Урок-конференция "Future for children". 11-й класс медаль

Разделы: Иностранные языки, Презентация к уроку

Класс: 11

Презентация к уроку

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Цели урока.


  • Совершенствовать лексико-грамматические навыки при деловом общении на английском языке
  • Формирование навыков независимого мышления, т.е. развивать способность принимать решения и доказывать их обоснованность
  • Формировать навык публичного выступления
  • Практически осуществлять коммуникативный подход к языку и формировать иноязычную компетенцию


  • Обеспечивать постоянную мотивацию учащихся, создавая ситуации приближенные к реальной действительности


  • Воспитывать умение работать в группе, умение корректировать свою работу в зависимости от общей поставленной цели
  • Воспитывать уважительное отношение к противоположному мнению
  • Воспитывать умение оценивать свою работу и работу других учеников
  • Формировать умение творчески решать поставленные задачи


  • Компьютер, проектор, экран
  • Карточки с заданиями

Ход урока

1. Вступительное слово учителя. Цели урока. План урока. Задание на дом.

Let’s start our work. Today we are going to spend the conference “Future for children”. (Слайд 2). To be successful and proficient in our society need to be able to present yourself well in different situations, such as meetings, negotiations and, of course, presentations. It reflects the needs of our life and job’s market.

The skill to present yourself is important thing for your future career. To gain or to support this skill is the first objective of our work.

You can see the motto of our conference is “Nothing is more difficult, therefore more precious, than to be able to decide.” (Napoleon Bonaparte) (Слайд 3). That is why during our conference we will be speaking about taking decision, because in daily life and daily communication we have to choose something and decide different problems. Well, the next objective of our work, in brief, to be able to decide and think independently from others.

So, you see the agenda of our conference. It will be a plan of our work. (Слайд 4).

Then several words about your home task. You should fill in the evaluation card (Приложение 1) and give your own explanation of the conference’s motto.

Before spending the conference you received the different cards with special tasks. Now you should work according to those cards. (Приложение 2).

Let me introduce our participants (учитель представляет всех участников конференции):

  • the chairman;
  • the representatives of three companies: “Genesis”, “Live & Delight”, “ATB”(Art to built);
  • the representatives of the charity fund;
  • the reporters.

Примечание: Далее роль учителя становится пассивной, т.к. роль ведущего конференции берет на себя председатель, а ученики выступают, демонстрируя свою проектную работу. Учитель корректирует работу учеников.

2. Открытие конференции. Презентация Благотворительного Фонда. (проектная работа).

При открытии и закрытии конференции, перед и после брифинга звучит музыка.

Фонд в конце конференции принимает окончательное решение по выбору компании – победителя тендера.

The chairman: “Ladies and gentlemen, I declare the conference “Future for children” open. The motto of our conference is “Nothing is more difficult, therefore more precious, than to be able to decide.” During our conference three companies want to get the right to carry out a project of the Children’s Palace. They should prove they are the best candidate, who can realize the project of the Children’s Palace. They will present the original ideas.

Now I give the floor to the charity fund. It is ready to sponsor the best project of the Children’s Palace. For final decision the charity fund will ask questions to each company after all presentations. Then it will summarize advantages and disadvantages of all presentations and decide which company will carry out the project of the Children’s Palace.”

Презентация (Слайд 5, 6, 7, 8).

Our charity fund is called “Let’s help”. We have been working for 8years.One month ago we moved to a new building. The main task of our work is to help children, who need our help. Now we are ready to spend some money for building the Children’s Palace. We try to follow some rules in our work. One of them is when you have a good mood, when you come home, when you have sensation of heat and kindness, which you want to share, remember those for whom it’s so necessary.

The chairman: “I would like to thank you. Questions to the charity fund, please.”

Pupils: “Explain the main sources of your money.

Can you tell us several words about your future plans?

Where have you found sponsors in our country or in foreign countries?”

Примечание: Вопросы и ответы учеников предварительно не готовятся и в данном конспекте являются примерными.

3. Презентации компаний (проектная работа учеников, в данном конспекте представлены основные идеи компаний и, конечно, оригинальная идея проекта).

The chairman: “Now we are going to pay attention to the presentation of our participants. (Слайд 9) The first one is company “Genesis”.

  • “Genesis” (Cлайд 10, 11, 12, 13, 14).

Genesis means a description of origin, conception, development of organism and the second meaning is a path which was passed by creature from conception to present moment. The original idea in new Children’s Palace is releasing a magazine “Undeniable “by children themselves.

  • “Live & Delight” (Слайд 15, 16, 17, 18).

The motto of our company is “We think about people! We build for everyone!” The main points: our staff only with high qualification, we have subsidiaries in the USA, England, Germany, Italy…all over the world and we hold online meetings. We will have the opportunity to invite children from other countries. In new Children’s Palace we will have 4 buildings: art section, sport section, science section and hostel. Our original idea is hostel. We are going to provide children excellent accommodation.

  • “ATB” (Art to built) (Слайд 19, 20, 21).

We are presenting safe building equipped with all necessary. We get in touch with well-known companies such as Apple Generation, Institute of Music & Art abroad, and the international dancing agency “Dance together”. We have perfect teamwork skills: ability to work to tight deadlines, ability to work under pressure, a sharp mind, creativity. Our unique possibility - we have modern equipment for releasing music disks by children. We are ready to sponsor this project.

The chairman: “Thank you for all presentations. Now questions to the companies, please.”

Pupils: “How many children will attend your Children’s Palace?

Are the foreign companies going to help in building the Children’s Palace?

Have you a project of your original idea?

What are you going to do, if you don’t win the project of building?

What do you think about cooperation with other companies? ”

4. Брифинг. Представители компаний выдвигают свои идеи, отвечая на заданные вопросы или решая предложенные ситуации. (Слайд 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27).

  • What is more important in your job: salary or satisfaction?
  • If you had opportunity to choose the employee, would you hire the candidate with excellent qualification but with bossy and stubborn character or the candidate with not very good qualification but with kind, pleasant manners and with skill to communicate? What would you choose?
  • What is more important for you: prosperity of the company or happiness of each man in your company?
  • Which skills are needed to be successful in your company? Why?
  • Dedication;
  • Teamwork skills;
  • Creativity;
  • Ability to work to tight deadlines ;
  • Initiative ;
  • Flexibility.
  • Situation. You are late to appointment .What do you do?
  • Explain reason of being late because of the broken car, traffic jams, bad mood, not to be ready to appointment;
  • Invite somebody in a cafe with apology;
  • Assure somebody that usually you are so punctual.

5. Презентация журнала. Мнение журналистов о компаниях. (Слайд 28, 29, 30, 31).

Main points of our magazine are to inform teens on social life, help to find their own way in life, express themselves, and give advice. Our themes are hobbies, arts, sports, column of Agony Aunt (advice), and answering questions in teen’s letters, celebrities, humor and curiosity page. We are happy to take part in the discussion on the projects of building the Children’s Palace.

Now our field of work - collecting the ideas of the companies together and publishing it in the magazine. We hope our association will be successful!

6. Закрытие конференции. Решение Благотворительного Фонда и выбор компании, которой будет предоставлено право строить Детский Дворец. (Слайд 32).

The charity fund “Let’s help”: “We thank all participants of our conference for presenting the original ideas, for taking part in discussion. During our conference three companies wanted to get the right to build the Children’s Palace. Now we have chosen the best candidate, who can realize the project of the Children’s Palace. Our final decision is to choose the company “ATB” (Art to build). They presented the original idea, which we found the most suitable and they explained their choice in briefing very well.”

The chairman: “Ladies and gentlemen, I declare the conference “Future for children” closed”. (Слайд 33)

5. Заключительное слово учителя. Рефлексия.

“I’d like to thank you for your work, for taking part in the conference. But I wonder your own opinion about this conference.

Have you reached the objectives of our work?

Was our conference successful?

Did you get satisfaction of your work?

Are you ready to decide different problems in real life?”

Приложение 1

Приложение 2