Урок с ИКТ по теме "Еда и напитки" медаль

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Цели и задачи: активизация употребления лексико-грамматического материала по теме, ознакомление с новыми лексическими единицами по теме, обобщение грамматического материала, формирование произносительных навыков и навыков аудирования, развитие навыков диалогической и монологической речи, развитие умения работать в парах.

Оборудование: учебник"Английский в фокусе.6 класс", диски, кассета с песнями, магнитофон, карточки, картинки, компьютер, мультимедийный проектор, презентация PowerPoint к уроку, доска.

Ход урока

1. Организационный момент

T: Hello! I'm very glad to see you. How are you?

Do you like the weather today?

Is anybody absent today?

Do you like to sing, boys and girls?

2. Знакомство с темой урока.

T: Well, if everyone likes to sing then why not do it right now?

Listen and say what it is about. (слушают и отвечают на вопрос)

Here are the words of the song. (раздаю распечатку песни, там же незнакомые слова с переводом)

T: Now, let's sing together.

(после прослушивания )

T. Can you guess now what the subject of our today's lesson is? What are we going to speak about?

Yes, that's right! So, the subject of our lesson is "Food and Drink" (на экране появляется название темы). We'll learn some new words on the topic, we'll learn how to make shopping list, and we'll do different activities. So, please be active, don't be afraid of speaking!

3. Ознакомление с новой лексикой по теме.

T: Let's learn some words on the topic FOOD. Look at the pictures, listen and repeat (на экране появляются новые слова, дети слушают запись и повторяют)

4. Работа с лексикой

Which of these words are FRUIT?

Look and name VEGETABLES

Which of the words are drinks?

Which ones are dairy products?

T: Well done, children! You are very clever!

Now look at the pictures and find the odd one. (на экране появляются слайды с картинками)

Great! You are absolutely right!

Say which food you like and don't like

Which of the food do you have for breakfast (lunch, dinner)?

5. Работа над грамматикой

(Исчисляемые/ неисчисляемые существительные)

Children, you know that some of these nouns are countable, others are uncountable.

Let's review which nouns are countable? (we can count them) . Give some examples.

Which nouns are uncountable? (we can't count them). Give examples.

Look at the blackboard. You can see different food and two baskets. Divide all the food into two baskets "countable"/" uncountable"

e.g. meat-uncountable


Got to the blackboard one by one. (Ученики выходят по одному к доске и распределяют картинки по двум корзинам)

Excellent! Do you like to play? OK then, let's play "Streamline". I name food and you say it it's countable or uncountable. For example, I say "meat" , you say:: (uncountable). Right! So we continue. (учитель называет слово , ученики говорят, исчисляемое оно или нет)

Containers and quantifiers

Masha, Can you count apples? Count please! Very good!

Ira, can you count potatoes? Count please! Excellent!

Olya, can you count coffee? No? Why not? (Because they are uncountable ) But how to say how much coffee or sugar you need to buy?

Ребята , а как же нам посчитать кофе, чай, и другие продукты? Правильно! Мы можем посчитать только упаковки, килограммы, всё то, в чём находятся эти продукты!

T: Who goes shopping in your family? And in my family my daughter likes to go shopping very much. Look at the basket! What did my daughter buy yesterday?

(На экране появляется корзина с продуктами.

Под картинкой образец высказывания)

e.g. Ann bought a bottle of olive oil.

6. Игра " Собери свою корзинку"

T: Now each pair will gather its own basket.

You have a carton of:: (orange juice, milk)

You have a cup of:: (coffee, tea)

You have a bottle of:.. (Coke, water)

You have a jar of:.. (honey, jam)

You have you have a box of:. (chocolates, biscuits)

You have a bag of:.. (sugar, rice)

Now go to the blackboard and take your food .

T: Let's see what you have got. The first pair, what have you got in your basket? etc.

7. Аудирование.

Do you often go shopping. Do you make a shopping list when you go to the shop? Me too. It's very comfortable, isn't? It helps us not to forget anything we need.

( учитель раздаёт карточки с заданием)

Look at the shopping list. Julia has made it for a dinner party.

Listen to Julie and tick the things she needs and cross out the things she doesn't need.

8. Контроль понимания.

T: What does Julie need for the party?

What food doesn't she need for the party?

9. Работа над грамматикой (How much/how many)

T: How much meat does she need?

How many apples does she need?

T: Say when we use how much and how many. (На доске висит таблица и ребята объясняют правило)

Look and fill in much/ many

(на экране появляется задание, дети выполняют его устно, в пропусках после ответа появляется правильный вариант)

1) How:.. milk do you need?

2) There are:.tomatoes in the fridge.

3) There is::.. sugar left.

4) How :: carrots are there?

9. Работа в парах

Now we are back to Julia and her shopping list. Ask and answer how much food she needs for a party (на экране появляется образец)

A: How much meat does Jenie need?

B: She needs two kilos of meat. How many eggs does she need?

A: She doesn't need any eggs. ::..

T: Pupils 1and 2, read the example, please, Thank you. You are going to work in pairs. But I'd like to change a bit the task.

Imagine that Julie has invited different number of people, e.g. 5, 4, 6, 8, 15, 10:. Think over in pairs how much food she needs. I'll give you the cards with the number of people. (учитель карточки с числом, дети разыгрывают похожие диалоги в парах)

11. Прослушивание диалогов (1-2 пары)

12. Подведение итогов

13. Домашнее задание задаётся по усмотрению учителя.