Урок английского языка по теме "Ирландия". 6–7-й классы

Разделы: Иностранные языки


  • познавательный аспект: знакомство с особенностями географического положения Республики Ирландия, развитие умений извлекать требуемую информацию.
  • развивающий: развитие способности к догадке по словообразовательным элементам, по дефинициям; к сравнению и сопоставлению речевых единиц, к формулировке выводов.
  • воспитательный: воспитание уважительного отношения к другой культуре, осознание своей культуры.
  • учебный: формирование лексических навыков чтения и говорения.

Сопутствующие задачи - развитие умений читать, понимать на слух с целью извлечения детальной информации

1. Greeting.

Welcome, dear friends. We’ve got together for visiting a wonderful country, learning some interesting facts about history, culture and attractions of Ireland.

Have you ever been there? No? Well, our flying through the country has just begun.

Приложение 1 (video Ireland-Flying through the country)

Do you like the nature of the island? Would you like to know more about Irish people, their customs, the fascinating old capital, magical ancient castles and to try to practice with famous dancers?

Invite the first speaker. (Ученики, рассказывающие об Ирландии, по очереди комментируют слайд - фильм).

Приложение 2 (photofilm Ireland)

Student 1: Ireland became part of the United Kingdom in 1800, but the majority of the country became independent in 1923 as the Irish Free State and later the Republic of Eire. Northern Ireland remained part of the United Kingdom.

Student 2: The national flag of Ireland is a tricolor of green, white and orange. The three colours are equal size and the green goes next to the flagstaff. The green represents a Gaelic tradition while the orange represents the supporters of William of Orange. The white in the centre signifies a lasting truce between the “Orange” and the “Green”.

Student 3: The Republic of Ireland has a population of about three and a half million people. The official language is Irish and it’s a first language of a minority of Irish people also in Northern Ireland and as a second language in the United States and Canada. But people usually speak English as well. The countryside is beautiful and people call Ireland the “Emerald Isle” because it is a very green island. The weather is often rainy there. Irish people are very friendly and talkative.

Student 4: The capital of Ireland is Dublin You can have a great time in Dublin! There are wonderful shops, restaurants, music and night life. Walk around the busy old streets, visit the museums or relax in one of the parks. One of the most famous library is Trinity College Library. There you can see the amazing BOOK OF KELTS from the 8th century.

Student 5: Some of the best writers in the English language are from Ireland, for example, Jonathan Swift, Oscar Wild and James Joyce. See their portraits and letters in Dublin’s Writers’ Museum.

Student 6: There are a lot of castles, historic churches and old forts. The people go to Blarney Castle to see the famous Blarney Stone. If you kiss it you will become a brilliant speaker.

Teacher: Thank you very much, dear friends. Now let’s have a fun with St. Patrick’s Day. Irish and Americans celebrate St. Patrick’s Day on March 17.People wear green, march in parades, dance the Irish jig and gather to sing Irish songs. It was not the day he was born but the day he died. Read about this Irish saint, do the puzzle and answer the St. Patrick’s Day Quiz.

Приложение 3 (раздать каждому по листу с текстом и заданием).

Look at the illustrations and match with the right words.

And now read about St. Patrick’s Day, then find the mystery message.

I hope you know a lot of interesting facts, so try to answer the questions of St. Patrick’s Day Quiz.

Приложение 4 (St. Patrick’s quiz)

At the end of our trip to the British Isles there is also a special offer for people who want to study Irish jig. Stand up, please, and repeat the exercises with our funny trainers.

Приложение 5 (video licedei-irish dance)

Thanks everybody. Your Irish party’s been a success!

Good buy!

Список литературы.

1. http://cw2.erpi.com/cw/chatterbox/

2. http://www.cardcow.com

3. http://www.poedem.ru/country/i

4. http://www.fanpop.com

5. http://www.go.mail.ru

6. http://www.licedei.com

7. http://erpi.com/chatterbox.cw

8. Michael Harris, David Mower, Anna Sikorzynska. Challenges 2 pearson longman