Урок английского языка "Present Perfect Tense". 7-й класс

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Класс: 7

Оборудование урока: карточки с ключевыми словами для составления диалогов, карточки с грамматическими заданиями, перфокарты с неправильными глаголами, магнитофон, аудиокассета.

Используемый УМК: “Happy English.ru” для 7 класса К.И. Кауфман, М.Ю. Кауфман. 

Цели урока: систематизировать и обобщить знания учащихся по теме “Present Perfect Tense”.

Задачи урока:

образовательные: способствовать формированию грамматических навыков употребления времени Present Perfect;

воспитательные: повышать мотивацию к изучению английского языка;

развивающие: развивать навыки аудирования; диалогической речи и монологического высказывания; развитие лексических и грамматических навыков.

Ход урока

I. Организационный этап урока:

Teacher: Hello, everybody! I am glad to see you.

Pupils: We are glad to see you, too.

Teacher: Sit down, please.

One of the most important things is to pay attention to meeting people. I imagine your future work if you greet people with the words “Good morning” as if you are:

Angry – sad – sleepy – happy.

Which intonation is the best?

II. Аудирование:

Listen to the song and tell me what English Tense we are going to revise?


Boys, have you met famous people?
Have you tried English tea?
Have you ever fallen off
A very high tree?
Have you ever played tennis?
Have you lost? Have you won?
And what’s the coolest thing
You have ever done?


I have met Elton John,
And I’ve tried English tea.
I have never fallen
off a very high tree,
But when I was eleven,
I did a parachute jump,
And that’s the coolest thing
I have ever done.


Have you ever found money?
Have you travelled to Spain?
Have you ever gone
on a jumbo jet plane?
Do you know how to dive?
Have you swum in the sea?
And what’s the coolest thing
You have ever seen?


I have never found money,
And I haven’t been to Spain,
And I’ve never gone
on a jumbo jet plane.
But I’ve seen a giraffe,
It walked down our street.

And that’s the coolest thing
I have ever seen.

Teacher: Look at the blackboard and choose the right answer.

Pupils: We are going to revise Present Perfect.

Teacher: The subject of our lesson today is Present Perfect Tense. We will do different tasks: make up dialogues, translate sentences from Russian into English and from English into Russian and at the end of our lesson answer the question

Who has done or seen the coolest thing?

Are you ready?

Pupils: Yes, we are.

III. Фонетическая зарядка:

Teacher: Now open your books at page 158. Find regular verbs in the song, give me three forms and translate them into Russian. The next task is to find irregular verbs in the song, give me three forms and translate them into Russian

Look at the blackboard, complete the list of verbs. Repeat three forms all together, please.

met met
Fall fell
Lose lost lost
Win won
Do did
found found
Go went
Swim swum
See saw
Be been
tried tried
Play played
  travelled traveled

IV. Контроль домашнего задания

Fill in the cards. Учащиеся заполняют перфокарты на проверку знаний трех форм глагола.

Who has done this task? Put your cards away and work with me. Use adverbs already, just, yet in these sentences:

1. He has not met a famous person.

2. She has been to Spain.

3. They have not fallen off a very high tree.

4. We have tried English tea.

5. Misha has seen a wolf.

Now let’s play the game “Hacker”. Complete the sentences:

  1. What – you – this morning? (do)
  2. I - - breakfast. (have)
  3. They - - in the river. (swim)
  4. – you ever – to London? (be)
  5. I – never the Queen. (see)
  6. It - - into the river. (fall)
  7. He - - Elton John. (meet)
  8. – she – to Turkey? (travel)
  9. We - - football. (play)
  10. – you ever – money? (find)
  11. A clever mouse!

It’s time to check your cards. Change your sheets of paper and write down how many mistakes your classmate has made.

V. Развитие навыков диалогической речи

Выполнение разноуровневых заданий

1. Who has not made any mistakes? Raise your hands up. Clever boys, clever girls!

Who has made one mistake? Raise your hands up. Well done!

Your next task will be to write list of questions you want to ask your classmates. Start with Have you ever…?

2. Who has made more than one mistake? You’ll have to learn these verbs by heart and try again to do this task at the next lesson.

Your task is to match the questions and the answers from the song.

Now write about Misha. Start with Misha has …

3. Work in pairs, ask your questions each other and write down the answers.

VI. Активизация навыков монологической речи

Teacher: 1. Tell us about Misha. Who has other answers?

2. Tell us about your classmates. Who has other answers?

VII. Физкультминутка

Teacher: Are you tired? Let’s play the game.

“Заяц-хваста” ( вытягивают предложения, надевают маску и зачитывают)

I’ve had breakfast with President Putin.

Madonna has asked me to play in her movie.

I’ve climbed the Everest.

I’ve traveled in space.

Elton John has asked to sing with him.

Выпрямляем спину, расправляем плечи, растягиваем рот до ушей и отвечаем на вопрос:

What’s the coolest thing you have ever done or seen?

VIII. Заключительная часть

Подведение итогов урока

Teacher: Now it’s time to answer the main question of the lesson. Who has done or seen the coolest thing? Start with

In my opinion…

…is a winner. Clap your hands!

How have you worked today?

Pupils: My work has been excellent / good / sat.

My work has not been good / sat yet.

Teacher: Thank you for good work. Your marks are…

Good bye. Have a nice day!