Открытый урок по теме "Музыка в нашей жизни"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Тип урока: комбинированный урок – практикум, комплексное применение учащимися знаний, умений и навыков.

Место урока: обобщающий урок по теме «Музыка в нашей жизни».

Формируемые общеучебные умения:

  • учебно-управленческие умения – научится работать в команде над решением единой проблемы;
  • учебно-информационные умения – умение работать со словарём, уметь извлекать необходимую информацию;
  • учебно-критические умения – умение критически делать выводы, выражать свою точку зрения;

Отличительные черты данного урока: применение компьютерных технологий.

Одна из индивидуальных тем урока:

  • творческий мини-проект;
  • умение работать в тестовом редакторе «My Tests».

Цели урока:

  • обучающая – выработка у учащихся умений и навыков, рациональной организации умственной деятельности,
  • воспитывающая – формирование собственного мировоззрения, осуществление нравственного, эстетического воспитания, умение работать в коллективе,
  • развивающая – усиление коммуникативных свойств речи, развитие воображения, памяти, внимания, развитие речевой реакции.

Оборудование: магнитофон, компьютер, проектор, диск с учебным материалом, ноутбуки для детей, индивидуальные карточки для детей.

Ход урока

I. Орг. момент.

А) беседа с классом

– Good morning children!

– Good morning!

– I am glad to see you! How are you!

– Fine, thanks.

– What date is it today? – Today is the 12-th of December, Monday, Winter. Do you like winter? I like winter, because it is a beautiful season. (Звучит легкая музыка).

T. – So, today we are going to speak about your favorite kind of music, compare modern and classical music, and listen to your opinions and feelings. So the topic of our lesson is “Music in our life”.

The problem of the lesson is all people in the world like to listen different styles of music. And what about you? Do you like to listen music?

The items of the lesson is

  1. Listen of the text.
  2. Answer the questions.
  3. Discuss what styles of music do you prefer to listen?
  4. Read the text.
  5. Make mini – projects.
  6. Make own tests.

(слайд 2-4)

II. Речевая разминка.

– So, music accompanies us all the time. Music reflects our life, we can say, that our life gives birth to music but life is different that’s why there are different styles of music. Let’s speak about the styles of music.

(на доске нарисовано дерево в основании, которого написано слово ‘LIFE”, учащиеся называют известные стили музыки, учитель прикрепляет листы с их названиями на дереве.)

T. – Let’s speak about the styles of music. What is it mean by the term “folk music”?

P1 –These are songs that were created by ordinary people. This music reflects the traditions of the country.

T. – What can you say about rock music?

P2- It is played on electrical instruments and reapers a few simple phrases. It was made popular by Elvis Presley.

T. – What do you know about heavy metal music?

P3 – It’s loud music with a strong bet and with the electrical guitar. The singers often have long hair and wear black clothes.

Вып. Упр. 56, с. 54. (Let’s make ex. 56, p. 54.)

III. Аудирование.

а) (слайд 5).

(установка для прослушивания текста – Now children, we shall listen the text, you must listen it very attentively, then I’ll give you tasks of this text and you must do it)

T. – Listen to the teenagers talk about their music preferences and match the names of the pop stars with the speakers. (с. 36 94 фото, таблица Enjoy English).

б) (слайд 6) – проверить правильность выполнения задания.

б) Диалогическая речь.

T. – I’ll give you situation about the music and you must make your own dialogues on these situations.

  1. – Do you like to listen to operas?
    – Oh, no.
    – Why not?
    – Oh, it’s so boring and annoying.
    – And what music do you prefer?
    – I enjoy drum and bass music.
    – That’s really nice!
    – Yes, it’s modern, popular and exciting at the same time!

  2. – Have you ever heard about L. Webber, the British composer?
    – Yes, I have heard this name, I know his music.
    – What music did he compose?
    – He composed rock operas and musicals.
    – What operas?
    – The first opera was “J. Christ – superstar” with Yan Galan, in the main part.
    – Oh, I want to know much about him and his works.
    – His music is amazing and appealing.

  3. – Do you like classical music?
    – Oh, yes. It’s amazing!
    – What opera singers do you know?
    – I have heard the name of Elena Obraztsova. Did you listen to her voice?
    – Oh, yes! It’s wonderful! I enjoyed it very much.
    – Did you listen to her in the Opera house?
    – No, I listened to her voice ob\n the radio.

  4. – What do you usually do when you are free?
    – I listen to music. I like rap and pop music very much.
    – Yes, there are a lot of groups and singes. They are popular but I think their songs are not worth listening.
    – I don’t agree with you. This music helps me to forget my problems; it gives me strength and confidence.
    – But it doesn’t mean that their songs are really good. I’m fond of classical music. It’s wonderful, it reflects my emotions.
    – So I s our tastes are very different.
    – Yes, you are right.

Физ. пауза. Рефлексия. 

Комплексная релаксация, установка – Children, I think you are tied, and I suggest you to have some a rest. Do you want to relax?

(звучит лёгкая музыка, психологически дети настраиваются, принимают удобную позу и слушают текст в сопровождении лёгкой музыки). (1 min)

Sit comfortably. Close your eyes.
Breathe in. Breathe out.
Let’s pretend its summer. You are lying on a sandy beach. The weather is fine. The light wind is blowing from the sea. The birds are singing. You have no troubles. No serious problems. You are quiet. Your brain relaxes. There is calm in your body. Nothing diverts your attention. You are relaxing. Your troubles float away.
You love your parents, your school, and your friends. They love you too. Learn to appreciate every good thing. The Earth is full of wonders. You can do anything. You are sure of yourself, that you have much energy. You are in good spirits.
Open your eyes. How do you feel?

– Are you good in spirits? What do you think about our relaxations?

(слайд 7) T.- I’ll give you a sheet of paper. Here are different words about music. Put the words in the correct order and make up the sentences. Translate them.

  • music, emotions, and, ideas, people, reflects – Music reflects people’s ideas and emotions.
  • moment, our, of, music, us, life, helps, every – Music helps us every moment in our life.
  • us, with, cope helps, music, troubles, our – Music helps us cope with our troubles.
  • takes, people, in, music, usual, without, the problems, world – music takes people in the world without usual problems.

IV. Проверка домашнего задания.

(установка для работы с компьютером – our home task was make a mini- project « Music in our life ». – I’ll give you 10 minutes.)

а) дети работают на компьютерах

b) защита мини-проектов по теме “ Music in our life”.(приложение у автора)

V. Работа в тестовом редакторе.

а) Т. – Well, children! Let’s make our own tests, now you will work on a program ‘My tests’.

‘My tests’ это система программ – программа тестирования учащихся, редактор тестов и журнал результатов – для создания и проведения компьютерного тестирования, сбора и анализа результатов, выставления оценки по указанной в тесте шкале. Программа легка и удобна в использовании. Все учащиеся быстро и легко осваивают её.

Для создания тестов имеется очень удобный редактор тестов с дружественным интерфейсом. Любой ученик владеющий компьютером, может легко составить свои тесты для программы ‘My tests’.

b) дети работают на ноутбуках, создают тесты. (10 мин.).

с) самоконтроль (дети обмениваются тестами и проходят тестирование, результаты высвечиваются на экране.

d) вывод.

– Well children, do you like to work with comp

– Do you like to make Tests?

VI. Заключительный этап.

а) выводы What do you think about our lesson –

Do you agree with me that pupils listen to different songs a lot. Most of them are in English. Does it help you with your English?

b) оценки, комментарий

c) домашнее задание.
