Открытый урок "Поговорим о знаменитостях"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Цели урока:

  • Образовательная - расширение кругозора в области знаменитости англоязычных стран, интересными фактами из их жизни. Знакомство с фактами из жизни знаменитых русских людей.
  • Развивающая - приобщение к проектной деятельности; закрепление лексических навыков по теме, совершенствование грамматических и речевых навыков, развитие умения выделять главное, анализировать, делать вывод, высказывать свое мнение, работать в паре и группе; развитие памяти, внимания, творческих способностей учащихся. Развитие мышления, воображения, интеллектуальных способностей.
  • Воспитательная - развитие личности, формирование способности работать в группе и самостоятельно; развитие навыков сотрудничества и взаимопомощи, привитие любви к культуре других народов; повышение мотивации учащихся, воспитание культуры общения на иностранном языке в ситуации официального общения, умение "подать" себя; умение слушать партнера и тактично реагировать на его реплики; развитие эстетического вкуса у школьников.

Тип урока: Обобщение материала.

Материально-техническое оснащение: Компьютер, мультимедийный проектор, экран, слайд-проект, раздаточный печатный материал, пословицы на английском языке, DVD-проигрыватель, диск.

Ход урока

1. Начало урока. Приветствие, речевая разминка, сообщение темы и цели урока.

2. Фонетическая зарядка.

3. Физкультминутка.

4. Основной этап.

5. Подведение итогов урока и выставление оценок.

6. Объявление домашнего задания.

1. Начало урока. Приветствие, речевая разминка, сообщение темы и цели урока.


Good day, my dear friends!
I am glad to see you.


Good day, our teacher!
We are glad to see you too.


Let us smile when we say "Good day.''
For a smile makes our faces bright.
Let us smile when we say "Good day."
For a smile starts the day off right.

Today we are going to finish the unit "Faces of London". We have read many texts about well- known and famous people, have done a number of exercises on this theme. Today we are going to speak about famous people of the English speaking countries. We shall play and have fun. I am sure that you'll enjoy the lesson.

Now, Lena will be our teacher.
Lena, go here.


Good day, children,
How are you?

Pupils: Fine, thanks. And you?


I'm fine. Answer my questions, please.
Who is on duty today?
Who is absent today?
What date is it today?
What day is it today?
What date was yesterday?
What day was yesterday?
What date will be tomorrow?
What day will be tomorrow?
What is the weather like today?


Thank you, Lena. Sit down please.

Today we have a guest from London. Her name is Kate. Now, ask her questions, please.


Where are you from?
How old are you?
What is your address?
What is your phone number?
What is your favourite subject?
What is your hobby?
What is your favourite sport?
Have you even been to our town?
Is it worth visiting? (I think this town is worth visiting. It is a very beautiful town.)

T: So, at the lesson today we'll prepare for our trip to London. We'll speak about Faces of London (We'll talk about the Famous).

Can you pronounce the names of the English and American famous people properly? Look at the screen and repeat after me.

2. Основной этап.

Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

Agatha Christie

Joseph Turner

William Shakespeare

Mark Twain

Daniel Defoe

Charlie Chaplin

John Lennon

T: You have leant a lot about famous people. Please, look at these portraits and answer my questions. (Who is this? What is he or she famous for?)

T: You know that to become famous a person should have particular traits of character. What traits should a person have to become famous? Choose the appropriate cards and write them on the sheet of paper. Then one of the members of your group will tell us your point of view.

Сhoose the appropriate cards and write them on the sheet of paper.

Talkative Responsible Intelligent Creative Shy Rude Loving Kind Funny Friendly


We think to become famous a person should be...
In our opinion a famous person should be....
We agree with you. We think so.

T: We've spoken and read a lot about famous people and at home you had to find some more facts about them. You have decided to make a project about famous people of the English speaking countries. So we are going to watch and listen to your projects. Now we are ready to start. Speak about them.

T: Do you like the project? Is the information interesting?

P: The project is wonderful. The project is great. The project is well designed. The information is very interesting and useful. It is interesting to learn about these famous people.

T: And now, ask your classmates questions about their projects.

T:  You know, that our native land, Russia, is very rich in great people. It is very important to know about them.

It is interesting to learn about these famous people. Your  informations are very interesting and useful. Thank you.

T: Today we will read the text about Joseph Turner. It is ex.30 p.87.

Finish the sentences.

  1. J. Turner drew ruined abbeys and castles. He was a ...
  2. Isaac Newton discovered some important laws of physics. He was a ...
  3. Savva Morozov helped poor people. He was a ...
  4. My friend can swim very well. He is a good ...
  5. Anna Pavlova is a well-famous ...
  6. His elder sister works at school, she is a ...
  7. I don't want to play the violin. I don't want to be a ... - the boy cried.

T: Do you like to listen the stories about famous people?

Let's listen and decide whether the following sentences are T or F. Try to remember some facts from the biography of this person.

Decide whether the following sentences are true (T) or false (F)

1. Daniel Defoe wrote his novels in the 19th century.

2. Daniel Defoe wrote his novel about R. Crusoe when he was 30.

3. The story of R. Crusoe is the author's imagination.

4. The novel wasn't popular in the 18thcentury, it became popular later.

5. D. Defoe didn't write his book for children.

Test 1.

Choose the right answer


1. Daniel Defoe was a famous ...writer.

  1. English
  2. Russian
  3. American

2. He lived in ... century.

  • the 18th
  • the 19th
  • the 20th

3. He was ...

  1. a dancer
  2. an actress
  3. a writer

4. He was born ...

  1. in 1724
  2. in 1660
  3. in 1690

Test 2.

Choose the right answer


1. Winston Churchill was an English ...

  1. politician
  2. soldier
  3. writer

2. He was born in ... family

a) a poor

b) an aristocratic

3. He was the Prime Minister during the...

a) First World War

b) Second World War

4. He was born in ...

a) 1874

b) 1974

c) 1794

T: Let's do our exercises! N. open the window, please.

Stand up Stand up 1,2,3, hop
Hands up Hands to the sides 1,2,3, stop
Hands down Bend to the left Stand still.
Hands on hips Bend to the right
Sit down. Hands on hips

N., close the window, please. Take your seats. Thank you.

T: Repeat our grammar material.

1.Form nouns with the suffixes -ist, -ian, -ect, -er and translate.







to run

to swim




2. Fill in: a /an or the.

  1. My parents have ...cat and ... parrot . ... cat never attacks the parrot , but ... parrot often hurts ... cat .
  2. Would you like ... cup of tea?
  3. Have you been to ... museum I told you about?
  4. Albert Einstein was ... famous scientist .
  5. For breakfast I had some orange juice and ... sandwich. ... sandwich was very nice.
  6. When we were in London we stayed at ... hotel. We had our breakfast at ... hotel, and lunch at ... cafe.
  7. Could you turn on ... light? It's dark in ... room.

3. Put in the if needed.

Great Britain Regent Street
UK Sun
Kremlin Earth
Washington North
Russian Federation Europe
Red Square British Museum
Houses of Parliament Thames
Downing Street Africa

 T: Let's have fun . How about your dialogues?

- Have you ever been to Great Britain?

- Yes,I have.

- How many times have you been there?

- Twice.

- When were you there last time?

- I was there last month.

- Would you like to be famous?

- I think I would. I'll do my best to become a famous musician.

- Will you? As for me I'd like to be a famous scientist or a famous writer.

3. -Was Daniel Defoe a famous writer?

- Yes, he was. He wrote his world famous novel "The life and adventures of Robinson Crusoe"

- When was the novel published?

- It was published in 1719.

- Did Defoe write his book for children?

- No, he didn't. But every child now knows "Robinson Crusoe".

T: Are you tired

P: No, we aren't.

T: Do you like crosswords?

P: Yes, we do.

T: Well, let's complete the crossword. Make up the word out the encircled letters.

1. ... is an English writer and poet. He is famous for writing "Romeo and Juliet", "Hamlet", "Twelfth Night" .

2. ... is an English singer, guitar player and song- writer who was a member of the Beatles.

3. ... is an English writer of popular books and plays.

4. Sir Arthur Conan ... is a British doctor and writer who wrote stories about the famous detective Sherlock Holmes.

5. Charles ... is a great English scientist.

6. J. R.R. ... is famous for his books "The Hobbit' and "The Lord of the Rings".

7. D. ... is an English writer. His most famous novel is "Robinson Crusoe".

Подведение итогов урока. Выставление оценок. Домашнее задание.

T: You were very active today. That's why I invite you and your guests to the dining room.

T: Now, write the tasks to do at home.

The 1t group: make up your own story about the famous.

The 2d group: make up your own crossword.

The 3d group: make up your own dialogue.

T: All of you have done a lot of work and worked hard at the lesson, so I think you'll get only excellent marks for your work. Our lesson is over. Thank you for your work.

Good - bye.
