Урок английского языка "Young We Were and Our Best" с технологией мастерских

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Учебный аспект:

  • введение лексики по данной теме;
  • ознакомительное и изучающее чтение; понимание необходимой, запрашиваемой информации;
  • формирование и развитие навыков неподготовленной речи;
  • аудирование с общим охватом содержания;
  • развитие умения фиксировать основные мысли в письменном виде.

Развивающий аспект:

  • развитие коммуникабельности;
  • самостоятельности;
  • умения сотрудничать;
  • развитие интеллектуальных поисковых усилий, способности предвосхищать события, воображать, сравнивать, анализировать, логически излагать.

Воспитательный аспект:

  • воспитание у учащихся патриотизма, чувства гордости за свою Родину;
  • формирование системы знаний истории Отечества

Тип урока: урок формирования новых знаний

Форма урока: технология мастерских, что предполагает следующие этапы:

  • индукцию (наведение, создание эмоционального настроя, отношения к теме);
  • самоконструкцию (этап индивидуального приобретения новых знаний);
  • социоконструкцию (работу в малых группах, перенос знаний);
  • социализацию (афиширование результатов работы групп);
  • разрыв (внутреннее осознание участником мастерской неполноты старых знаний, понимание того, что теперь ты знаешь что-то новое);
  • рефлексию (отражение чувств и ощущений уч-ся).

Оборудование: слайды с изображением памятника в Трептов-парке в Берлине, раздаточный материал.


  1. Педагогические мастерские. Франция-Россия / Под ред. Э.С. Соколовой. – М.: Новая школа, 1997.
  2. Селевко Г.К. Современные образовательные технологии // Народное образование, 1998.
  3. Speak Out /Журнал для изучающих английский язык. – # 6-2002.

Young We Were and Did Our Best

1.Warming up

Teacher. Good morning! Nice to meet you.

Youth is the best time in the life of a man. We are going to speak about it at our lesson.

2. Checking Homework

1). Speaking, Listening to the classmates. Приложение 1.ppt

Teacher. At home you have interviewed your parents and grandparents about their youth. Р1, whom do you want to speak about? All the rest make notes in Card 1. Write down the information about the mentioned years, persons, organizations or groupings they were involved, music, image, activities.

Card 1

Speakers Years Who is spoken about Organization or grouping Activities Image Music Mark


0-1 answer – – 4 answers – ‘4’
2-3 answers – ‘3’ 5 – 6 answers – ‘5 ‘

Подготовленные презентации обучающихся о юности бабушек, дедушек, родителей. Остальные по ходу прослушивания заполняют информацию.

2). Checking Up

Teacher. Now pass around your cards to the Speakers, They will check up the information.

Выступающие проверяют ответы (Card 1). Во время проверки звучит музыка.

3. The Main Part. They made a step to eternity...

Teacher. So the youth of your parents was interesting, full of different activities. As for our grandparents and great grandparents their young years were difficult and hard because of the Great Patriotic War.

This part of the lesson we are going to devote to those whose Youth was connected with this period in the history of our country.

More than 60 years have passed since those heroic and tragic days. We are living in a different country today. Everything has changed. Even its name, new heroes have come. But we have no right to forget what our grandparents did in the name of Victory, in the name of Motherland, in the name of life on the Earth.

1). Phonetic Ex.

Teacher. The soviet soldiers and officers fought bravely at the fronts. Today we are going to recollect some episodes of that war.

First, let’s practise the pronunciation of the words written on the blackboard. What do these words mean? You may consult in groups.

(Ps. читают слова, записанные на доске, соотнеся их с транскрипцией).

Soldier, spring, May, victory, monument, brave, battle, hero, attack, , war, officer, weapon,

2). Matching words and their definitions. Individual Work

  1. the fact of winning;
  2. a very brave man;
  3. a commander in the armed forces;
  4. sth people use in a fight
  5. a fight between enemies;
  6. a memorial;
  7. courageous, fearless;
  8. a season when we celebrate Victory Day;
  9. a month in spring;
  10. opposite to ‘peace’;
  11. an action opposed to enemies
  1. spring
  2. victory
  3. battle
  4. attack
  5. brave
  6. May
  7. hero
  8. monument
  9. war
  10. weapon
  11. officer

3). Filling in WW. Working in Groups

Teacher. What words do you associate with the GPW? Fill in the Word Web

Ps заполняют WW

1) самостоятельно;
2) обмениваются в группах по 3-4 человека;
3) представители от групп афишируют результаты, вывешивая свои карточки на доске

4) Speaking. Working in Groups

Teacher. You have mentioned that the heroes of the GPW are honored in different ways. And one of them is constructing monuments. Look at the monument and give more details. Work in groups. Fill in the table.

(Звучит музыка. Уч-ся рассматривают памятник и дают его более подробное описывание).Приложение 1.ppt Записи фиксируют в таблице “Я думаю./ Я знаю./ Хочу узнать” 1) самостоятельно, 2) обмениваются в группах по 2-3 человека, 3) представители от групп афишируют результаты

I know

I think

I’d like to know

This is a soldier. He is dressed in field uniform; he is looking from his pedestal into the distance. In the right hand he is having a heavy sword, in the left hand he is carefully holding a little girl The monument is to a Soviet Army soldier. What girl is it? Who is the author of the monument?

5). Crossword

Teacher. Look once more at the monument. You will learn where it is if you do the crossword. Use the words you have learned. Card 2.


  1. the fact of winning;
  2. a very brave man;
  3. a commander in the armed forces;
  4. smth people use in a fight
  5. a fight between enemies;
  6. a memorial;
  7. courageous, fearless;
  8. a season when we celebrate Victory Day;
  9. a month in spring;
  10. opposite to “peace”;
  11. an action opposed to enemies

4. Reading.

Чтение с извлечением необходимой информации, умение предвосхищать события, определять основную идею текста.

Teacher. Nothing, nobody must be forgotten. The life of a hero will go on because of those who remember him.

1). As a proof read a story about an old man and his son. Приложение 2.doc. Your task is to predict the end of the story. (Уч-ся читают часть рассказа, высказывают свои предположения, чем закончится рассказ). Read the end of the story.
2). Name the characters of the story. Приложение 3.ppt
3). Work in groups. Card 3.
1) group – find out the words characterizing the old man
2) group – find out the words describing his son
3) group – find out the words describing the soldier
4) group – find out the words about the man who used to know the man and his son.

Уч-ся соотносят людей и их поступки/действия. Card 3.

1. An old man 2. The son 3. A young soldier 4. A man who used to know the old man & his son 5. An auctioneer 6. The Art Collectors
  1. was a widower, had an only son.
  2. was rich, collected paintings.
  3. came to the auction, because he used to know the old man and his son.
  4. came to the auction to buy some pictures.
  5. served his country, saved many soldiers.
  6. was killed in a battle.
  7. was an artist.
  8. painted the portrait of the son.
  9. declared the will of the old man.
  10. got the portrait and all the pictures

Teacher. I want you to underline the main idea. Read it aloud.

Ps: the old man realized that even though his son was no longer with him, the boy's life would go on because of those who remembered him.

5. Рефлексия

So for the old man the memory of his son was much more valuable than any wealth. And so it must be. We have no right to forget what grandparents did in the name of our country.

Our time is up. We have done a good bit of work during the lesson. Now mark your progress & feelings in the Control Card

Card 4

I took part in

It was




  1. speaking about my relatives;
  2. listening to my friends & filling in the table;
  3. phonetic exercising;
  4. matching words with their definitions;
  5. filling in the Word Web;
  6. doing the crossword;
  7. speaking;
  8. reading and discussing
