Урок-сказка "Встреча Рождества в Англии" в начальных классах

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Цели урока:

  • знакомство с традициями празднования Рождества в англоязычных странах;
  • создание атмосферы праздника на уроке, обеспечивающей высокую мотивацию в обучении.



  • развитие речевых и языковых компетенций учащихся (монологической и диалогической речи);
  • обобщение пройденного лексико-грамматического материала;
  • формирование навыков аудирования и письменной речи.


  • привитие и развитие уважения к культуре и традициям англоязычных государств;
  • формирование чувства уважения, взаимопонимания, поддержки друг друга.


  • развитие кругозора учащихся и его социокультурной компетенции;
  • развитие навыков лидерства, умения работать в группе;
  • формирование навыков культурного общения с одноклассниками;
  • развитие творческих способностей каждого ученика;
  • формирование творческой активности ученика на уроке;
  • развитие умения анализировать, сопоставлять и обобщать полученную информацию.

Оборудование урока (новогодние и рождественские украшения, наглядные пособия с видами Москвы и Лондона, музыкальное сопровождение), костюм учителя – “Белоснежки” - всё способствует продуктивному общению учителя со своими воспитанниками в ситуации, максимально приближенной к реальной жизни. В “сказочной” атмосфере все дети становятся очень активными участниками урока и с огромным желанием выполняют все предложенные задания.

Класс/группа делится условно на “русских” и “английских” школьников. Дети могут приготовить бейджики (name-badges) с именами Ученики сами начинают урок, поэтому этих детей надо подготовить заранее, так как они “исполняют” роли. Также следует продумать, кому будет отведена роль “корреспондента” или это задание можно предложить в процессе урока (в зависимости от уровня обученности ваших детей).

Урок будет более эффективным, если использовать интерактивную доску при выполнении задания “Письмо Буратино”, “Лестница-чудесница” – тогда у детей появится возможность продемонстрировать навыки письменной речи или можно предложить просмотр мультимедийной презентации с видами Лондона; также можно сделать слайд с заключительной песней (на мотив всемирно известной песни “Happy birthday!”)-дети с удовольствием исполнят её вместе с “Белоснежкой”!

(В конце можно устроить чаепитие и даже пригласить родителей).

Ход мероприятия

Act 1. “The beginning of wonders”. (The bell is ringing)

Pupil 1: (running into the classroom) Oh, I’m sorry, I’m late! May I come in? Where is our teacher J.A.? Looking here, looking there, I can’t see her anywhere! (coming up to the blackboard) Today is the 25th of December! Today we have Merry Christmas! (turning to the classmates) Let’s go to England and have Christmas holiday!

Pupil 2: But how? We are children!

Pupil 3: We have no our teacher J.A.!

Pupil 4: We are in Russia, in Petropavlovsk –Kamchatsky!

Pupil 1: Today is Merry Christmas! Today we have many wonders! Let’s call Snowhite!

All pupils (walking around the classroom): Snowhite! Where are you? Please, help us! Snowhite!

Act 2. “Meeting Snowhite”

(The music is playing. The teacher “Snowhite” is coming into the classroom, spinning around. She stops and sits down on the chair)

Snowhite: I am Snowhite. But where am I? (looking at the children) Who are you?

Pupils (running to her): You are in Russia, in Petropavlovsk – Kamchatsky, at school №8. We are pupils. Today is Merry Christmas. Snowhite, please, help! In England all children have Christmas holiday. But we have no our teacher. Let’s go to England together!

Snowhite: In England many children are very good, kind and clever. Are you good, kind and clever children?

Pupils: Yes, we are!

Snowhite: But I can’t help you, my dear children! I am not happy today! I have a letter from Buratino. (Вставить слайд 1. Презентация) He is my favourite personage, but he is a bad pupil. He has many mistakes in his letter and I can’t read it. Please, help me! Correct his mistakes!

Dear Snowhite!

My name Buratino.
I am 10 year old.
I am pupil.
I have father Carlo.
I from Christmas Land.
I enjoy play. Good-bye!

Snowhite: Thank you very much! You are very good, kind and clever children! Let’s go to England and have Christmas Holiday! Close your eyes! And count from one to ten!

Pupils: (all together): One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten!

Snowhite: Open your eyes! You are in England! (Вставить слайд 2) Meet Your English friends!

Act 2 “Making acquiantance”

“English” pupils (all together): Hello, Russian friends!

Pupil 1: My name is Vendy . I am 10. I am a pupil. I am from London. I live in England. I am English. I can sing and dance. I like to ride a bike. Nice to meet you!

Pupil 2: My name is … I am … I can … I like to … Glad to meet you!

(Pupil 3, Pupil 4 etc.):

Snowhite (turning to Russian children): Well, meet English children!

Russian children (all together): Hello, English pupils!

Pupil 1: My name is … . I am 10. I am a pupil. I am from Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky.. I can … I like to … Nice to meet you!

Pupil 2: My name is … I am … I can … I like to … Glad to meet you!

(Pupil 3, Pupil 4 etc.):

Act 3 “Games & Presents”.

Game 1 “The beard for Santa Claus”

Snowhite: Dear children! Who is your favourite Christmas personage?

The children: Santa Claus.

Snowhite: Right! Look at his picture! Oh! He has no beard! Where is it? Let me see… Нere it is! (taking it ). Please, help me! Stick a beard on his face! I need one “English” pupil and one “Russian” pupil for this game.

(She takes out a scarf - so they can’t see the poster).

One, two, three! Start! (The person who sticks a beard to a proper place is a winner)

Game 2 “The Magic Box”

Snowhite: Santa Claus is very kind and he has many presents for you. This is “The Magic Box”. It has something in it. Maybe it is a school thing and you have it every day. Guess what it is. Begin your questions with : “Have you got a …?”

Pupil 1: Have you got a pen?

Snowhite: No, I haven’t!

Pupil 2: “Have you got a rubber?”


Pupil 3: …:

(All pupils ask questions. The winner is a pupil who has named the thing correctly and he gets this thing as a Christmas prize.)

Game 3 “ The Ladder of Wonders”

Snowhite: Well, thank you, my dear children! In England all children have many games on Christmas. What is an English favourite game?

English P 1: Our favourite game is “The Ladder of Wonders”.

Snowhite: Well, let’s play this game with the Russian pupils. On the blackboard you have one word for the English pupils and one word for the Russian pupils, as well. Read your words, please! (The children read their words aloud). While the music is playing, come to the blackboard one by one and write a new word beginning with the last letter of the previous one– that is the ladder!

(When the music stops, the game stops too. The group who has more correct words in spelling – is the winner!)

Game 4 “The Field of Wonders”

Snowhite: And in Russia all children have many games. What is your favourite game?

“Russian” P 1: Our favourite game is “The Field of Wonders”.

Snowhite: Well, you have two words. (It may be a sport game or a school subject etc.)What are these words? Begin your questions with:“Have you got the letter ”…”?

Who names the word first – is the winner!

Game 5 “let’s sing& dance!”

Snowhite: Well, you are very clever pupils. But all children have many songs. What is your favourite English Christmas song?

“English” P 1: Our favourite Christmas song is “Jingle, bells!”

Snowhite: Let’s sing it for your Russian friends! (“English” pupils sing the song).

Snowhite: Have you got the English songs in Russia?

“Russian” P 1: Yes, we have. We sing “The ABC song”! (“Russian” pupils sing the song).

Snowhite: Oh, how clever you are! You can play many games, sing songs and clap your hands together! Stand in a circle, please! It is a game, a song and a dance. You know it very well. Let’s play, sing and dance together!

Clap, clap, clap your hands!
Clap your hands together!
Clap, clap, clap your hands!
Clap your hands together!
Stamp, stamp, stamp your feet!
Stamp your feet together!
Stamp, stamp, stamp your feet!
Stamp your feet together!
Spin, spin, spin around!
Spin around together!
Spin, spin, spin around!
Spin around together!
Dance, dance, dance a dance!
Dance a dance together!
Dance, dance, dance a dance!
Dance a dance together!

Snowhite: I see a guest at our Christmas holiday. He is a correspondent. He has a microphone and he has some questions.

The English correspondent: Hello! My name is … . I am a correspondent. I have many questions to you.

(The English correspondent comes to some pupils and takes an interview):

  • What is your name?
  • What is your surname?
  • Are you a pupil?
  • Are you 10?
  • Where are you from? How old are you?
  • Are you English or Russian?
  • Have you got a dog?

The “English correspondent”: Thank you! You are good and very kind children. Merry Christmas to you!

Act 4. “In the conclusion”

(Вставить слайд 3 - The “Big Ben” Strikes)

Snowhite: My dear little children! I am sorry but your Russian friends go back to Russia and I go back to my Christmas Land and help other children. They have Christmas holiday too!

You are very kind and good children!

(Snowhite is singing this song – the tune is the same as “Happy Birthday song”):

Merry Christmas to you!
Merry Christmas to you!
Merry Christmas, dear children!
Merry Christmas to you!

May your Christmas be bright!
From morning till night!
May your Christmas be bright!
From morning till night!

Good bye, my little friends! Be happy! (Snowhite is flying away).

Учебно-методическая литература:

  1. Клементьева Т.Б., Монк Б.
  2. Учебник “Нappy English” (5-6 классы). – М.: Дрофа, 1998. – 416 с.
  3. Биболетова М.З., Денисенко О.А.
  4. УМК “Enjoy English” (3-4 классы). –М.: Титул, 2007.