Урок домашнего чтения по книге Л.Кэрролла "Алиса в Стране чудес"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Цели урока.

  • Развить умения в чтении.
  • Развить фонетические, лексические, грамматические навыки.
  • Научить точному восприятию смыслов. информ. текста.
  • Научить анализировать текст, давать характеристику действующим лицам, фактам.
  • Научить пользоваться словарем, находить ключевые слова в предложении.

Развивающие задачи:

  • Развить языковую догадку.
  • Тренировка видов памяти.

Воспитательно-образовательные задачи:

  • Пробудить интерес к культуре страны изучаемого языка.

Языковой материал для повторения:

  • Фонетика.
  • Грамматика: Past Indefinite Tense, неправильные глаголы II ф.
  • Лексика.


  • Персональный компьютер.
  • Звуковые колонки.
  • Мультимедийный проектор.
  • Экран.

Ход урока

I. Организационный момент.

Teacher: By this day you’ve read the 1st chapter from one of the most popular book for children and their parents “ Alice in Wonderland” by Lewis Carroll. I think this chapter was interesting for

You. Today we’ll do a lot of exercises: check your comprehension the chapter, work with vocabulary and grammar and discuss the text.

II. Речевая зарядка.

Teacher: It’s fine afternoon! How do you do everybody?

Class: We are all right, thanks !

Teacher: Let’s greet each other.

Veronica: Good afternoon !

Sasha: Good afternoon, Veronica !

Vova: Good day, Kate !

Kate: Hello, old man !

Sasha: Hello, Nat. How are you feeling on a fine afternoon like that ?

Natasha: I’m pretty well, thank you.

Vitya: Hello, Liz ! How are you?

Lisa: Never better.

Sergey: Ever so glad to meet you.

Lera: I’m all right, thank you.

III. Фонетическая зарядка.

Teacher: Everything is fine. It’s a real golden afternoon. Let’s sing a song.

Little bird-and-butterflies kiss the tulips,
and the sun is like a toy balloon.
There are get up in the morning glories,
in the golden afternoon.

There are dizzy daffodils on the hillside,
strings of violets are all in tune,
Tiger lilies love the dandy lions,
in the golden afternoon,
the golden afternoon.

VI. Просмотр видеофрагмента.

Teacher: You’ve read the first chapter of the book. Now I’d like you to see the piece of famous cartoon “Alice in Wonderland”.

V. Проверка понимания материала.

Teacher: Did you like it? I think it’s wonderful. So you have read the first chapter of the book, have seen the cartoon. Let’s check Comprehension of the first chapter.

Who said it ?

1) “After this fall I shall not be afraid to jump from trees.”
2) “I shall be late !”
3) “I am sure there are no mice in the air.”

Say who:

1) was sitting on the grass by her sister.
2) was reading a book.
3) ran past Alice

Say true, false or I don’t now

1) There were no pictures in the book Alice’s sister was reading.
2) Alice liked that book very much.
3) Alice dropped the jar when she saw that there was no marmalade in it.
4) Dinah (Alice’s cat) was three years old.

Put the sentences in the right order

1) Alice was sitting on the grass by her sister.
2) Suddenly a white rabbit ran past her.
3) Alice started after the Rabbit.
4) She followed him and jumped into the rabbit-hole.
5) It was very dark there and at first she could see nothing

Answer the questions:

1) Whom did Alice see when she was sitting on the grass?
2) Could the rabbit talk ?
3) What could Alice see on the walls of the hole ?
4) What did she take from one of the shelves ?
5) Was there any marmalade in the jar ?
6) What did Alice do when the fall was over ?

VI. Работа с лексикой и грамматикой

Teacher: Let’s work with Vocabulary and Grammar.

Which of the words in each line is the Odd one Out?

[ æ ] rabbit, ran, can, giraffe , cat, map

[ ı : ] read, he, be, feet, she, see, me, white

[ ə: ] were, first, girl, where

[ e ] get, went, fell, tree , shelf, well

[ ʌ ] nice, suddenly, up, some, funny, jump, run, another, go

What is the opposite? Match the words in two columns.


 Complete the sentences. The words from the box can help you

side use sight nothing marmalade

1) “What is the _____ of a book without pictures in it” ?
2) It was very dark and Alice could see _________ .
3) There was no ____________ in the jar .
4) Soon the Rabbit was out of _________ .
5) “It will be so funny to see the people on the other_______ of the earth”.

Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense form.

1) Suddenly a white rabbit with pink eyes (run ) past Alice.
2) The Rabbit ( take ) a watch out of his pocket and (look ) at it .
3) Alice (think ) it very funny and (start ) after Rabbit
4) She (jump ) into the rabbit-hole and (begin ) to fall down.
5) Alice (try ) to look down and see what (be ) in the hole.
6) It (be ) too dark and she (can ) see nothing.

Fill in the missing prepositions.

1) Alice thought that she was falling _________ the earth.
2) “It will be so funny to see the people ___ the other side ___ the earth”
3) “What will poor Dinah do ________ me this evening ?”
4) When the fall was over Alice jumped ___ her feet .
5) The White Rabbit was running ______ the corridor.
6) Alice ran ________ the Rabbit.

Say what the italicized words mean

1) Alice did not want to drop the jar.
2) She was still falling down.
3) “ I am so sorry you are not here with me! “.
4) “ I am sure there are no mice in the air “.

Rewrite the sentences, putting the words in the right order.

too day hot the is.
here maps were there pictures.
late shall I be.
Rabbit after ran she the.

 Teacher: Let’s discussing the text.

Imagine that you are Alice. Speak about …

1) … the White Rabbit.
A rabbit that can talk! It is very funny that rabbit has got a watch and can talk!

2) … the rabbit – hole.
I am in a rabbit hole. It’s too dark here. I can see nothing. There are a lot of shelves, maps, pictures, on the walls. Oh, it’s a jar. Is anything tasty in it? It’s a pity. There is no marmalade in it.

3) … the people on the other side of the earth.
It will be so funny to see the people on the other side of the earth. Do they walk with their heads down? I shall not know where I am.

4) … the cat Dinah.
Poor Dinah! What will she do without me this evening? I hope they will not forget to give her some milk to drink. I am sorry you are not here with me.

5) … the book without pictures.
What’s the use of a book without pictures in it? Shall I get up and go to pick some flowers or shall I not?

VII. Подведение итогов и выставление оценок.

Teacher: What story did we discuss?

Pupil: We discussed “ Alice in Wonderland “

Teacher: Who are the main characters of the story?

Pupil: Alice and the white rabbit.

Teacher: Who is number one today?

Teacher: Give me your record books. (Выставление оценок.)

Объяснение домашнего задания.

Teacher: Children, open your record books and write down your home task:

p.8–9 chapter 2 read and translate.

p.74 Ex.4 learn by heart

VIII. Заключительный этап.

Учитель и ученики прощаются друг с другом.

Raise your hand,
Jump up high,
Wave your hand
And say “Good Bye”
