Внеклассное мероприятие по английскому языку "Земля – наш родной дом"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Цели урока:

1) познавательный аспект:

развитие речевых умений на основе творческого использования усвоенного ранее материала в новых ситуациях общения;

2) развивающий аспект:

развитие умения анализировать материал, отстаивать свою точку зрения, сравнивать, прогнозировать, делать выводы, опираясь на свои жизненные наблюдения, эрудицию, творчество;

3) воспитательный аспект:

а) воспитание чувства патриотизма и любви к родной природе, ответственности за окружающую среду;
в) формировать черты и качества человека с активной жизненной позицией;


1) развивать лексические и грамматические навыки и умения говорения;
2) развивать умение детально воспринимать информацию на слух;


  1. Компьютер, проектор, экран, “экологическое дерево”, творческие работы учащихся, таблички на стол, презентация (приложение)

Ход мероприятия

“The Earth is our big home”

Участники: 1 ведущий (учитель), группа экспертов, бизнес-группа, группа экологов, группа школьников:

Начало мероприятия:

Teacher: Dear friends, today we have gathered together at the “round table” to discuss a very important problem – the problem of protecting nature and the environment. And the motto of our discussion will be the words:

Let the Sun shine!
Let the children grow!
Let the piece be on the Earth!
Let all the wildlife live!

And now imagine that you are in the year of 2030. At that time you will be reliable, independent and experienced people. You will become businessmen, bankers, scientists, you will be looking for ways to keep the planet green and cities clean, but I’m sure there will be schoolchildren in 2030, who will be concerned about nature with its wonderful rustle of foliage and singing of birds. And I am sure, they will protect it. Let’s start our discussion. Businessmen, experts, ecologists and schoolchildren take part in it.

Основная часть мероприятия:

Expert 1: Good morning. I greet everybody. I’m an expert and I want you to look at the globe.

This is our planet. It’s called the Earth. It is one of the most beautiful planets of the Solar system. It is an inhabited planet where you can find beautiful landscapes, where people grow different vegetables and fruit, where children smile, where one generation changes another one. Our planet consists of 6 continents, 4 oceans, a lot of seas, rivers and mountains. People of many nationalities live here. While in the West people watch the sunset, in the East people are glad to see the sunrise. Look, how large and beautiful our planet is.

Teacher: Thank you. And what can you tell us?

Expert 2: I’d like you to pay your attention to that fact that not only nature but also the environment itself is important for us. Every year the world’s industries pollute the atmosphere with about 1,000 million tons of dust and other substances. Releasing greenhouse gases into the air causes global warming. Car fumes pollute the air. Poisoning soils causes a lot of plants to die. Cutting down forest damages thousands of acres of land every day. In pursuit of new inventions and discoveries, as well as higher and higher profits man has forgotten about nature and it has let him to the edge of ecological catastrophe. The survival of our civilasation depends on the ability of mankind to find a way out.

Teacher: Thanks to the group of experts. I absolutely agree that waste from factories and industrial plants threaten our nature and ecology. A group of businessmen – builders take part in our discussion. They are ready to introduce their projects and ideas.

Builder 1: Hello! We are glad to greet all of you. We are the representatives of the Directors` Council of our building company. It is called “The new century”. We build new multi-storied buildings, houses and sports centers. Our company also reconstructs factories and plants, in other words, we improve the living areas and protect green ones in living areas.

Builder 2: Our work is very important for everybody. The company “The new century” builds beautiful houses. They are modern and they have all the necessary conveniences. All the houses are built from new ecologically clean materials.

Builder 3: Our company has got a good reputation. First of all we show the detailed projects, discuss all the disadvantages, which must be removed afterwards. All the buildings are well equipped. There are sport grounds, parks and gardens near our houses. You can go in for sport, play with children, walk your dogs in special places.

Manager: As a manager of the bank, I want to assure you that the Government provides financial help for building each house. And I’m sure that our co-operation will be effective.

Teacher: It is a good idea. In my opinion, the Government must be responsible for solving social problems and do its best to ensure the welfare of its citizens. But it is necessary to listen to the ecologists. What do they think about these projects? This is a group of ecologists.

Ecologist 1: Hello, my name is ……. I’m a representative of the Ecology Committee. On the one hand we agree with the businessmen, but on the other hand the ecology of the planet is disbalanced. Pollution is the main problem. Polluted air and water affect people’s health. Acid rains damage water, forest and soil resources. Acid rains cause the disappearance of fish from many lakes and rivers, they bring death to the forests and woods in Europe and America and this leaf is not nature’s wonder, it is the result of releasing harmful substances in the atmosphere. It leads to different diseases, changes of the climate on the Earth and worsens living conditions for all living beings.

Ecologist 2: It is good that at last people started to realize that environmental problems are not only problems of others. They join and support various ecological organizations and green parties.

Ecologist 3: They do their best to stop pollution of our planet. Due to such groups many laws aimed at environmental protection have been passed, reservations and national parks for wild animals and undisturbed nature have been developed in some parts of the world. Public attention to the problem of pollution has become a part of the contemporary life. The solution of this global problem requires the co-operation of all the nations.

Ecologist 4: I’d like to say some words about a special book. It’s called “The Red Book”. You can find names of rare and disappearing species of plants and animals there. This book is a signal of the distress. Nowadays scientists are working hard to save animals and plants. The disappearance of any plant or animal can lead to the serious ecological disbalance.

Teacher: Thanks a lot. Your report was very interesting and useful. I think it’s very important to pay attention to the scientists’ warming. Schoolchildren take part in our discussion too. They’ve got their own point of view on this topic. They do a lot to protect nature. They feed birds, plant trees and flowers, clean litter from the parks, gardens and streets.

Pupil 1: Hello! It’s very pleasant for us to take part in this serious discussion. I agree with everybody, who`s talked about the protection of nature. I think if we want to feel good and to be healthy we must live in harmony with nature and realize that humanity is also a part of the biosphere.

Pupil 2: I like animals very much. I want to be a zoologist and I think hunters killing rare animals must be punished. I listened to the ecologists very attentively and I think, if nothing is done to protect animals, they will die out, for example, pandas and African rhinoceros. A panda, that lives in the bamboo forests in China is a symbol of disappearing animals.

Pupil 3: I’d like to tell you about dolphins. They are wonderful sea animals. There are a lot of legends about them. They are very clever, friendly and kind. Dolphins help people when they are in danger. When we watch the dolphins’ show we feel happiness and joy. They give us positive energy and happiness. They are very good parents and they take care of their children.

Pupil 4: It seems to me, our simple actions can keep our planet clean and safe. We must check all the faucets in the house, feed animals and birds, pick up litter. When we clean a small spring we help to clean a large river.

Teacher: Thank you. I see you are worried about nature and your projects express the main idea: The Earth is our big home.

Teacher: I see that our experts have something to say.

Expert 1: The Earth is our big home. There are animals, birds, fish and plants on it. All living beings need places to live and grow. Pollution can lead to global catastrophe, that is why everyone should change the attitude to it. The task of protecting nature is of international importance now. The idea “Plant a tree for every child” is very actual.

Teacher: We must take care of our environment and nature to grow this tree. How can we do it? Look at this “ecological tree” and write down your ideas on these leaves. (участники дискуссии крепят свои листочки с предложениями к “экологическому дереву” и зачитывают их)

Teacher: We can do a lot to protect nature. It is everyone’s duty. The group of schoolchildren prepared poems in English and Russian. Let’s listen to them and think of them.

Pupil 1:

I am the Earth
And the Earth is me.
Each blade of grass,
Each honey tree,
Each bit of mud,
And stick and stone
Is blood and muscle,
Skin and bone.

Pupil 2:

And just as I
Need every bit
Of me to make
My body fit,
So Earth needs
Grass and stone and tree
And things that grow here

Pupil 3:

Планета Земля – наш общий дом,
Светло и радостно всем жить бы в нем.
Но уже катастрофами век отмечен,
И кто-то не вернется к обещанной встрече.

Pupil 4:

Земля без воды – пустыня,
Кислотный дождь – море яда,
Но чистый родник – это капелька жизни.
Помнить об этом надо.
И чтобы природа осталась на век,
Не уничтожай ее сам, Человек!

Заключительная часть.

Teacher: I’m thankful to everybody, who took part in our discussion. I’m sure it helped us to realize that people must take care of our planet.