Урок-конкурс "Рождество в Британии". 5-й класс

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Класс: 5


При разработке этого урока автором был использован подход к преподаванию иностранных языков, известный в методике, как "Accelerated Learning". Он основан на последних достижениях нейропсихологии, психолингвистики и теории познания. Согласно этой концепции обязательным условием для быстрого и качественного усвоения материала является эмоциональный комфорт и повышенный интерес к предмету изучения ("relaxed alertness"). Это состояние может быть достигнуто благодаря неформальной обстановке в классе и дружеским доверительным отношениям в учебной группе, творческому и личностно ориентированному характеру заданий.

А работа в командах придаст некоторый дух соревнования. Ведь только в практическом применении иностранного языка обретается уверенность: "What we have to learn to do, we learn by doing "(Aristotle).



  • Воспитание у учеников интереса и уважения к традициям и обычаям других народов;
  • Воспитание толерантности;
  • Воспитание умения сочетать индивидуальную и групповую работу.


  • Знакомить с традициями и обычаями страны изучаемого языка;
  • Способствовать развитию социально-культурной компетенции;
  • Расширять лингвистический кругозор учащихся.


  • Расширение языковой и коммуникативной компетенции.

Оснащение: музыка, украшенная елка, игрушки, сувениры, открытки, изготовленные детьми, стихи стенгазета, посвященная Санта Клаусу и Деду Морозу.

Дети в маскарадных костюмах (один ученик в костюме Санта Клауса).

The Lesson Procedure

Warming up

Teacher: Hello, dear friends! Today we are going to have an unusual lesson. We'll have a Christmas contest. On the 25th of December people in many countries celebrate Christmas - a wonderful holiday, the time of love and happiness. What do you think about why all children and grow-ups like Christmas?

P1: They like it for the presents.

P2: Children like Christmas for the bright Christmas tree and Christmas parties.

P3: We like it for funny Santa Claus and other wonderful things.

Teacher: As for me, I like to decorate the Christmas tree and to give and to get presents.

The Christmas tree lights, the wonderful Christmas music full of the room, Santa Claus (pupil of this class) comes in

Santa: Merry Christmas, dear children!

Teacher and pupils: Merry Christmas, dear Santa!

Teacher: We have a lot of presents for you dear Santa.

The pupils show Santa their cards, toys and newspapers.

Santa: Thank you very much, my friends!

Teacher: Dear children, last lesson we divided into two teams. Each team chose a name, a captain of the team, an emblem and did a special homework.

Two captains pronounce the names of their teams and show their emblems ("Snow queens" and "Seven Santa's" or "Snowmen" and "Snowflakes").

Santa: The pictures are fantastic!

Task 1

Teacher: Dear Santa! We have a wonderful present for you; our pupils try to translate the poem about you from Russian into English and each team has to choose the best one. Who wants to tell us the English poem by heart?

Poem and translation examples (см. Приложение1)

Santa: Very good!

Then one pupil from each team read their own poem in Russian (for instance p1 and p2).

Santa: Super! It's the best present for me, dear friends! You are very talented children! And does anybody know any Christmas tongue twisters?

Task 2

Tongue twisters

Bobby brings bright bells.
Two trains travel together to the Toyland.
Seven Santa's sang silly songs.
The children pronounce them one by one.

Santa: Perfect! You all are the quickest!

Task 3

Teacher: Now we are going to decorate our Christmas tree with the Christmas symbols. I hope, you are ready to name them, don't you? Be careful! We've got the symbols of other holidays in our box. We'd like one person from each team.

The participants of two teams put only the Christmas symbols on the Christmas tree. It was drown on the black board by the pupils before the lesson. The pictures of chocolate rabbits, eggs, jack-o-lantern, ghosts, and shamrocks etc. pupils put on the left corner of the board.

Santa: Our Christmas tree is so beautiful. What do we put on the top?

Pupils: The Christmas star!

They put the bright star on the top.

Task 4

Santa: We have hidden a secret box with the puzzles for you dear friends. Who is going to find it?

P: I am.

Teacher: Turn your back to the Christmas tree and you'll see the bookcase. Come up to it, and you can see 3 sections. Choose one in the bottom, open it, and on the upper shelf there is a blue box. Take this box and bring it to Santa.

The teacher can hide the secret box at any place of the classroom

Then one pupil of each team chooses and read the puzzles one after another and guesses what it is.

If pupils can't guess the word the teacher asks Santa to help children and to show them some pictures

Puzzles examples (см. Прлижение2)

Task 5

Santa: Fantastic! I see you can write poems and now each team is going to write Christmas acrostic.

Acrostic example (см. Приложение3)

Teacher: Santa! What team is the quickest and what poem do you like best?

Santa: The ":" is the quickest but all poems are great. Thanks a lot, dear friends. The children all over the world are waiting for me. Good bye! Merry Christmas!

Teacher and children: A happy Christmas to you!

A Happy Christmas to you!
A Happy Christmas to me!
A Happy Christmas to all our friends
Wherever they may be.
A Happy Christmas to school
And to our teachers too.
A Happy Christmas to everyone
And I wish my dreams come true.

Teacher: Good bye, dear Santa! Dear children, all of you are really perfect and very active, so your marks are:, your homework.