Заключительный урок по теме "Профессии"

Разделы: Иностранные языки, Презентация к уроку

Презентация к уроку

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  • учебный аспект – совершенствование речевых навыков; сопутствующая задача: скрытый контроль уровня сформированности речевых навыков;
  • развивающий аспект – развитие зрительной и слуховой памяти, развитие способности к соотнесению, объяснению, убеждению, обобщению;
  • воспитательный аспект – формирование уверенности в себе и своих силах, воспитание любознательности, желания расширять кругозор.

Оборудование: мультимедийная презентация, компьютер, интерактивная доска, экран, раздаточный материал (приложение 1, приложение 4, приложение 5) , приложение 2 – аудиозапись, приложение 3 используется для проведения физкультминутки.

Ход урока

I. Организационный момент.

T.: Good morning, my dear friends! I’m glad to see you. The topic of our lesson is “Jobs around us”.

II. Фонетическая зарядка.

(Приложение 1)

T.: There are lots of professions.

Look at the list of professions and name the ones with

  • the sound [a:] (слайд 2) artist, farmer, bodyguard
  • the sound [t] (слайд 3) pilot, doctor, teacher, secretary, actor, tour guide, detective, IT specialist, accountant, politician, journalist, scientist, architect, actor, dentist
  • the sound [r] (слайд 4) hairdresser, travel agent, veterinarian, driver, director, computer operator

III. Речевая зарядка.

T.: It is important to look ahead to make the right career choice. To make the right decision about your future career you should know what skills are necessary for different jobs. What jobs require communication skills? (слайд 5)

What jobs require basic IT skills? (слайд 6)

What jobs require skills in problem solving? (слайд 7)

IV. Проверка домашнего задания.

Reader ex.1, p. 64. Чтение с извлечением основного содержания. Ключи: the accountant – H; the agent – B; the DJ – F; the engineer – G; the manager – A; the producer – C; the stylist – D; the video-maker – E. (слайд 8)

Now you know the names of professions involved in the music industry.

V. Аудирование с извлечением общего содержания.

T.: What professions am I speaking about? (Аудиозапись, приложение 2)


  1. teacher;
  2. chef;
  3. guide;
  4. salesperson;
  5. policeman;
  6. secretary;
  7. journalist;
  8. lawyer;
  9. detective;
  10. veterinarian.

Учащиеся слушают запись 2 раза, записывают угаданные профессии в том порядке, в котором о них говорится. Текст для учителя:

Аудирование «Угадай профессию»

  1. This job requires intelligence, imagination and patience. The success of the job depends on students. This job is a very difficult one. It requires skills in problem solving and good communication skills.
  2. This person is responsible for the whole kitchen, including supervision of staff and trainees and planning and budgeting menus.
  3. This is the job which requires you to be tactful and to stay calm under pressure. You’ll have to deal with the problems and needs of holidaymakers, but you’ll also have to know the area you are working in and plan trips and tours that will please everyone. Knowledge of foreign languages is essential.
  4. You need good communication skills. You’ll have to explain how the product will meet the customers’ needs. To succeed in sales you have to be confident, persistent, determined, highly motivated and a good team player.
  5. You may start the job with patrolling the streets. The job is rather dangerous and requires physical strength. You’ll have a lot of responsibility. You’ll help citizens overcome difficulties. You’ll need a gun. The job will give you a good opportunity to make a career.
  6. This person is cheerful and sociable. He should type on a computer quickly and make coffee.
  7. This person must be able to write articles and reports well and like taking risks. He shouldn’t be afraid of responsibility. He needs excellent literacy and communication skills.
  8. His job is to advise people about laws, write formal agreements or represent people in court.
  9. Someone who investigates crimes.
  10. Someone who cures sick animals.

VI. Игра-физкультминутка. “What is my job?”.

Учитель раздает карточки с названиями профессий, ученики должны показать мимикой, движениями и жестами, чем занимается представитель этой профессии, а остальные должны угадать, кого он изображает.

T.: Take the cards, show in turn with the help of gestures, movements and facial expressions what the job of this person is. (Приложение 3)

VII. Read the job advertisements, match each person with the job that best suits them.

(Приложение 4)


We are a small company in the city centre and we are looking for a secretary. We need an intelligent, cheerful, sociable person who can type well and use a computer.


If you love books and are interested in sales, we have the job for you. We are looking for an intelligent, friendly person who can deal with customers politely.


A weekly newspaper is looking for an experienced journalist. The person we are looking for must be able to write well and like taking risks. He will also not be afraid of responsibility.


A large international firm is looking for a handworking ambitious young architect. We can offer excellent pay as well as an exciting career. This position will suit someone who is reliable as well as creative.


This is an excellent chance for someone who wants to work in a countryside. The ideal person must be strong and athletic, like hard work and have a friendly and fun-loving nature.

  1. JAMESis artistic and ambitious. He is also determined. He loves to travel and he hates to work alone.
  2. SANDY is friendly, outgoing and intelligent. She likes meeting people and playing on her computer. She prefers going to the cinema to reading.
  3. JOE is hardworking and creative. He likes the outdoors and he has a good sense of humour. He doesn’t mind working alone.
  4. JOANNA is daring and adventurous. She likes writing and kayaking.

T.: Have you decided yet which jobs are suitable for Joe, James, Sandy and Joanna?

Учащиеся высказывают свои предположения по схеме:

It seems to me that the job of a … is suitable for … because … (слайд 9)

VIII. Тренировка навыков диалогической речи в игре “What do I do?”

(Приложение 5)

Водящему задают вопросы, представленные в приложении 5, и ставят знаки + или – в соответствующей графе.

Клише «согласие – несогласие» на слайде 9.

IX. Объяснение домашнего задания.

Подготовить небольшое сообщение (10-12) предложений на тему “My Future Career”

X. Подведение итогов урока, выставление оценок.

That’s all we have time for. Today we have spoken about the world of professions. Of course, it is very important to make the right choice. But I think it is more important what kind of person you will become.


  1. Гроза О. Л. “New Millennium English 11” , «Титул», 2005.
  2. Кузовлев В. П. “English 10-11”? Москва, «Просвещение», 2009.