Россия и мир против фашизма

Разделы: Иностранные языки, Внеклассная работа

Проект посвящен 65-ой годовщине Победы над фашизмом во Второй мировой войне.

Цель проекта: выразить нашу благодарность дедам и прадедам за их великий подвиг, патриотическое воспитание  подрастающего поколения.

Проект сделан на 4 языках (русском, английском, французском и китайском) и был показан на городском семинаре  учителей  иностранных языков г. Москвы  22 марта 2010 года.

В проекты отражены:

– начало войны
– количество войн и погибших в них людей  за всю историю человечества
– Сталинградская битва
– рассказы  учащихся 6 и 11 классов  гимназии об участии их дедов и прадедов в Великой Отечественной войне
–  участие юных пионеров в борьбе с фашистами
–  вклад союзников (Британии и США) в дело разгрома фашизма
– рассказ американского учителя о своем отце, воевавшем в Европе в мотобригаде
– Движение Сопротивления во Франции
– солидарность людей всех стран мир в антифашистском освободительном движении
– отношение русского народа к войне.

В Презентации использованы слайды, стихи и песни о войне:

– Священная война (Лебедев-Кумач перевод  учителя английского языка гимназии 1599 Азаровой Г.Г.)
– Жди меня (К. Симонов перевод Майк Манфорд)
– Обелиск (перевод Азаровой Г.Г.)
– Хотят ли русские войны (Евг. Евтушенко перевод Азаровой Г.Г.)

К материалам прилагается компьютерная презентация: первый слайд – Great Victory.
Перемещение по слайдам – нажатием на «Звездочку» в нижнем правом углу».
Материалы данного проекта могут  быть использованы во внеурочной деятельности по иностранным языкам , так как они несут в себе высокий воспитательный потенциал.

Лейтмотивом данного проекта могут  быть слова:

… слово «мир» останется едва ли,
Когда войны не будут люди знать.
Ведь то, что раньше миром называли,
Все станут просто жизнью называть.

The Project is dedicated to the 65th Anniversary of  The Victory over fascism in the Great Patriotic War.
The aim of the Project is to express our gratitude to the fore-fathers for their exploit of defending our Motherland and oath not to forget their heroic deeds.

Leader 1: On June 22, 1941,  Nazi Germany attacked the Soviet Union without declaring war.

Leader 2: Early in the morning, together with the troops of its satellites, the German army launched a treacherous attack on frontier units of the Soviet army.

Song (Лебедев-Кумач, translated by Азарова Галина):

Get up, our greatest Motherland!
Stand up for human life
To fight the darkest fascists’ force
Accursed ferocious Hord !

Пусть ярость благородная
Вскипает, как волна!
Идет война народная,
Священная война.

Leader 3: Mankind has fought over 14,000 wars, large and small, in the past 5,500 years.

Leader 1: In the first half of this century there were two world wars of unparalleled scale and destructiveness.

Leader 2: The First World War of 1914-18 involved 36 states with a total population of more than 1,000 million, of  whom 70 million were under arms.

Leader 3: In the Second World War (1939-45) there were 61 belligerent countries with a combined population of 1,700 million and 110 million people served in the armed forces.

Leader 1: The First World War left 30 million dead and crippled, while in the Second World War there were over 50 million dead alone.

Pupil 1: Few battles on the Eastern front in World War Two are remembered by people in The West. Ask anyone about the battles around Kharkov, and you’re unlikely to get an answer. But mention STALINGRAD, and most people will know that a titanic battle happened there, even if they couldn’t tell you where it is.

Pupil 2: Heroic Russian defense made the Germans pay for every yard and ground, and the Germans paid for every yard and ground, and they were shocked by the ferocity of Russian defense. By the middle of September 1942, Hitler had a whole army in Stalingrad.

Pupil 3: Finally, on the 21st of September the Russian counter-attack started.

Pupil 1: In 31st of January 1943 the Sixth German Army surrendered to the Russians. Almost 65,000 Germans were taken prisoner.

Pupil 2: It was the first serious defeat the Germans had suffered in the war, and it was the start of Russian military ability to assert itself.

Pupil 3: Sergeant Pavlov defended this house with a handful of defenders from constant German attacks. They were surrounded and held out for 59 days until help arrived!

Pupil 1: Stalingrad was a ruin, but now people in the West understood the bravery and military power of Soviet people.

Leader 2: The German army was just 30 kilometers from Moscow, Leningrad was under siege, three million soldiers had been taken prisoner. The situation looked hopeless…

(Константин Симонов, translated by Mike Munford, “Жди меня”)

A boy:

Wait for me, and I’ll come back!
Wait with all you’ve got!
Wait, when dreary yellow rains
Tell you, you should not.
Wait when snow is falling fast,
Wait when summer’s hot,
Wait when yesterdays are past,
Others are forgot.
Wait, when from that far-off place
Letters don’t arrive.
Wait, when those with whom you wait
Doubt if I’m alive.

A girl:

Wait for you, and you’ll come back!
Wait in patience yet
When they tell me off by heart
That I should forget.
Even when your dearest ones
Say that you are lost,
Even when your friends give up,
Sit and count the cost,
Drink a glass of bitter wine
To the fallen friend –
Wait! And never drink with them!
Wait until the end!


Wait for me/you, and I’ll/you’ll come back,
Dodging every fate!
“What a bit of luck!” they’ll say,
Those that did not wait.

A girl:

They will never understand
How amidst the strife,

A boy:

By your waiting for me, dear
You had saved my life.

A girl:

How you made it, we shall know,
Only you and I.

A boy: You alone knew how to wait –

Both: We alone know why!

A girl:

Как ты выжил, будем знать
Только мы с тобой, –


Просто ты умела ждать,
Как никто другой.

Leader 3: We, grandchildren of those who fought for our Motherland, always remember their deeds.

Ершова Маша, 6 «А»:

My great-grandfather Pchelintsev Nicolay Petrovich fought in the Great Patriotic War from its first day till the last one.
As a motorcade commander he was in charge of delivering weapons and ammunitions to our troops.
They moved day and night along the roads mined by fascists and saved the lives of many soviet soldiers.
My great-granddad took part in the battles of Stalingrad, Orel, Bryansk and other cities. He learned about the Krasnodon Young Guard organization not from Fadeev’s novel but on the day Kranodon was liberated.
My great-granddad participated in liberating  Poland, Romania, Hungary and Czechoslovakia.
In 1945 his motorcade was directed to Manchzhuria.
The song “Эх, путь-дорожка фронтовая, Не страшна нам дорожка любая” was dedicated to people like my great grandfather.
He was awarded many medals: Red Star, Patriotic War, Victory over Germany, Victory over Japan and others.
Everyone in my family is proud of my great-grandfather Pchelintsev Nicolay Petrovich.

Наумов Иван,  6 «А»:

Naumov Nikolai Aleksandrovich was born in Mikhailov in 1890. All people in his family were doctors, and his grandfather was a friend of A.P.Chekhov, and he worked with him in a hospital all his life. But I will speak about my great –granddad, because he fought in 2 wars – the First World War and the Great Patriotic War. In the First World War he was a doctor, but when the Great Patriotic  War broke out, he was already the chief of mobile hospital. One day Nikolai Aleksandrovich was taken prisoner by German soldiers. He spent several months in a German camp for Soviet soldiers where he treated German soldiers. One day he gave himself a needle, after which his pulse grew slow and the German soldiers threw him away to dump. When he woke up he ran across the front line to Soviet soldiers. He had a lot of orders and medals  – Red Star Order, Order Of Lenin, Order For Serves and many others.
Everyone in my family is proud of my great-granddad.

Герасимов Антон,  11 «А»:

Most of my relatives who lived in the years of the war took part in it: the Gerasimovs, the Pertsevs, the Alekseevs, the Bedrins.
My great grandfather Mitrofan Lukyanovich began the war in Byelorussia in June 1941 and finished it in may 1945, his regiment took part in the battles for Berlin.
My great grandfather was an aircraft engineer and taught young soldiers how to do his work. He ended the war in the rank of major and fortunately was never injured.
For courage and heroism in the years of war my great grandfather was awarded with a lot of medals.
Орден Ленина – высшая награда в СССР
Орден Красного Знамени
Орден Красной Звезды
In the years of the war the family of my great grandfather (the Alekseevs) was on the territory of occupied Ukraine, in Kharkov.
With the soldiers of the Soviet army two sons of my great grandfather went to the front – Leonid who finished school in 1941, and Konstantin, who was 16 years old. 13 years-old Alexander and the daughter Tamara stayed with their parents in Kharkov. The elder daughter Aliya (my great grandmother) worked in Moscow as an economist at a military plant.
Alekseev Konstantin Nikolayevich
At the age of sixteen he went to the front with the retreating Red Army… in the beginning he was in the engineer combat battalion, where he once caught a spy and was a medal of honor.
In the summer of 1943 he took part in the operation of liberation of Kharkov. He finished the war as a tank man. In February 1945 his tank was attacked. He hardly escaped and spent more then a year in hospital after his accident.
«Отечественной войны 1 степени»
«Отечественной войны 2 степени»
«Красной Звезды»

Leader 3: There has never been a war like the Great Patriotic War. Not only because it was the most destructive of all wars and millions died. But mainly because there have never been so many heroes, among them very young heroes, –  and so many brave actions as in this war against the Nazi invaders.

Pupil 4: Leonid Golikov joined the partisans at the age of 13 when the Nazis occupied his native village near Novgorod. He was a clever and brave boy. One day he blew up a car in which there were two Nazis. One was killed straight away, the other jumped out with the attaché case and ran off. Leonid followed him and shot him the papers the dead general had been carrying proved to be so important that they were sent at once by air to Moscow. For this and other brave deeds Leonid was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.

Pupil 5: Valentin Kotik was 11 when the war broke out. He joined the partisans and became a scout. Together with his best friend he found out when a Nazi officer known for having murdered a lot of  Russian people, would be driving along a certain road. The boys blew up the car, and the officer was destroyed. Valentin accomplished many other exploits. There is a monument to Hero of the Soviet Union Valentin Kotik in his native town.

Song “Obelisk”(translated by Азарова Галина)

Once her son rushed ahead to the attack 
While the battle was thundering at the stream
And he fell to the earth on his back
As though pressing his cheek to mum’s breast

Now it’s June , and the sun’s shining brightly,
And the silence is quiet and warm
While a shell-splinter’s frightfully tearing
Peaceful midday and days of old war .

Leader 1: The Soviet Union fought in the east while our western allies, The United Kingdom and the USA, were preparing to beat off the fascits’ attack.

Pupil 6: The 2nd world war started on the first of September of 1939 when the German army started the aggression against Poland. As the allies GB and France declared the war on the third of September, but their armies didn’t do anything, so the period between the 3rd of September and 10th of May is known as a strange war.

Pupil 7: On the 10th of May Verbacht intruded into the territory of Holland, Belgium, Luxembourg and France. It was defeat of allies – at the end of May the last parts of the British army and some parts of the French army were evacuated by sea.

Pupil 8: So. In July 1940 the battle of Britain started. The main battles of this operation took part on the sea and on the air. Lufftwaffe was more powerful than Royal air forces. The British had an enormous quantity of air defense means. In September Hitler refused to invade the British Isles that year. In May the operation “Sea lion” finished, and the main forces of Verbacht were concentrated on the boarders of the USSR.

Pupil 9: During the war, life in Britain was hard. Foods were rationed by points. Three million people were evacuated from cities.
Germans tried to grasp Norway and Denmark in 1940 too. The British, French and Polish armies tried to help the forces of those counties to resist. But it was a defeat of allies too.

Pupil 10: Moreover, Britain took part in the battles in Africa against “The Fox of Desert” Rommel. To support the fighting Soviet Union, GB took part in Land-lease.
In 1942 and 1943 Germans built the “Atlantic Wall” on the Northern beaches. On the 5th of July the Normandy Invasion started and soon Paris and a big part of France were liberated. Roor and the areas to the north of Ardennes were the main targets of the British army. In April 1945 the Red Army and the Allies met on the river Elba.

Pupil 11: There were several allies’ conferences during the war. The most known were the ones in TEGERAN, YALTA and  POTSDAM. Problems of cooperation and peace after the war were discussed at the conferences. It was the first point of unity of nations after the war.

Pupil 12: When France and Britain declared war on Germany, the United States once again  tried to remain neutral. But the events in Europe made the attempt almost impossible. The German military machine, with Italian help, was conquering vast areas of Europe. Rooselvelt did two things. First he built the American military forces so that the United States would  be better prepared in case of war. Secondly, he began to provide large amounts of aid to the British so that they would not be defeated by the Germans.

Pupil 13: For two years the United States stayed out of the war. Then, on December 7, 1941, Japan attacked British and American holdings with near-simultaneous offensives against South-east Asia and the Central Pacific. These included an attack on the American fleet at Pearl Harbor and landings in Thailand and Malaya. The attack came as a profound shock to the American people.

Leader 2: Today The International Language Centre teacher, Steve StMary, is taking part in our project. He presents the American people and their role in the Second World War

(He spoke about his father who fought in Europe in a motorcade.)

Leader 3: France has never kneeled, no matter how terrible, menacing, ferocious the enemy was. From the first days of fascists’ occupation the French organized Resistance movement. The names of its heroes will never escape from the history of the country. On the initiative of President de Goll the famous air regiment «Normandy» was established. It participated in the air battles of the eastern front.

Elève 1

La deuxieme guerre mondiale n’est pas oubliee et ses heros vivent toujours dans notre memoire et dans nos coeurs.
Il y a 65 ans notre pays a remporte la victoire , mais ce n’etaient que les russes , qui luttaient avec l’ennemie , il y avait les benevoles de plusieurs pays.La France a envoye ses pilotes c’etait l’escadrille “Normandie Niemen” , qui est devenu plus tard glorieuse et célèbre.

Elève 2

En 1941,  la guerre fait rage en Europe. La France,vaincu et  occupeé,continue  de  se battrè  pour  la libèrté, dirigeé par le géneral de Gaulle.
C’est  lui, gui propose l’envoie  de  cette  escadrille,pour venir en aide  à l’armeé soviétique.
Debut 1942, Français et Sovietiques  s’accordent  et les 12 premiers volontaires quittent  Zondres le 17 aout.
Le groupe de chasse “3” “Normandie” est  finalement creé le 1 septembre avec la remise de la  lettre de commandement par le général de Gaulle.
Le groupe est rapidement  informé qu’il a été choisi pour marquer  la présence de la France auprès les Soviétiques et aller  combattre sur le Front de l’Est.

Elève 3

La première base du groupe  se  trouve  à Ivanovo  ,à  250 km  au  nord-est  de Moscou. Là, les Français vont  percovoir  des avions russes  et  s’entrainer sur “Yak-monoplace”. Les conditions climatiques sont difficilement  supportables ,les températures  varient entre – 25-30 .
L’entrainement des 58 Français ,pilotes et mécaniciens , se prolonge jusqu’au  mois de mars 1943.

Elève 4

Le 22 mars l’unité s’envole  avec  ses 14. ‘Yak’ pour s`installer à une centaine de km au sud-ouest de Moscou sur la base de Polotniane Zavod. Le dégel rend les décollages et les atterissage très périlleux ,il paut 3 hommes sous chaque  aile pour rouler les avions sur la piste .
Mais les premiers succès des pilotes français chargés d’escorter les bombardiers russes ne tardent pas. Le 5 avril deux “Focke  Wulfe 190”  ont été abattus.Le 13 avril-encore 3 nouvelle victoire. Les missions se succèdent avec  plusieurs nouvelle victoires , mui également plusieurs pertent parmi les pilotes du Normandie .

Elève 5

Courant juillet 1943, l’ escadrille entre vraiment dans le feu de l’action , avec la terrible bataille de Koursk. Les missions se suivent sans interruption.
Debut aout les mécaniciens russes.Le front bouge vers l’ouest.
Le 1e septembre 1943, le Groupe de chasse totalize 42 victories. En 1944 les combats sont vraiment terrible.
Seulement le 21 juillet 1944 l’escadrille prend le nom de ‘Normandie-Niemen’.

Elève 6

Puis ce sont les combats en Preesse Orientale, avant les quartiers d’hiver.
‘Normandie-Niemen’ grace au sacrifice de plus de la moitié de ses pilotes, 42 tués, devient la première formation de la chasse française avec ses 273 victoires.
(auxquelles s’ajoutent bon nombre de véhicules détruits) obtenues au cours de 5240 missions et 869 combats.

Eleve 7

En 2005 les eleves de notre ecole ont commence a faire un album consacre a ce groupe. Maintenant, nous connaissona assez bien l`histoire de la cooperation militarize franco-russe. Les details de ce genre sont toujours interessants et il ne faut jamais oublier que nous vivons et nous voyons le ciel bleu, que ne porte plus de danger qu` auparant, grace a ces heros inoubliebles.

Eleve 8

Il est absolument impossible de ne pas souvenir le pilote legendaire de cette guerre – Antoine de Saint-Exypery. Tout le monde admire son “Petit prince” jusqu`a nos jours. Ayant l`ame si tender et si sencible, “Saint-Ex”, qu`on le nommait, ne pouvait pas etre a part au moment difficile pour tout le monde.
Il etait aussi “pilote de guerre”, il a partage le destin des plusieurs heros de cette guerre terrible/
En 1944, son avion, après etre battu, est tombe dans la mer.
Personne ne sait pas ou est sa tombe mais tout le monde sait parfaitement les extraits de ses oeuvres: “Apres s`etre lever, il faut nettoyer sa planete”, – faut defender les faibles, etc. Personne ne sait pas au juste si cette histoire etait reclle, et ou habite le Petit Prince, mais on veut croire qu`il nous voit avec ses yeux – brilliants comme les etoiles.

Eleve 9

La deuxieme guerre mondiale a pris beaucoup de vies humaines. Les malheures duraient sans que seraient toujours heros dans notre memorize. Personne ne sera oublie.
Nous sommes surs, que les jeunes doivent garder la gloire de nos ancetres. Beaucoup de musees militaries sont crees dans les ecoles russes, on organize les rencontres avec les veterans. Dans chaque pays, ou il y avait de grandes batailles, on peut vior les monuments…
Mais chaque vie humaine est inestimable.
Nos vietimes sont innombrables. Mais grace ces gens nous vivons, nous sourions, nous aimons. La vie continue, mail la memoire doit etre reconnaissant.  

Leader 1: The Second World War was over 65 years ago. But fascism is not dead yet. It has revived in the form of terrorism. It is a great danger, and people all over the world can defeat it only with joint efforts.

Chinese song:

Wo he ni xin lian xin
Tong zhu di qiu cun
Wei meng xiang qian li xing
Xiang hui zai Beijing
Lai ba pengyou
Shen chu ni de shou
Wo he ni xin lian xin
Youg yuan yi jia ren
English translation:

You and me
From one world
We are family
Travel one dream
Thousand miles
Meeting in Beijing
Come together
Put your hand in mine
You and me
From one world
We are family

Leader 2: And now, after everything you’ve heard,  let all the world hear the song «Say whether Russians want a war». This is our credo: we want peace, not war!

Song (Евгений Евтушенко, translated  by Азарова Галина):

Хотят ли Русские войны?
Спросите вы у тишины.
Say whether Russians want a war?
Just ask the snow-drops at thaw,
Apply to silent woods and fields,
To poplars , firs and white birch-trees,
Consult the soldiers who died
And under  those birches lie, –
Then their sons will tell you “No!”
The Russians don’t want,
The Russians won’t want,
The Russians don’t want a war!

Leader 3: On the 9th of May the 65th anniversary of the victory in the Great Patriotic War will be celebrated all over the world. We are proud of our great-grandparents who protected our Motherland, and this date will be in our hearts forever.

Sources  of  information:

Vasili Ryabov, “The Great Victory”,
Novosti Press Agency Publishing House,
Moscow, 1985
Speak Out № 2, 2005