Teleconference "What places on the planet you would like to see"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Открытый урок – телеконференция по теме: “Какие места на планете вы хотели бы увидеть ” может быть проведен в 10–11-х классах. Класс делится на две группы. Одной группе учащихся предлагается выступить в роли зарубежных студентов из Лондона, а вторая часть группы – студенты из Москвы. Проведению подобного классного часа предшествует большая подготовка, так как учащиеся обсуждают не только пройденную тему, но и дополнительный материал. Такой классный час расширяет и углубляет знания учащихся по определенной теме.

Цель: Систематизировать знания, умения и навыки речевой деятельности по теме “Путешествия”


  • Обучающая: Совершенствовать навыки устной речи (монолог и диалог) по теме: “Путешествия” с целью подготовки к выпускному экзамену.
  • Коммуникативная: Тренировать разговорные формы речевого общения.
  • Воспитательная: Формировать интерес к стране и традициям изучаемого языка.
  • Культурно-развивающая: Формировать социо-культурную компетенцию.

Оснащение урока: стенд “What places on the planet you would like to see and why” (творческие работы учащихся) – газета с рисунками, фото и описаниями путешествий, географическая карта мира или глобус, карточки с заданиями, магнитофон, использование слайдов в программе “Microsoft Word”.

Lesson plan

Objectives: to master skills of monologue and dialogue, to master skills of listening and understanding foreign language.

Equipment: posters, type-recorder, records, PC programme, pictures, photos, cards.

Greetings, topic of the lesson

Teacher (T) – Good morning, everybody.
(Ss) – (Good morning, Tatiana Petrovna)

T-I haven't seen you for ages. I am glad to see you again. (We are glad to see you too.) How are you? (We are fine, thanks. And how are you?)

I am fine, thank you.

T – Boys and girls, we have talked a lot about Great Britain. We have spoken about the political system in that country, about cities and towns, population, nature, geography, but I think you haven’t spoken enough how do they spend their vacations Can you guess what topic we’re going to talk about?

Ss We can guess, the topic for discussion today is“Trip and travel ”, isn’t it?


Teacher – Yes, you are absolutely right. To travel means to go on a journey and visit different places. Today the topic for discussion is“What places on the planet you would like to see and why”. (Ученики отвечают на вопросы учителя, которые задаются в быстром темпе)

T – Where and why do people travel nowadays?
What do they want to see?
Why is it interesting to travel?
Do you like to travel?
When did people begin to travel?
Who were the firs travellers?
What means of travelling do you know?
Have you ever travelled? Where and when?
Why is insurance necessary for a traveler?

Teacher – Let’s revise the meaning of the following words (Topical vocabulary)

Fascinating – means making you very interested or attracted.
Pole– is a long thin stick, often used for supporting something.
Muslim – someone whose religion is Islam.
To sip or to drink in small amounts.
Exhausting– extremely tired and without enough energy to do anything else.
Tripod– an object with three legs that is used for supporting a camera.
Terrified – extremely frightened.
Harbour – an area of water near the land where it is safe for boats to stay.
Prawn – a sea animal with a hard shell round it.
To orbit
– to move around a planet.
Incredible-it’s surprising or difficult to believe.
Fragile – easy to break or damage.
Precious – loved or valued by someone.
To broadcast – to send out programmes to be received by televisions.

Teacher – Today we are going to take part in a programme broadcasting on television.

Our students will take part in television programme that deals with travel. We’ll take part in this teleconference. It’s a meeting held among the students in Moscow and in London, using an electronic communication system and sending information by television .The students of the UK are on BBC-1 channel now.

Presenter-(телеведущий) Dear friends! . Our Culture Channel is the most interesting programme on TV. On behalf of the participants, it’s my honour and duty to open the teleconference. Let me introduce the students – Trevor, Joan, Sharron, Alan, Peter and Elenor. They are well-known travelers; thought travelling has always been dangerous. While traveling we can be bitten by poisonous snakes, or killed by wild animals. In spite of danger there are some places in the world the courageous travellers would most like to go back to.

British Student ( BS) – Hello everybody. Glad to meet you. Some people can’t do without traveling. It’s very good that you are interested in discovering new places.

Presenter– Everyone remembers their favourite holiday. I’m going to ask you each to make a very short presentation for the Russian students. Will you listen and decide which of the places described you would most like to visit.

The travellers are on the line.

MS (student from Moscow) – What places would you like to tell us about?

S1-(Trevor) – I have been to many fascinating places but my favourite is Venice, which I visited a few years ago. Venice had everything – beautiful historic buildings, interesting museums and delicious Italian pizza!

MS – What is the most memorable trip?

S1– I’ll never forget my trip in a gondola along the canals that Venice is famous for. It was so relaxing. Gondola is a narrow boat with curved ends that you move using a long pole. I’d love to go back there again soon, but this time with my friend.

S2(Joan) – My most memorable trip was last year when I visited the beautiful old “Silk Road” towns of Bukhara, Samarkand and Khiva. These are the towns in Central Asia

MS – But what was you favourite town?

S2 – I think Bukhara was my favourite.I have seen ancient minarets for the first time there. Minaret is a tall tower that is traditionally part of a Muslim religious building where someone stands to call people to prayer I spent hours sitting in the shadow of ancient madrasas with amazing minarets, sipping green tea and chatting to the local people.

Presenter – I wonder, can you speak Uzbek?

S2 – No, I can’t. But even without a common language, it was really surprising how well we could communicate! The people were so friendly and relaxed. That’s why I’d like to return there.

S3(Sharron)– I like holidays in the mountains or at the seaside, where I can be active. I’ve just returned from a wonderful two-week holiday on Peter Island in the Caribbean Sea. It was a very private place with good food and lots of exciting things to do. Of course, I’m at home in the water, so I really enjoyed the windsurfing and water-skiing

MS – Windsurfing is a sport, isn’t it?

S3 – Yes, it’s a sport in which you move across water standing on a flat board with a sail that you can move. We also played a lot of volleyball on the beach and went for long bicycle rides around the island. It sounds rather an exhausting holiday, doesn’t it?

MS-What kind of holiday would be boring for you?

S3 – For me a holiday without action would be boring. That’s why we’re planning to go back there next year.

Presenter – Where was your last trip to?

S4 (Alan) – I love the jungle. That’s why my last trip was to the Amazon, which is famous for its massive trees and exotic wildlife. The Amazon jungle is not a place for people who like to travel in luxury. I was often exhausted and sometimes terrified. One day I was suddenly attacked by an ocelot, whose picture I was trying to take.

MS – How did you protect yourself and how did the ocelot look like?

S4 – I had to protect myself with my camera tripod. Ocelots usually look like yellow-brown domestic cats, with black spots, but this one was much more frightening!

Despite the hardship and the danger, I know I’ll go back there again. It’s always satisfying to travel to places where so few others have been.

Presenter – Where do you usually spend your vacations?

S5(Peter) – If I stay more than one or two days in the countryside I become bored. I spend most of my vacations and short breaks in cities. I think my favourite city is Sydney, where I went last year.

MS – What do you remember?

S5 – I remember sitting in a cafe in the harbour, dining on a plate of fresh prawns, sipping a glass of juice and watching the boats in the clear blue water. And all the time the astonishing modern architecture of the Sydney Opera House was in view. I can’t think of a better way to relax. I’d go back there next summer if I could. As for me I can’t live without music. And in Sydney I’ve heard an Old Australian Song “Kookaburra”

Presenter – I hope our love of singing will help us to understand each other better. And now listen to a traditional Australian song “ Kookaburra” and join us, please.

Kookaburra sits on an old gum tree
Merry, merry king of the bush is he
Laugh, Kookaburra, laugh Kookaburra
Gay your life must be

Kookaburra sits on an old gum tree
Eating all the gumdrops he can see
Stop, Kookaburra, stop Kookaburra
Leave some there for me.

Representer -– I think it is one of the most beautiful songs. But let’s go on talking about your holiday.

It is a modern trend making a journey into space isn’t it?

S-6 – (Elenor) Yes, it is. And I have been living in space for over two days It’s so difficult to describe the feeling I had while travelling in space. Orbiting the Earth is an extraordinary and unforgettable experience. It was incredible to look down on the Earth and see the sun rising behind it. I was amazed at how small and fragile it looked from space.

MS-What is shocking?

S-6 It’s shocking that we still haven’t realized how unique and precious our planet is. Of course I’d love to visit space again, but I’d like others to experience it too.

MS – Would you really fly to the moon?

S6 – It’s my dream. I would if I could

Во время беседы между “диктором ТВ и специалистами показываются слайды c Географическими местами по программе “Microsoft World” с незнакомыми лингвострановедческими понятиями и фотографиями. Например, рисунок, изображающий оцелота и надпись к нему “Ocelot”, “Minaret” и подпись под ним и т. д.

Teacher – Very good. Thank you very much for this interesting talk

Please, ask as many questions as you can on the topic to get more information

Предлагаю учащимся составить и задать свои вопросы ведущим о путешествиях.

Другая группа учащихся, выполняет задания на карточках (1–2 мин)

Task –

Give a talk about traveling.
Remember to say:

What famous travelers you know and where they travelled to
Your favourite way of travelling
What places on the planet you would like to see and why

Демонстрируются постеры, рисунки, фото и дополнительная информация, не рассказанная в передаче.

В конце урока благодарю учащихся за хорошие ответы, выставляю оценки и записываю на доске домашнее задание


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