Урок-игра "Экологическая пресс-конференция" по теме "Protection of our environment". 11-й класс

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Класс: 11

Цели урока:

Обучающая: воспитывать интерес к изучению языка, культуру поведения.
Развивающая: развитие навыков устной речи по теме, умения высказывать свое мнение по заданной теме, используя все тексты ранее прочитанные и прослушанные, используя лексику, введенную учителем на предыдущих уроках.
Воспитательная: воспитать критическое отношение ко всему, что происходит с природой и умение искать выход из создавшегося положения.

Оборудование: плакаты, музыка соответствующая теме.

Ход урока

Act out the ecological press-conference

1. Организационный момент.

– Welcome to our conference. First of all register yourselves, all participants.

Регистрация в форме игры подобрать к каждой лексической карточке соответствующую пару.

Match the cards (2 мин.)

Ведущий: We all love our motherland. We love its green fields and vast forests, high mountains, rivers and lakes. The protection of nature has become one of the most important problems of the 20th century. The protection of Nature means the protection of our motherland. People are working hard to make our planet cleaner, but they must do more.

The first correspondent: Why is the protection of Nature so important?

Возможный ответ: In ancient times man lived in greater harmony with his environment, because industry was not developed. The planet was not crowded as nowadays. There was a lot of room in the world. People could move to another place when their settlements became dirty. For thousands of years human beings have been polluting the world around them. However, many parts of the world are polluted especially cities with their industrial enterprises.

– Right you are! Excuse me for interrupting you! The fact is we cannot ruin all plants and electric power stations with their wastes.
– It is no concern of mine. Our government deals with this problem.

Ответ члена правительства:

In our country much work is being done in this area. The government signs a lot of documents relating to this question. The constitution says that citizens should protect nature. They are obliged to converse its riches. There are many special laws and decisions on protecting the atmosphere and the country’s land and water recourses from pollution. We improve the technology of many plants and electric power stations.

Выступление ученого-эколога:

But I should say that people all over the world are worried about acid rains, oil spots, ozone layer holes, omissions of different plants and atomic power stations, which have no boundaries, what have people done to the Earth. We, human beings, sensible human beings have turned our land into a desert of concert and stone. Rivers that used to be so beautiful and full of fish are poisoned. The air that used to be so clean and fresh is polluted. We have done a great deal of harm to Nature and are still doing it.

Слово эколога:

May I interrupt you? Not only this? Forests are being cut, more and more gigantic plants and electric power stations are being built. The ozone layer, the earth’s protective shield is being threatened by pollution and by space researches and experiments. If nobody stops it, we shall face the world’s catastrophe. The protection of Nature is only possible if all people in our country work together.

Слово члену “ Green Peace”:

A great force in tackling environmental threats is the well-known international ecological movement “Green Peace”. The members of this movement do their best to prevent the pollution and the catastrophe. We protect rare animals and plants since 1967. We protect against nuclear weapons, against cruelty and violence.


A question to the psychologist. People are so cruel now. They do much harm to the wildlife to our smaller brothers. How do you explain that? Whose fault is this?

Ответ психолога:

There are a lot of reasons for that. First of all: both nature and society are polluted. Everything is connected. There are a lot of special TV programs for children and adults which are so useful. And at the same time they show crime and borrow films on TV, which are popular with children and you can come across crime stories in the papers every day. Youngsters murder their parents, relatives, teachers and strangers. Schools and teachers can’t do anything about it. Such information bring much money in. So the urgent problem today is not only nature protection but also upbringing of children.

Вопрос учителю:

I’d like to ask a question to the school teacher. What do children do to keep our environment clean and to protect wildlife and plants?

Ответ учителя:

I’m a biology teacher. We have a nature study room in our school and a greenhouse for growing flowers and vegetables. Pupils take care of plants. They build bird houses, bird feeding stations. I teach them not to be cruel for animals, not to throw waste paper and other rubbish into rivers and lakes, or just anywhere. I want them to be polite. I’m against violence.

Вопрос врачу:

The problem of nature protection is connected with the problem of conservation of people’s health. What about it?

Ответ врача:

It goes without facing that the nature pollution does a lot of harm to people’s health, especially the waste from chemical industry is very dangerous, the oil spots on water. They are carried for great distances. And I want to say about the TV. Children spend more time in front of the Television than in front of the teachers.

Член парламента:

Too much television is bad for children. It’s unhealthy too, they don’t get enough fresh air and especially the advertisements. They bring in a lot of money to TV companies. They advertise cigarettes, alcohol and products which contain chemicals.

Член экологической партии:

I’m the member of the ecological party. I’m feeling responsible for the security of all mankind. A hundred years ago you could catch eatable fish. Now factories, homes, electric power stations are putting waste materials into rivers. And people sitting near the lakes throw their tins and papers into the water. Nothing can live or grow in this polluted water now.

Корреспондент задает вопрос ученому:

Tell me please what will happen if we don’t stop polluting the air and water?


Trees and flowers won’t grow. Fish will die in dirty water. The air we breathe will be dirty. Our environment will be unsuitable for life. Many animals will disappear from the face of the Earth in the near future. When animals and plants disappear, it means that something is wrong with the ecological system. To protect animals and plants is to protect ourselves. The disappearance of animals means the disappearance of man, of all mankind.

Вопрос члену парламента:

What measures have been taken and are being taken in your country to protect environment?


The rivers and lakes are conserved, pollution control on the Volga is set. New factories are built far from homes. However, each of us must do everything possible to keep land, air and water clean.

Подведение итогов:

So let’s work hard to make our nature richer in the future. The richer is the nature of a country, the richer and stronger is the country itself. The Earth is our home. We must take care of it for ourselves and for the people who will live in the future.

Работа с лексикой. На память говорят на русском слова по карточке (английский вариант).

Домашнее задание: Знать все слова.

Контроль лексики на следующем уроке.