Урок английского языка. Тема: «Структура "There is/are"» медаль

Разделы: Иностранные языки, Презентация к уроку

Презентация к уроку

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  • Образовательная: активизация употребления структуры There is/are и формирование умений использования данной структуры в речи
  • Развивающая: развитие речи
  • Воспитывающая: воспитание уважительного отношения друг к другу


  • Учить учащихся называть составные части квартиры
  • Обучать учащихся рассказывать о квартире, употребляя конструкцию There is/are

Visuals: Power Point slides, screen, cards with the poem, a pen, a pencil, a dog, a box.

Lexical: Living room, dining room, bedroom bathroom kitchen, toilet, house.

Grammar material: Structure There is/are (Образование утвердительных предложений и общих вопросов)

Phonetic drills: intonation in general questions with There is/are

Ход урока

Вступительная часть

Т: Good morning, children!

P: Good morning, teacher!

T: I am very glad to see you. How are you today?

P: We are fine, thank you.

T: Sit down, please. Answer my questions, please. What date is it today? Who is on duty today? Can you tell me, who is absent today?

ФИО: Ооржак Чинчи Валерьевна

Идентификатор: 235-990-378

T: Let's start our lesson. Today we'll speak about structure There is/are. Then we will learn some new words, we'll make up the sentences in English with them. At the end of the lesson we will play a game.

Основная часть урока

Речевая зарядка

- Let's start our lesson with the poem: “Be polite”. Look at the screen and listen to me.(Слайд №2)

Always try to be polite
In everything you do
Remember always to say “Please”
And don't forget “Thank you”

- Repeat after me. Let's read all together.

- And who can read the poem alone? (Translate me the poem into Russian)

- I advise you to be polite in everything you do. That is all.

Vocabulary of the lesson

- Open your copybooks and write down the date today.

Мы знаем много английских слов для описания наших домов. Сегодня научимся называть комнаты и научимся рассказывать о том, что находится в доме. Here are some new words. Listen and repeat the words after me. (Слайд №3)

  • Living room - жилая комната
  • Dining room - столовая
  • Kitchen - кухня
  • Bathroom - ванная комната
  • Bedroom - спальня
  • Toilet - туалет
  • House - дом

Read the words. We will make up the sentences with these new words. Try to remember.

Введение новой темы

Т: Сегодня мы научимся рассказывать о наших домах. Мы только что выучили названия комнат и знаем названия мебели. Мы знаем, как рассказать о том, что мы имеем в доме. Но англичане часто используют еще одно выражение, оно помогает нам говорить о том, что находится в наших домах. Это слова There is/are. (Слайд №4)Она указывает на наличие чего-либо в настоящем времени. Если предложение на русском языке начинается со слов, отвечающих на вопрос где?, то английское предложение начинается с there is/are.

There is употребляется в форме единственного числа

There are - множественное число.

Look at the screen.(Слайд №5) Listen to me and repeat.

Активизация введенного речевого оборота в устной и письменной речи.

- That's all. Now let's do exercise on the blackboard. Look at the screen. (Слайд №6) Read the task of exercise.

Who can start?

Well done!

- Now make up the sentences about our class. And tell me what is there in our class? Describe me this classroom.

Excellent! Your sentences are very true! Now you can describe the room.


Children, you are tired. Let's have a rest and do our exercise.

Head and shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes
Head and shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes
And eyes, and ears, and mouth, and nose
Head and shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes

Go on our lesson.

Введение вопросительных структур с речевым оборотом there is/there are.

- Мы научились рассказывать о своей комнате, используя структуру there is/there are. Данное выражение можно использовать не только в утвердительных предложениях, но и в вопросах. При вопросе глаголы is или are переставляются на первое местo и такое вопросительное предложение произносится с восходящей интонацией. Например:

Is there а book on the table? Yes, there is. No, there isn't.

Are there books in the bag? Yes, there are. No, there aren't. (Слайд №7)

Активизация вопросительных структур в устной речи

a. It is time to do exercise. Read the task… We must make up questions. Let's do.(Слайд №8)

Well done! Now you can make up different kinds of sentences. That's great!

b. Ask your friends about their houses, using There is/are. Remember to say “Please”.

1. Please, tell me, is there a kitchen in your house?

Yes, there is.

2. Are there two bedrooms in your house?

No, there aren't. There is one bedroom in my house.

3. Please, answer my question, is there a living room in your house?

Yes, there is.

Very good! You can ask and answer the questions.

Речевая разминка

Игра “What is there in my box?”

T: And now let's play a game “What is there in my box?” Who will be a chief?

P1: I will

T: Please, come to the blackboard take this box. You will answer your friends' questions.

T: Ask some questions about the things in the box. Remember about magic words which help us to be polite and kind.

For example:

a. P2: Can you tell me is there a pen in the box?

P1: Yes, there is. There is a pen in the box.

b. P3: Please, tell me, are there pencils in the box?

P1: Yes, there are. There are pencils in the box.

c. P4: Could you tell me is there a dog in the box?

d. P1: Yes, there is. There is a dog in the box.

Answer my question, please, are there balls in the box?

P1: No, there aren't. My box is empty now. Here you are!

T:That's all. Thank you very much. You were very polite. You must be kind when you ask something.

Итог урока

T: At the end of the lesson let's read the poem. (Слайд №9)

There is a kitchen in my flat
There are chairs in the kitchen
There is a table in the middle
There is some food on the table
Let's have dinner all together

T: You work very hard today. Answer my question, please! What can we do now?

We have learnt a new grammar rule. You asked and answered some questions, played a game. The marks for the lesson… your homework: learn by heart the poem. The lesson is over. Thank you for your work. Good bye!