Тема урока: "Can we learn to live in Peace?"

Разделы: Иностранные языки, Презентация к уроку

Презентация к уроку

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Цели и задачи урока

  • Методологическая цель: создание на уроке условий для интеллектуального и эмоционального развития учащихся.
  • Практическая цель:
    • развитие воображения, самостоятельности, инициативы, умения выражать своё мнение, произвольного внимания учащихся.
    • научить выделять основную мысль прочитанного. Обобщать и анализировать материал.
  • Учебная цель: развитие речевых умений.
  • Воспитательная цель: воспитание толерантного отношения ко всем людям на планете, способствующее взаимопониманию между людьми разных стран и культур, поддержанию мира на планете.

Ход урока

T. We’ll start the lesson with a small presentation. What do you see on the screen?

Pic. 1. The Universe (вселенная)

P1. <...>

P2. <...>

T. We live on the planet called the Earth. It’s a part of the Universe.

Pic. 2. Universe (человечество)

T. Do you know any other translations of the word “universe”?

P1. <...>

P2. <...>

T. People inhabited the Earth are called universe. Now pay attention to Albert Einstein’s utterance which is on the sheets of paper. Let’s read it. What did he want to say to us?


P1. <...>

P2. <...>

T. And now let’s pay attention to the first sentence of this utterance. How do you understand this very sentence?

Pic. 3. The first sentence of the utterance

P1. People are different, of different age, nationalities and cultures but they live on the same planet.

P2. People live in different countries. We are all on the Earth. People are a part of the Universe.

T. Now let’s read the mid part of the utterance. What is the main idea of it?

Pic. 4. The second part of the utterance

P1. <...>

P2. <...>

P3. We are mistaken living and thinking only about ourselves, our family, our town and the country we live in. We should see the problems not only of our family, country but the problems of other people on the Earth.

P4. We can’t exist without thinking about other people in the world and their problems.

T. So, what is the main task for all universe? Let’s read the third part of the utterance. How do you understand the word “prison” in this case?

Pic. 5. The third part of the utterance

P1. People don’t understand that we shouldn’t decide any global problems separately from other countries.

P2. We should meet and solve the problems together with the rest of the world.

P3. We shouldn’t live separately from the rest of the world like in a prison.

P4. People should live in piece, love and harmony with themselves and all universe of our planet.

T. Please, pay attention to the words “consciousness” and “compassion”. Don’t you think that these two words are the key words in the utterance?

P1. <...>

P2. <...>

T. Сan you interpret the utterance using these two notions?

P1. <...>

P2. <...>

T. And using these words I can interpret the saying in this way:

Though people are different with their problems, life and desires, they should consciously come to the common decision of peaceful coexistence on the planet and feel compassion to other persons.

Pic. 6. Coexistence

T. I think people should see the signs of nature. The signs of nature prompt us to coexist in peace and harmony with the rest of the world.

Pic. 7. The Sun and the new Moon

T. If we combine the sign of the new Moon “C” and the sign of the Sun “0”, we’ll get “CO” – the beginnings of the words the essence of which helps us to coexist in peace, love and harmony on the planet.

Do you know any of them?

P1. <...>

P2. <...>

P3. <...>

Pic. 8. The words with “CO”

T. Pay attention to the beginning of these words! What have you noticed?

P1. <...>

P2. <...>

T. Even the beginnings of these words are the same in English and Russian.

What feelings have you got? What thought can we come to?

P1. <...>

P2. To avoid conflicts people should be tolerant.

P3. To live in peace and harmony with themselves and the rest of the world people should have all these qualities.

P4. People should learn to live in peace!

T. Let’s read the last sentence of Einstein’s utterance. Don’t you think that Einstein’s thought is the same?

P1. Yes, <...>

P2. Yes, <...>

P3. We should learn to live in peace, without conflicts and wars, try to understand each other and be tolerant.

T. You are right. All people are different. We live in different countries, but we all are called “universe” – человечество, who lives on the same planet “The Earth”. So we must coexist together and have all these qualities of a human being: compassion, confession, complicity, consciousness, etc.