Урок английского языка по теме "История одной картины"

Разделы: Иностранные языки, Презентация к уроку

Презентация к уроку

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Тема: The story of the Mona Lisa

Время реализации: 40 мин

Цель: развивать умения чтения с извлечением запрашиваемой информации (стратегия чтения – информационная карточка)

Образовательный компонент

  • расширить кругозор учащихся и повысить уровень их культуры
  • приобщить к иностранному языку

Воспитательный компонент

  • воспитывать интерес к иноязычной культуре
  • формировать навыки интеллектуального труда
  • формировать эстетический вкус

Развивающий компонент

  • развивать логическое мышление, языковую догадку, смекалку
  • умение работать в группе
  • формировать устойчивую мотивацию дальнейшему изучению английского языка и французского как второго иностранного языка

Практический компонент

  • осуществить систематизацию грамматических знаний по теме “Past Simple”
  • развивать умения аудирования
  • развивать умения чтения с полным пониманием почитанного
  • развивать речевые умения

Средства обучения

  • УМК Way Ahead 4
  • Электронная презентация” the story of the Mona Lisa”
  • Звуковое приложение к УМК Total English elementary
  • Раздаточный материал (тексты, карточки)

Этапы урока

Организационный момент, целеполагание 2 мин.
Актуализация знаний 5 мин.
чтение с извлечением информации 10 мин.
аудирование с пониманием основ. содер. 7 мин.
выполнение грамматических упражнений 8 мин
Рефлексия 4 мин.
Подведение итогов урока 2 мин.
Домашнее задание 2 мин.

Ход урока

I Warm-up

Слайд 1

Hello, dear pupils, Nice to meet you again. Our lesson is very unusual today, I hope it will be interesting, not boring for you.( the French teacher greets the pupils too).

Слайд 2

Look at the screen, there are some photos on it. What city do you think it is?

You are right; it is Paris, the capital of France.

Oh, it’s a surprise, we’ve got an email. Shall I read it?

слайд 3

What a pity! I can’t read it. Who can help me? Thanks a lot, Vasya, how kind of you!

Bonjour, Mesdames et Messieurs,

Notre organisation voudrait vous inviter de visiter Paris. Vous savez bien que Paris est la capitale de France avec une tres longue histoire. Nous vous proposons de faire un petit voyage pour apprecier des monuments historiques tels que l’Arc de Triomphe, la Tour Eiffel, l’opera Garnier, la cathedrale Notre-Dame de Paris et en particulier le Louvre. Le musee du Louvre est le plus grand musee de Paris et l'un des plus importants du monde. Dans le musee vous pouvez voir la Joconde, un tableau celebre de Leonardo de Vinci qui a ete realise entre 1503 et 1506.

Paris vous attend.


Monsieur de Martini.

Dear pupils,

We would like to invite you to visit Paris. You know that Paris is the capital of France. We would like you to see the Louvre. The Louvre museum is the largest national museum of France and one of the most important in the world.

Paris is waiting for you.


Mr. de Martini

Слайд 4

Would you like to go to Paris? It’s a good idea, I think. We absolutely love traveling! How about going there by train? Some of you have already been there.

What can we see in Paris?

Слайд 5

Sure, the Louvre.

Слайд 6- 8

Look at the screen and get more information about this famous museum.

II Reading

Слайд 9

1. Read the text” the Louvre” (part 1) and fill in the information card. (приложение 1)

Слайд 10

2. Ask your partner about the museum

Why do a lot of people go to the Louvre?

Sure, everybody wants to see the Mona Lisa!

B) Who was the artist?

Who can give some information about Leonardo da Vinchi?

Why not to go to the Louvre and see this painting? But how can we get there? Let’s ask the policeman

Слайд 11 (приложение 6)

(The conversation between the police officer and the tourist in French)

Thank you very much. It’s not far from here, let’s sing a song, it’ll help us to get the place quicker.

Слайд 12

Children sing a song “The more we get together”

Слайд 13

At last we here, in the Louvre, we can the Mona Lisa now.

Слайд 14-15

Reading (приложение 2)

Look at the picture, read the text (part 2), complete the table,

Check your answers in pairs and be ready to answer my questions.

Do you want to know what happened next?

Слайд 14

Ш Listening (приложение 3)

А Listen to the story of the Mona Lisa and find out if the sentences are true or false

1 The Mona Lisa moved to the Louvre

2 It stayed in Napoleon’s bedroom

3 The Louvre closed in 1910

4 The police talked to Picasso

5 The police talked to Vincenza Peruggia

В Answer the questions

1 Did Napoleon like the Mona Lisa?

2 Did it stay in his bedroom?

3 Who did the police talk to?

IV Grammar (приложение 4)

Make negative sentences

1 Picasso/ not like/ the Mona Lisa

2 Leonardo da Vinci/ not live/ in Spain

3 The Mona Lisa / not stay/ in Italy

4 The police/ not talk/ Picasso

5 The Mona Lisa / not stay/ in Napoleon’s bedroom

B) Put the words in correct order to make questions.

Leonardo da Vinci When did finish the painting ?
the Mona Lisa France stay Did in ?
Who was the thief?
Where was the Mona Lisa for two years ?
How did the thief steal the Mona Lisa ?

V Reading (приложение 3)

What happened next?

Read the text (part III) and correct your answers.

Two years later, the police arrested Vencenzo Peruggia. He was the thief. But how did he steal the Mona Lisa?Vencenzo was in the Louvre on August, 1911. The museum was very quiet. When Vencenzo walked out, the Mona Lisa was under his coat. The painting stayed in Vencenzo’s apartment, near the Louvre, for two years. In 1913, Vencenzo wanted to sell the painting. He wanted to sell it in Italy. The police arrested him in Milan.

VI Reflection (приложение 5)

Do you like our excursion?

Was it interesting?

What are your impressions?

Choose any of the statements and stick it on the poster

VII Home task: prepare the retelling of the story of the Mona Lisa, don’t forget to use the information cards.

VIII Marks: I absolutely love your working today, thank you very much. All of you deserve excellent marks. See you on Monday.