Урок "брейн-ринг" по теме "Место, в котором мы живем. Дом"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Overview and purpose: pupils will demonstrate knowledge of the theme “Flat and House”.

Educational aims: revise grammar material (Constructions “There is/ There are”; prepositions of place), consolidate words on the theme “Flat and House”.

Communicative and Developing aims: develop skills of communication; writing, reading and listening skills, creative and designing abilities.

Educative aims: bring up interest to the English language and love of home.

Materials: cards and pictures, tape, computer, multimedia blackboard.

Procedure of the lesson:

I. Introduction

T: Good morning, dear children and dear guests!

- Glad to see you! Sit down, please.

II. Warming up (Presentation of the theme of the lesson)

(T. uses the screen of the projector)

T: Fill in the missing letters and you’ll learn the theme of our lesson


T: So, the theme of our lesson is “My home. The place we live in”. You’ll work in 2 teams and have some contests today. (2 m.)

III Phonetic exercises. The first contest is “Proverbs”

T: You are welcome to the first contest called “Proverbs”. What English proverbs do you know about home? Please, remember their Kazakh equivalents.

P1: East or West home is best.

P2: Туған жер - алтын бесік.

P3: There is no place like home.

P4: Өз үйің - өлең төсегің.

P5: Every dog is a lion at home.

P6: Ауыл итінің құйрығы қайқы.

P7: An Englishman’s home is his castle.

P8: Өз елім өлең төсегім. (2m.)

IV. Lexical practice. Contest “Meet Maugli”

(T. shows the picture of Maugli)

T: Maugli, the famous hero from the well-known book by Rudyard Kipling, is our guest today.

He has never seen a house or a flat. Can you explain to him the meaning of the words: “a living room, a kitchen, a bathroom, a dining-room, a bedroom”? (3m.)

V. Listening practice. Contest “Animals’ houses”

T: Maugli has come to ask for our help. The cruel witch appeared in the jungles; put a spell on the animals. Now they are lost, can’t remember their names and ask us to help them find their houses. Be attentive, listen to my stories and name the animal and its house. Whose house is it? (Multimedia blackboard)

E. g.: This is the Bear’s house.

- My house is small because I am very small too. I like cheese, seeds and bread. I am afraid of cats, foxes and some birds. My house is low and dark. (This is the mouse’s house.)

- My house is big and very, very high because I have got the longest neck in the forest. (This is the giraffe’s house.)

- My house is low, big, dark and comfortable. I like to sleep in it all winter long. (This is the bear’s house.)

- My house is in the water. My body is long and green. I like to swim under the water. (This is the crocodile’s house.) (3m.)

VI. Test writing. Competition “Enchanted words”

1. T: The evil witch will disappear and won’t make us harm any more if we unscramble the enchanted words, write them and circle the odd word out.

Unscramble and write the words

1) vingli-omro

2) kins

3) dgefri

4) petcar

5) cereplafi

6) ningdi-omor

7) taincur

8) turenifur

9) rormir

10) omorthba

(Keys: living-room, sink, fridge, carpet, fireplace, dining-room, curtain, furniture, mirror, bathroom) (5m.)

VII. Lexical practice. Contest “The odd word”

T: Circle the odd word out.

1) armchair, sofa, mirror, chair, house, bed

2) table, kitchen, hall, bathroom, dining-room

3) computer, television, shout, picture, fireplace

4) count, laugh, lock, yet, leave (1m.)

(Keys: house, table, shout, yet)

VIII. Rest

T: It s time to have a rest! Stand up, please!

Hands up! Hands down!
Hands on hips, sit down.
Stand up! Hands up!
Bend left, bend right.
Point to a window, point to the door!
Point to the ceiling, point to the floor! (2m.)

IX Lexical practice. “Piff – Puff” contest

T: Let’s play the game called “Who is the first? Piff - Puff”. Pupils from each group are welcome. Stand in lines and face each other. You will be interpreters. Try to translate the word quicker than your classmate. Then say “Piff - Puff”. Let’s begin with the first pair.

1) шифоньер

2) сервант

3) напротив

4) книжный шкаф

5) в углу

6) в средине

7) справа

8) слева (4m.) (22m.)

X. Grammar practice. Contest “George’s letter”

1) T: The Jacksons spent Thanksgiving in Big Mountains in a large house. George wrote us a letter but some words are missing because of the rain. Will you try to fill in the blanks and read his message?

There ... a large house in front of us.

Behind the house on the left, there ... a small apple garden and on the right there... big trees.

There ... a nice sitting room and a kitchen downstairs.

There ... a big fireplace in the corner of the room.

On the right there ... armchairs.

There ... two small bedrooms with beds, wardrobes and a bathroom on the second floor.

(Pupils check up and correct sentences with the help of the computer) (3m.)

2) Contest “Mice”

T: George also sent us the picture of their kitchen hoping that we would do our best and find all the mice and, thus, helping their cat to clear out the kitchen (cards).

P1: There is a mouse in the cupboard.

P2: There is a mouse behind the door.

P3: There is a mouse on the cupboard.

P4: There is a mouse on the chair.

P5: There is a mouse under the chair.

P6: There is a mouse in front of the door.

P7: There is a mouse on the cheese.

P8: There is a mouse on the plate.

P9: There is a mouse in the cup.

P10: There is a mouse between the cup and the glass.

P11: There is a mouse in the cooker.

P12: There is a mouse in front of the salt.

P13: There is a mouse in the sink.

P14: There is a mouse on the cooker.

P15: There is a mouse in the table (drawer).

P16: There is a mouse in front of the cat. (5 m.)

XII. Speaking practice. Design your dream house

T: Are you ready with your home-task? At home you designed, drew and furnished your dream house; the house, where you would like to live. Now take the card and guess what room you’ll describe. Choose the picture of this room, come up to the blackboard, stick your room in the right place on the poster and describe it. (T. switches on music when pupils get ready, then they describe their rooms in turn)


1) a room where we have dinner

2) a room where we can sit, talk, watch TV

3) We sleep in the ...

4) We wash hands, face and take a shower in the ...

5) We wash up and cook in the ...

6) We take off our overcoats ...

7) We work on the computer, write ...

8) Children play games ... (9 m.)


T: At home you should compare houses and flats in Kazakhstan and in Britain.

English homes

Kazakh homes

XI. Assessment

T: Let’s give the floor to our jury. Listen to the score of the game. The friendship wins!!! You are all winners and get excellent marks. (1 m.)