Праздники и традиции в Великобритании

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Цель: Ознакомить учащихся с праздниками и традициями Великобритании.


  • Учебно-практическая: введение и активизация лексического материала по теме урока, формирование умений говорить, развитие навыков понимания на слух, навыков чтения.
  • Познавательная: расширение и углубление культурологических и лингвострановедческих знаний, повышение общей культуры общения.
  • Развивающая: развитие навыков языковой догадки, внимания, мышления, восприятия и инициативы.
  • Воспитательная: формирование уважительного отношения к культуре своей страны и страны изучаемого языка, умения активно и плодотворно работать в команде.

Оснащение урока.

  • Учебник: Английский язык: учеб. пособие для студ. СПУЗ / А.П. Голубев и др. – М., 2001.
  • Плакаты по теме: “Праздники и обычаи страны изучаемого языка”.
  • Раздаточный материал (карточки для выполнения заданий)
  • Компьютер, проектор, презентация слайдов в Power Point по теме: “Праздники и обычаи страны изучаемого языка”.
  • www.real-english.com
  • www.bbc.co.uk/russian/learningenglish
  • www.onestopenglish.com

Ход урока

I. Орг. момент

Teacher: Good morning, children! I am gland to see you. Today we shall speak with you about the most famous holidays and customs of Great Britain and compare with Russian ones. We also shall revise lexical and grammar structures. I hope that it will be interesting for you during our lesson.

II. Основная часть:

1. Фонетическая зарядка.

Teacher: Look at the blackboard! And repeat the following words after me.

Christmas, holidays, New Year tree, greeting cards, Santa Claus, presents, first foot, Remembrance Day, a pumpkin, to survive, Valentine Cards, Lent, to bake pancakes, Easter, Halloween.

Proverb:Christmas comes but ones a year.

2. Введение в тему урока:


Teacher —> Pupils (questions —> answers)

You know that people like to celebrate holidays all over the world. Nowadays different people celebrate different holidays .What about your families? What holidays do your families prefer to celebrate and how do they do it?

Answer my questions, please!

a) What is the most favorite holiday in your family?

b) What are the most important public holidays in Great Britain?

c) What religious holidays do you know?

f) What are the most important national holidays in Russia?

g) What do Russian people celebrate on the 9th of May?

h) During what holiday do American people eat their traditional food: roast turkey?

i) Name the date when English people celebrate Halloween.

3. Показ презентации на тему: “Holidays and traditions in Great Britain”

Students look at the presentations, read and translate texts about holidays.

4. Проверка знаний учащихся после просмотра и обсуждения презентации:

a) Look at the blackboard, and find the right date for every holiday:

January, 1
February, 14
December, 25
November, 26
October, 31


New Year
Thanksgiving Day
St. Valentine’s Day

b) Now, I’ll read the information about holidays and you should guess what holiday it is about.


Five little pumpkins sitting on the gate
The first one said “Oh, my it’s getting late.”
The second one said “There are witches in the air.”
The third one said “But we don’t care!”
The forth one said “Let’s run and run and run!”
The fifth one said “I’m ready for some fun.”
Oooo went the wind and out went the light
And the five little pumpkins rolled out of sight.


For most British families this is the most this is the most important festival of the year. There are a lot traditions connected with X-mas, but the most on is the giving of present. On X-mas Day the families will sit to a big turkey dinner followed by Christmas pudding.

On the Sunday before Xmas many churches hold a service. Every family has its own X-mas fir-tree.

c) Put the necessary words in the sentences:

  1. People buy presents for their … on St. Valentines day.
  2. Easter Sunday is the day when Christians … Christ’s return to life.
  3. Celebrating Halloween is a very old ….
  4. Families … their homes and Christmas trees on Christmas.
  5. People … to each other “Happy New Year”.
  6. This day people … beautiful fireworks on Guy Fawkes’ Night.

Words: watch, lovers, decorate, celebrate, tradition, say.

d) Are the sentences true or false?

  1. In England people celebrate Christmas before New Year.
  2. The weather is often snowy and cold this day.
  3. Father Christmas visits children on this day.
  4. On Christmas people go to church.
  5. On this day the British hear Queen of England on television.
  6. People get many presents from relatives and friends.
  7. People eat Christmas cake at midnight.
  8. Carolers visits British families and give presents.
  9. Boxing Day is the day when people give money to people who helped them during the year.

e) Резервное задание.

1. Why do the British Like Drinking Tea?

Everything in Britain, says a popular song, stops for tea. It’s true that tea is the most popular drink in Britain - far more popular than coffee. The Dutch brought the first tea to Europe in about 1610. By 1750 tea had become the principal drink of all the people in Britain. Tea was kept in special containers called tea-caddies, often with a lock. Nowadays, tea-drinking became a fashionable social ritual. That’s why there are a lot of tea gardens in London, where people could walk in the afternoon and enjoy a cup of tea with bread and butter and cakes. Many years ago tea parties were also popular at home, and soon the “afternoon tea” a real tradition. Today the custom of tea-time continues. Most people in Britain prefer strong cup of tea with milk.

2. Проверка понимания прочитанного (общий смысл и содержание, специальная информация)

Now I am going to read some statements to you. Your task is to decide whether these statements true or false. Listen to the following statements.

  1. Coffee in Britain as popular as tea.
  2. By1750 tea had become the principal drink of rich people in Britain.
  3. Most people in Britain prefer to drink tea with milk.
  4. English people prefer not very strong tea.
  5. Tea was kept in opened boxes in the kitchen.

Tea became so popular that tea gardens appeared in London.

III. Подведение итогов урока. Оценки.

1. Home task: Text “About pumpkin”.
Teacher: Thank you for your excellent work.

  1. You know a lot about customs and holidays of Great Britain.
  2. You can listen, read the text and understand it.
  3. You can tell about British traditions.

2. Marks.

The lesson is over! Good-bye!