Открытый урок "Косвенная речь"

Разделы: Иностранные языки, Презентация к уроку

Презентация к уроку

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Объясняя новую грамматическую тему, всегда приходится рисовать множество схем и таблиц, писать примеры, исключения. На это уходит достаточно много времени. Поэтому имеет смысл иметь готовую разработку материала, приготовленную заранее, которую можно использовать независимо от программы и учебника, по которому ведешь. Ведь какой бы учебник ни был выбран, грамматика остается неизменной.

Одна из таких разработок, представленная в электронном виде, предлагается к данной статье. Она рассчитана на ряд уроков по предъявлению и закреплению темы «Косвенная речь. Утверждения в косвенной речи». Содержит как теоретический материал, необходимый для объяснения, так и ряд упражнений, иллюстрирующих и контролирующих понимание данной темы. Упражнения рассчитаны на выполнение в классе с использованием любой интерактивной доски, на которую проецируется презентация по теме. Поскольку в отличие от традиционных плакатов, на ней можно делать любые пометки и дописывать отсутствующее.
Объяснение ведется на английском языке.


  1. Malcolm Mann, Steve Taylore-Knowles, “Macmillan Exam Skills for Russia Grammar and vocabulary”   учебник для подготовки к ЕГЭ,изд: “Macmillan Publishers”, 2006 год.
  2. Virginia Evans – Neil O' Sullivan “Click On 3” – учебно-методический комплекс английского языка, “Express Publishing”, 2008 год.

The Aim: to review the use of Reported Speech by reporting statements.


I. – Good Morning Boys and Girls! I’m glad to see you. Take your seats please! Let’s begin. As you see the theme of our lesson is Reported Speech. So we’ll revise everything you know, do some exercises and at the end of our lesson you’ll do a short test.

II. Well look at the screen there are different kinds of reporting (Слайд 2) but today we’ll report only statements.

– As you know there are some important facts we have to know to report someone’s words:

  1. The Introductory verb
  2. Personal and possessive pronouns and possessive adjectives
  3. Out-of-date/up-to-date reporting

1. The Introductory verb

– What verbs do we usually use by reporting statements? say / tell
– What is the difference between them? When do we use say? (Слайд 3)
– And we use tell if … (there is a personal object…)
– Let’s check how well you know it and can use. Look at the screen and try to do these exercises: (Слайды 4, 5)

2. Personal and possessive pronouns and possessive adjectives (Слайд 6)

– Do we change them? What do you know about it? (Student’s answers)
– Now, please look at the screen and fill in the blanks. (Слайд 7)

3. Out-of-date/up-to-date reporting

– Another point we have to discuss is the type of reporting (Слайд 8)

– If it is an out-of-date reporting we must pay attention to the grammar tense of the introductory verb.

a) If the verb is in the Past Simple

– we change the tenses as follows (Слайд 9)
– we change certain words and time expressions according to the meaning of the sentence (Слайд 10)

BUT! We do not need to make any changes to the verb tense when we are reporting a scientific fact or when something is still true (Слайд 11)

– And now please, try to do Ex.20 p.101 [1]

b) If the verb is in the Present Simple or Present Perfect the verb tenses remain the same by reporting. For example (Слайд 12)

– Now, please look at the screen and report these statements (Слайд13)

– If it is an up-to-date reporting do we have to change the tenses? (Student’s answers) (Слайд14)

III. – So, dear friends we’ve revised everything you must know to report statements. And I have one more task for you. Let’s divide into two groups.
– The first group, your task is to complete the letter you have received from a friend on holiday.
– The second group, your task is to report Susan’s statements
– You are doing it while the music (any pleasant music) is playing. (3min)
– So your time is over. Please change over and check each other. Our screen will help you. Look at it. (Слайды 15, 16)
– Well done!

IV. – To conclude everything you know about reported statements I’ve prepared a short test for you. Please take these cards and do the tasks as quick as you can (7 min) (Приложение 1).
So, your time is over. Please finish your work, give me your cards.

V. – Now, please write down your home task: Ex.22, 23 p.101 [1]

VI. – Well, boys and girls, thank you for your work at the lesson. You were very active. Your marks are … .

– Our lesson is over. Goodbye!