Игра для "Умники и умницы" по теме "Знаешь ли ты писателей Великобритании?"9‒11-й класс

Разделы: Иностранные языки, Внеклассная работа, Конкурс «Презентация к уроку»

Ключевые слова: умники и умницы

Презентация к уроку

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Цель: развитие социокультурной компетенции.


  • Обучающие: совершенствовать навыки монологической речи , аудирования  и грамматикческие
  • Развивающие: расширить кругозор, знакомить с известными английскими писателями и их произведениями
  • Воспитательны: воспитывать уважение к носителям иноязычной культуры, развивать познавательный интерес к предмету

Оборудование: дорожки для агонистов (из цветной бумаги), компьютер, экран, мультимедийный проектор, презентация к заданиям, ключи для награждения агонистов и теоретиков, медали для награждения зрителей.


I. Вступительное слово учителя

Today we’ve got together to speak about outstanding British writers and to show their knowledge of English and British literature. Let me introduce our agonists. They are three groups of the students of classes 10 “A”, 10 “b” and 10 “V”. The participants will have to answer different questions and do other tasks. There are three agones for each group.  The agonists   will be given keys for each correct answer . The one who will get more keys will be the winner. If an agonist can’t answer the question, there are theorists who can do that and get a key. At the end of the game there will be some more questions asked to the spectators who can get a medal for the correct answer. Our competition will be judged by The Supreme Areopag. The Chairperson is Vasilieva N.N.

II. Представление первой группы участников (по одному представителю из каждого класса)

The first group of agonist is invited to our paths.

I агон.

The first competition is to show your knowledge of three  verb forms. (слайд 2). All these verbs are regular, aren’t they? Underline the ones which are irregular.

III агон

OK. Now you should tell   about the role of literature in our life. (Учащиеся высказывают своё мнение по теме, подготовленное  до игры)

II агон

Now I ask  the Supreme Areopag to tell who will be the first to chose a question.  You will have to answer tree groups of questions.
Участники по очереди, начиная с победителя первого агона, выбирают вопросы и отвечают на них  и проходят три этапа. (Слайды 3-10)

Вопросы: первый этап

1. What is the title of the first written book in English? (Beowulf)
2. Who was the cook on the ship “Espanola” in R.L. Stevenson’s book? (John Silver, a pirate)
3. Who wrote the lyrics to the most popular Scottish song? When is it usually sung? (Robert Burns, on New Year’s Day)

Второй этап:

1. What British writer mocked at the English society in his book? What is the title of the book? (William Thackeray, Vanity Fair)
2.  These two boys have similar life stories. Who are they? Who wrote about them? (Oliver Twist and David Copperfield, Charles Dickens)
3This old lady was able to reveal a crime and name the criminal sometimes even  without living her house. (Miss Marple)

Третий этап:

1. One of these people was a doctor. The other could play the violin. But they are famous as detectives. Who are they? (Sherlock Holmes and Dr Watson)
2. This rabbit’s hole was different from others. Who got into this hole?
What happened to this person? (Alice, she found herself in a wonderland.)
3. The poem which has this word in its title was written by a famous British poet. Who was he?    What is the title of his poem? (George Byron, The prisoner of Chillon)

III. Представление второй группы участников.

– Now I ask the second group to come up to our paths.

I агон

You should   underline nouns in this list of words. (Слайд 11)

II агон

 Well, tell us what you think of the role of literature in our life.

III агон

Supreme Areopag, tell us who will start to chose the questions.

 Вопросы (слайды 12-21):

I этап:

1. Nobody wanted to live in this castle. Why? Who wrote about it? (There was a ghost, Oscar Wild)
2. Who was the person named the Black Knight in the book “Ivanhoe”? (Richard III)
3. Who started his carrier as an actor later becoming a famous British poet? (WilliamShakespeare).

II этап:

1. Where was Charles Dickens’s first job? (Shoe polish factory)
2. Who described this character in her book? (Charlotte Bronte)
3. One of these famous poets was the idol of the other. Who are they? (J.G. Byron and A. Pushkin)

III этап:

1. What was unusual about the horse rider in Main Reed’s book? (Нe didn’t have the head)
2. Who is this person?  In what country did he fight for freedom? (Child Harold, Greece)
3. Where are these people sailing? (to Treasure island)

IV. Представление третьей группы участников

– Now it’s time for the last group to compete

I  агон

You should choose the verbs which are used with the infinitive. (слайд 23)

II агон

Express your ideas of the importance of literature in our life.

III агон

Вопросы (слайды 24-29):

I этап:

1. This legend is about a brave person who killed the Dragon. What is this person’s name? (Beowulf)
2. These sisters wrote books. How many sisters were there? Who were they (Three sisters Bronte)
3. Who are the two most famous British detective stories writers? (Conan Doyle and Agatha Christie)

II этап

1. Who described the life of a human in jungles in his book? (Rudyard Kipling)
2. What was Lewis Carroll’s real name? (Charles Dodgson)
3. Where did this pilgrims travel? What did they do on their way? (To Canterbury, they told stories)

III этап

 1. How was this girl able to turn into a real lady? Who described her story? (She was taught to speak perfect English, George Bernard Shaw)
2. How did this man find himself alone on an island? (He had got into a shipwreck)
3. What two families lost their children because they were at war with each other? (Montague and Capulet)

IV  Вопросы к зрителям

– Now I have some question to ask to the spectators. (Слайды 30-41)

V. Подведение итогов награждение победителей

– So, I suppose now you’ve learned a little more about British literature and you will be able to share your knowledge with other people. I’m sure you also have more respect to the British culture.