Тип урока: Обобщение и закрепление изученного материала.
Триединая дидактическая цель:
- Обучающая:
- создать условия для практического усвоения лексического материала, развития диалогической и монологической речи по теме.
- создание условий для обучения ведению диалога – расспроса, и отработки речевых умений запрашивать и сообщать фактическую информацию.
- создать условия для осознанного восприятия новой медицинской терминологии и решения лингвистических задач.
- Развивающая:
- развивать навыки говорения, слушания, чтения и письма.
- развивать общеучебные навыки логического построения текста, анализа, сравнения, обобщения.
- осмысление и оценка учащимися проектов своих одноклассников по теме.
- Воспитывающая:
- прививать интерес к культуре стран изучаемого языка.
Оборудование урока: компьютер, проектор, презентации учащихся (домашнее индивидуальное задание), клипы из художественных фильмов «Укрощение строптивого» (А. Челентано) – Италия, «Ч.Чаплин», «Друзья», «Обыкновенный фашизм»; отрывки из концертных выступлений М. Задорнова, М. Галкина, Е. Петросяна, "Comedy Club".
На проекторе вопросы для беседы по теме «Твоя любимая юмористическая телепередача» или «Твой любимый юморист Российской эстрады».
Share your opinion about one of your favourite Russian comedians:
- What type of comedy does he represent?
- Where have you seen him?
- Do you think he is popular in our country?
- Why is he your favourite comedian?
- Why do you like his comedy?
Предварительные групповые домашние задания:
- Составление викторины о разных жанрах юмора (3 человека);
- Составление презентации «Мой любимый комический актер» (3-4 слайда, 5 человек);
- Инсценировка английских анекдотов (5 человек).
Ход урока
I. Оргмомент. Целеполагание.
Тему урока сообщает учитель. Цель урока предлагается сформулировать детям.
II. Закрепление знаний терминов по теме.
Т – What types of comedy do you know?
PI – stand-up comedy; P2 – satire; P3 – mime;
P4 – situation comedy; P5 – slapstick
III. Просмотр клипов из фильмов «Ч.Чаплин», «Обыкновенный фашизм», «Маска», «Фантомас», «Друзья»
Учащиеся определяют жанры сатиры («Ч. Чаплин» – mime, «Обыкновенный фашизм» – satire. «Маска» – slapstick, «Фантомас» – slapstick, «Друзья» – situation comedy).
IV. Проверка домашнего задания – составление викторины.
Т – Now, you are going to work in pairs. We start our comedy quiz about different types comedy.
PI – What type of comedy has no words, just actions?
Partner (возможный вариант ответа) – It's a mime. Mime has no dialogues, just actions. Charlie Chaplin was a famous mime actor. Yuriy Askarov is a famous mime nowadays.
P2 – What type of comedy makes a joke or fun of society or politicians?
Partner ( возможный вариант ответа) – It's a satire. Satire usually imitates something about a society, for e.g. it's politicians and makes fun of them.
P3 – What type of comedy are usually 60 minute TV shows shown weekly?
Partner (возможный вариант ответа) – They are situation comedies which last for an hour and are broadcast regularly, often once a week. They have the same
characters in each episode and you see the things that happen to them in their everyday lives. Well known examples are "Friends", "Interns" "Univer", "Happy together" etc.
P4 – What type of comedies involves accidents and comedians, hitting each other or throwing things at each other?
Partner (возможный вариант ответа) – Slapstick involves the comedians throwing things at each other, hitting each other or having accidents. Laurel and Hardy are examples of slapstick comedians.
P5 – What type of comedians tell jokes in clubs and theatres? Partner (возможный вариант ответа) – 1 think they are stand-up comedians. There are many of them on the Russian stage like Zadornov, Galkin, Galustyan, Rewa, Harlamov and others.
T – What about slapstick cartoons? Are they popular everywhere and why?
PI (возможный вариант ответа) – Slapstick and cartoons are popular everywhere because they are largely visual.
The international success of Charlie Chaplin, Laurel and Hardy, Jim Carry and cartoons like "The Simpsons" proves this.
V. Фронтальная беседа.
a) T – What's your opinion? Is the same joke always funny in all the countries? What does it depend on?
PI – People in every part of the world have their own particular sense of humour. A Swedish joke is not necessarily funny in Saudi, Arabia and a British joke isn't always funny in Japan.
This is because many types of comedy, such as stand-up comedy, satire and TV sit-coms depend on individual national culture.
Демонстрация эпизода из фильма «Укрощение строптивого», когда герои смотрят фильм с участием Чарли Чаплина, включая эпизод, когда героиня падает с лестницы и плачет, а герой смеется. Беседа по этому эпизоду
Т – Do the characters understand each other? Why?
b) T – What foreign comedians do you know? What type of comedy do they represent?
PI – I'd like to tell you about Laurel and Hardy. They made excellent silent films. Stan Laurel and Englishman worked in theatre and film in the USA for 10 years before achieving success with Oliver Hardy, the American.
P2 – Let me introduce you Jim Carry. He was an extrovert child who was born and brought up in Toronto, Canada. After his father lost his job Jim had to work and started his career performing at comedy clubs. In 1994 he shot to success as the start of the film "Ace Ventura. Pet Detective" Sony paid him $20 million to make "The Cable Guy" the highest amount ever paid to an actor for one film – up to that time!
P3 – I'd like to tell you about Mr. Bean who is one of the most famous characters created by actor Rowan Atkinson. He does not talk and is walking disaster area. Mr. Bean started as a TV series in the UK but he has since appeared in a film which has been very popular all over the world. In one way, Mr. Bean's a very selfish character. The reason he gets into trouble is because he's quite clumsy and behaves badly and he doesn't care about anybody else. But in another way he's also sweet and innocent. I'd like to ask you some questions: – Have you ever seen any Mr. Bean films? – Which ones?
– Can you tell us about them? – Did you like them? – Why? Why not?
P4 – Here is the most popular mime in the world Charlie Chaplin. With shoes and trousers too big for him, and jacket too tight, moustache, bowler hat and walking cane the famous tramp portrayed by Charlie Chaplin as the little man suffering all unfair things of life. He produced a figure that would be immortal in film history. Charlie Chaplin was born in London as the son of a poor variety artist and appeared on the stage when was a child. During a tour of the USA in 1913 he was offered an engagement by the Keystone film company. His role in the film "The Tramp" made him world-famous during the 1920s. He also played in such films as "The Child" and "The Gold Rush" produced by United Artists, a film company he founded in 1919 together with Mary Pickford and others. Chaplin continued his work when the "talkies" appeared and produced such film as "Modern Times" and his masterpiece "The Great Dictator". After the Second World War he settled down in Switzerland. He died in 1977.
Although he became famous in the USA he remained a British citizen all his life.
Ответы учащихся иллюстрируются наглядным материалом в виде слайдов презентации и отрывков из фильмов.
VI. Групповая самостоятельная работа.
Т – The tasks to the group are the following: make up short stories of 10-15 sentences on the topic "Masters of Humor in Russia" (Михаил Задорнов, Аркадий Райкин, КВН, «Comedy Club», «Большая разница» и т.д.).
Далее следует презентация рассказов каждой группы учащихся, остальные группы задают вопросы по выслушанному материалу.
VII. Английские «6 кадров». Инсценирование английских анекдотов (по домашнему заданию).
Т – We watch many fanny things in our life every day. We see a lot of humour programmers on TV, we read a lot of comics in the newspapers, magazines and books.
Sometimes we like them and laugh at them. Sometimes they don't seem funny or interesting.
We have read a lot offunny stories with you in class and I ask you to choose the one which seemed the funniest to you.
Please act out or retell this joke to the class and let's see if everyone finds the joke really funny.
PI. Once an old gentleman went to see a doctor. The doctor examined him and said:
"Medicine won't help you. You must have a complete rest. Go to a quiet country place for a month, go to bed early, drink milk, walk a lot, and smoke just one cigar a day."
"Thank you very much," said the old gentleman. "I shall do everything you say."
A month later the gentleman came to the doctor again. "How do you do!" said the doctor, "I am very glad to see you. You look much younger."
"Oh, doctor," said the gentleman, "I feel quite well now. I had a good rest. I went to bed early. I drank a lot of milk. I walked a lot. Your advice certainly helped me. But you told me to smoke one cigar a day, and that one cigar a day almost killed me at first. It's no joke to start smoking at my age."
– What was funny for you about this joke?
(Sample answer): The doctor thought that his patient smoked, when in reality he didn't. The patient had so much confidence in the doctor that he began to smoke thinking that it would help his health. It's really funny.
P2. A traveller whose name was Mr. Brown was a very light eper. One night he stopped at a small hotel and after some le he fell into a sound sleep. Suddenly he heard a loud knock the door and nervously sat up in bed. "What's the matter?" he asked.
"Package downstairs for you, sir," said the boy-servant. "Well, let it stay there; it can wait till morning." The boy went away and for a very long time the traveller could not fall asleep. When at last he fell asleep, he heard knock again. "Well, what's up now?" asked he angrily. "It's not for you, that package, Mr. Brown," said the boy is time.
– What was funny about Mr. Brown and the boy-servant in this story?
(sample answer): The boy-servant bothered Mr. Brown twice about the package which didn't belong to him.
P3. Nick and his father went to see his grandmother. In the train Nick put his head out of the window every minute.
His father said: "Nick, keep quiet! Don't put your head out of the window," but Nick did not obey him.
Then his father took Nick's cap quietly, hid it behind his back and said: "You see, your cap has flown."
Nick began to cry. His father said: "Whistle and your cap will come back."
Nick whistled and his father put the cap on Nick's head. Nick was happy. He took his father's cap quickly and threw it out of the window.
"Now it's your turn to whistle, Dad," said he gaily.
Did Nick understand the joke?
P4. Father took his little daughter to the movies. He occupied a seat in the middle of the theatre, while the young lady went down to the front row to join some other children. The newsreel was showing a forest fire, which frightened the little girl and she came back to take a seat beside her father.
"What's the matter?" he asked. "Did the fire frighten you?" "Oh, no," she replied. "The smoke got into my eyes."
– Did the smoke really get into the girl's eyes?
(Sample answer): Of course , not. Smoke was only in the film, but the girls was frightened by the fire and pretended to be scared of the smoke. She didn't want her father to know that she was frightened by the fire.
P5. This is a story that Charlie Chaplin liked to tell about himself. It happened when the great actor had become world famous. A theatre announced that a competition would be held to see who could act like Charlie Chaplin. Those taking part had to dress like Chaplin, walk like Chaplin and act out one of the roles in a Chaplin picture.
When Charlie Chaplin heard about the competition, he decided, as a joke, to take part in the competition himself. Naturally, he kept his plan a secret from everybody.
When the results of the competition were announced, Chaplin found out that he had failed – he hadn't won the first prize. At first he was greatly disappointed but then he decided that it would be the best to laugh.
– How is it possible that Charlie Chaplin did not win the contest? Do you think it's funny?
(sample answer): It's very funny. Chaplin at first was mad because he wanted the prize but then he decided it was quite funny.
T – Laughter is one of society's riches and gifts. Those who make us laugh have a special place in our hearts and society. Comedy throughout the world, although it is quite different, shares the same purpose. It provides good mood, laughter and light heartiness.
VIII. Рефлексия. Подведение итогов урока.
Т – This lesson was quite enjoyable to prepare not only for myself but also for you, my students. Let's try to remind what we were doing during the lesson.
- Revising the terms about different kinds of humour;
- Getting to know foreign and Russian comedians;
- Watching and discussion clips from funny films;
- Talking about interesting Humor TV show;
- Making fun at the English jokes.
T – What else would you like to know on this theme?
(Учащиеся хотят узнать о российских и английских писателях-юмористах)
IX. Домашнее задание.
Прочитать юмористический рассказ и кратко передать его содержание.
X. Заключительное слово учителя.
I want to thank all of you for good preparation for this lesson. And I'm pleased to announce that everyone received "a five "for their work.