Сценарий вечера, посвященного творчеству Р.Бернса, для учащихся 8–11-х классов

Разделы: Иностранные языки


Сцена в таверне: Чуть в глубине сцены стоит большой стол, покрытый скатертью. На нем стоят пивные кружки и несколько кувшинов. За столом сидят люди, одетые в простую одежду (рубашки на выпуск, грубые башмаки), на некоторых мужчинах клетчатые  юбки-килты. Девушка вносит кувшин с «элем».

На сцену выходит музыкант (скрипка и гитара) все начинают петь песнюMy Bonnie Lies over the  Ocean…”

По обеим сторонам сцены за маленькими столиками (партами), на которых стоят свечи и веточки ели, сидят ведущие мальчик и девочка.(Играет музыка)

Ведущий – М: Robert Burns is Scotland`s greatest poet. He is more than that. He is the greatest national hero of the Scottish people. In all parts of the world where Scotsmen have migrated they have promptly organized a local Burns Society, where they have gathered to sing his songs and to pledge his name. It`s a striking tribute of honor  and affection.

Ведущий – Д: The poet`s birthday the 25 of December, is celebrated as Burns Night. It usually takes a form of a supper at which traditional Scottish dishes are catena, including haggis, and during which a Scottish piper plays, wearing traditional Highland dress. Some of Burn`s most popular poems are recited and there may be Scottish dancing after the meal is finished. Burn`s Night celebrations are not only in Scotland, but also in other countries.

(Играет музыка)

Ведущий – М: Robert Burns was born in 1759 at Allowed in southwestern Scotland. His father a tenant farmer was an intelligent man of admirable character, but never successful in his calling.  The household in which Burns grew to manhood is pictured with some idealizing in “The Cotter`s Saturday Night”. We would like to start our celebration with an extract from this poem recited by John Cainney,  who used to give solo stage performances which the diversity of range of Burns poetic and  lyrical work.

(Музыка и запись стихотворения “ The Cotter`s Saturday Night” – Cсубботний  вечер фермера в исполнении Джона Кейнни.)

Ведущий – Д: We are sorry but we couldn`t find  the Russian translation of this poem though many of poems are translated into Russian by a number of famous and not very famous Russian poets. You`ll hear their translations in the course of the celebration.

Ведущий М: It was from his father that Robert gained some first traces of education. Robert was lucky to have a good teacher at school, a serious young man who taught him good English, folk ballads, works by Milton, Shakespeare. Being the elder son Robert had to help his father in the fields from the age of 13. When 15 years of age Burns fell in love for the first time in his life and it was then that he created his first poem. He remembered: “This is how love and poetry sprang in me “

(Cтихотворение “Coming through the rye….” Пробираясь до калитки….” В переводе С.Маршака)

Ведущий – Д: In one of his daybooks Robert Burns wrote:  ” There is certain connection between love, music and poetry. I never dreamed of becoming a poet until I fell in love, “Burns had many attachments  among women. He would easily fall in love. But his life-long love was Jean Armour, his wife, whom he married secretly against the will of her parents. She was a great help to him throughout his life. She had a beautiful voice and sang every song created by him.

(Песня на слова Р. Бернса “My Love is Like a Red, Red Rose” – поющая песню девушка держит в руках красную розу или один из молодых людей дарит ей красную розу.)

Ведущий – М: Despite many hardships Robert Burns had to overcome he loved life in all its richness. One of his know poems is “Address To a Haggis, the famous Scottish pudding. He also glorifies another national Scottish symbol–barley, which Scottish  whisky is made of in his ballad John Barleycorn.”

(Address To A Haggis – Ода Хаггису, John Barleycorn – Джон Ячменное зерно)

Ведущий – Д: All farmers round the place sang jolly songs created by young Burns. But his own life wasn`t so joyful. After his father`s death the family knew misery. In 1786 with the help of his friends Burns managed to   publish his poems. A total of 600 copies of the book disappeared from the bookshops in several days. His name became known in London and Edinburgh. His  poems and himself amused the higher society of Edinburgh. As for the poet he expressed his option  of the society in his epigrams and some poems. Burns always stood for liberty and attacked social inequality. His sympathy lay with the poor.

(“I had a wife o` my  ain” песнь бедняка или “Is there, for honest poverty” – честная бедность)

Ведущий – М: Burns left Edinburgh and started on a tour of the south of Scotland where he had never been. Then he visited the north of the country. Burns loved his native land and was proud of its glorious history and his people.

(“Scots Wha Hae” Брюс шотландцам и “My Heart`s  in the Highlands” – в горах мое сердце, кадры видеофильма о Шотландии.)  

Ведущий – Д: The last years of Burns life were very hard. He gave up farming and with the help of his friends got a place at an office. He could draw philosophical conclusions out of small events he witnessed. In his poem “To a Mountain Daisy” he compared his fate with the one of a daisy he crushed while ploughing.

(“To a Mountain Daisy” Горной маргаритке, которую я помял своим плугом.)

Ведущий – М: In 1795 Burns fell seriously ill. On the 21 of July, 1976, being 37 years old, he died. Burns wrote many touching poems about friendship that he appreciated very much. And being a celebrator of friendship, of common joys it was he to create a hymn of eternal friendship “Auld Lang Syne ”. Burns never claimed the authorship of this poem, though.

(Стихотворение “Auld Lang Syne” в исполнении Джона Кейнни и песня, которая исполняется всеми участниками и зрителями.)

Подборка стихитворений и песен (Приложение 1)

Портрет Роберта Бёрнса (Приложение 2)