Моя родина – Карачаево-Черкессия медаль

Разделы: Иностранные языки, Презентация к уроку

Презентации к уроку

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Основные задачи:

  • введение национально-регионального компонента с использованием ИКТ,
  • закрепление пройденного лексического материала,
  • формирование и контроль навыков говорения,
  • повышение интереса и уважения к культуре родного края,
  • воспитание национального духа.

 Оборудование: флаг Карачаево-Черкессии, герб Карачаево-Черкессии, диапроектор, экран.


Teacher: Good afternoon, dear boys and girls! Today we are talking about the culture, traditions and customs of our Motherland – Karachaevo-Cherkessia.
First of all every person should know and respect the traditions and customs of their own country.
We should learn and love our own native language.
You have prepared reports about the geographical position of KCHR, about traditional food, about famous holidays and about our capital – Cherkessk.
At first I offer you to begin our lesson with the hymn of our republic.

(Дети исполняют гимн Карачаево-Черкессии.)

Teacher: Thank you very much. And now I invite you to listen to the Murat’s report “The geographical position of KCHR”.

Презентация 1.

Teacher: Thank you, Murat for your report. Every country has its own symbols. So our Karachaevo-Cherkessia is. Aigul Baisova has prepared the presentation about the symbols of our republic and she will show   her presentation and will tell us her report. Please, Aigul.

Презентация 2.

Teacher:  Thank you, Aigul.

Звучит ногайский гимн.

Teacher:  You know that every country has the main city or town. The main town of our republic is Cherkessk. Cherkessk is the capital of our Karachaevo-Cherkessia.  About it Temirlan has prepared the report. Please, Temirlan, come to the blackboard and tell us about Cherkessk.

Презентация 3.

Teacher:   Thanks a lot,Temirlan. Your presentation is very good.
Our republic is multinational republic. People of many nationalities live in our republic. They all live in peace and friendship and have the similar holidays.
About the most famous and important holidays will tell us Rustam Naimanov.

Презентация 4.

Teacher:   Thank you, Rustam for your story. We find it very interesting.
I offer you to listen to the famous nogaish song “Sabantoy”.


Teacher:  The next preservation is about the traditional food in KCHR.
Let’s listen to the Robert’s report.

Презентация 5.

Teacher: Dear children, I’d like to thank you very much for your work. You have worked very well. Today we’ve looked at different facts about our republic: our culture, traditions and customs as linguo-cultural information. And the last stage of our lesson is based on your linguo-cultural knowledge.

 1. What is the capital of our republic?
2. What was the old name of the capital of KCHR?
3. What river does Cherkessk situated?
4. Where is KCHR situated?
5. What is the famous holiday of KCHR?
6. What is the traditional dish in KCHR?
7. What is the symbol of KCHR?
8. What regions does the republic consist of?
9. Who was the first president of KCHR?
10. What is the main street of our capital?

– Thank you for your best answers. I must say you that our lesson is ending and I’d like to end our lesson with the song “Solnechny krug”(Солнечный круг).