению.

3. Воспитательная: формировать уважительное отношение к ценностям культуры.


  • совершенствовать навыки чтения и устно-речевого общения;
  • развивать беглость и гибкость речи;
  • развивать умение систематизировать информацию из предложенного текста.

Ход урока

1. Look at the words and try to guess what the text is about.

а kilt, a clan, a plaid, a sporran, a tartan, fabric, distinguishing, trews, distinctive, a shawl, conical, a brim, is rich in, leather, special occasion, belong to, costume, national character

2. Read the text, match the national costumes and the countries, say what the Scottish national costume can tell us about.

Unlike many other countries, the British do not have anything that can be called a British national costume. Though Britain is rich in folklore and traditions, there is nothing like national costume. Still there are national costumes in Scotland and Wales.

The most well-known national costume in Britain is of course the one of Scotland. It can be seen in many places, especially at Highland Games. It is worn by some Scottish clansmen and Scottish troops. Many people wear Scottish national costume on special occasions, if they are Scottish. The costume consists of a kilt, a plaid and a sporran. The kilt is a skirt, and younger children have much fun looking at strong men wearing what they call “skirts”. But it is very important to know that not any skirt is a kilt. The kilt is a piece of tartan, which is a very special and distinguishing fabric. The kilt is worn by both men and women, as you can see in “Brave Heart”. Sometimes trews, or tartan trousers, are worn instead. Every clan or big Scottish family, has its own choice of colours and a distinctive design of tartan, by which one can understand what clan you belong to. So by a Scot`s clothes you can say what family it is from, married or not, and some other things. The plaid is made of tartan as well. But the sporran is not. It is a leather purse worn in front of the kilt and sewn of goatskin.

The Welsh national costume has a long history, as well as the Scottish one but unlike the latter is worn only by women. It includes a long dress, a shawl worn on the shoulders and the famous Welsh hat – a black conical or cylindrical hat with a wide brim. (ЕГЭ 2005)

Рисунок 1 Рисунок 2 Рисунок 3
  • http://evans-experientialism.freewebspace.com/welshfolk.jpg
  • http://lady-uspech.ru/wp-content/uploads/2011/11/Kilt3.jpg
  • http://fashiony.ru/pic/clothing/pic/28738/43.jpg

3. Match the meaning of the words.

a kilt   trousers
a plaid   material
trews   leather bag with fur
a shawl   a skirt
a sporran   a thing worn on shoulders
fabric   something like a wide scarf

4. Complete the sentences.

  1. Britain is rich in ...
  2. The most well-known national costume in Britain is ...
  3. The costume can be seen ...
  4. The costume is worn by ...
  5. The national costume consists of ...
  6. Not any skirt is ...
  7. The kilt is a piece of ...
  8. Every clan or big Scottish family has ...
  9. The plaid is made of ...
  10. The sporran is ...
  11. The Welsh national costume has ...

5. Agree or disagree using the following phrases: I fully agree that ..., I am sorry it is wrong, I can be mistaken but I think, I absolutely disagree that ...

  1. The British don`t have anything that can be called a British national costume.
  2. There are national costumes in Wales and England.
  3. The Scottish national costume is worn every day by everybody.
  4. The costume consists of a kilt, a plaid and high boots.
  5. The kilt is worn by both men and women.
  6. There is nothing to wear instead of a kilt.
  7. By the colour and design one can understand what clan a person belongs to.
  8. The sporran is a fur bag in front of the kilt.
  9. The Welsh national costume is worn by both men and women.
  10. The Welsh costume includes a long dress, a shawl and a Welsh hat.

6. Choose the proper preposition

  1. Britain is rich (by, at, in) customs, traditions and legends.
  2. The well-known Scottish traditional costume can be seen (in, at, in front of) Highland Games.
  3. People all over the world wear national costumes (in, on, at) special occasions.
  4. Tourists enjoy looking (at, on, by) strong men wearing skirts.
  5. The Welsh costume is worn (at, with, by) women.
  6. Every clan has its own choice (with, between, of) colours.
  7. The Scottish costume consists (of, at, in) a kilt, a plaid and a sporran.
  8. By the colour of tartan everybody can understand what clan a person belongs (of, in, to).

7. Work in pairs. Put assumption questions to each sentence (ex.4) and answer them in a turn.

Eg.: The kilt is worn by both men and women. Is that so?

8. You are a British teen. What would you tell your Russian friends about national costumes of your country.

9. Your British friend invites you to the Russian tea party held in his school. He is interested in the Russian national costume because his teacher asked him to draw a picture of it. Accept his invitation and answer his questions about the national dress.

Use: to wear a sarafan and a shawl, a long sleeved shirt with embroidery, a winter fur coat and valenky.

Use the prompts:

Greeting----------------------------------- Greeting.

Invitation --------------------------------- Accepting. Asking for details.

Giving information --------------------- Asking for further information.

Asking for help ------------------------- Giving consent and information about the costume.

Thanking -------------------------------- Thanking.

  • Use the vocabulary: Wow! Yuppie!
  • a piece of cake – плевая работа;
  • be all ears – ждать с нетерпением;
  • from the bottom of my heart – от чистого сердца.

10. Write down your homework: to prepare a report and to draw a picture of any national costume.