Известные музеи мира

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Ход урока

Цель урока: Создание условий для расширения и углубления знаний по теме "Музеи", развития эстетического вкуса учащихся и воспитание толерантного отношения к культуре других стран.

1 этап. Организационный этап.

Учащихся встречают учитель и "представители" различных музеев мира.

1 pupil: Good evening, dear friends! Welcome to our gallery. We are glad to see you. Let me introduce myself. My name is Lucy Bell. I am a representative of the Tate Gallery. I would like you to meet my colleges.

2 pupil: I am Bill Brown, from the Museum of American history.

3 pupil: I am Ann Krylova from the Tretyakov Gallery. It's nice to meet you. I hope our meeting will be interesting.

2 этап. Актуализация знаний.

Teacher: We have spoken much about famous museums of the world. What role do museums play in the life of any nation? Why do people of the 21 century visit museums?

Предполагаемые ответы учеников.

1 pupil: It is very important to know the history of the world culture and the history of civilization. All this information you can find in the museums.

2 pupil: In my opinion visiting museums is very interesting and useful for each person. If we know the history we will appreciate our land and famous people who can de our role model.

3 pupil: When we see beautiful pictures, sculptures we feel and understand the beauty of the world.

Teacher: I agree. The words of a famous composer Schuman can be the epigraph of our meeting: (открывает слова, написанные на доске)

To send light into the darkness of men's hearts - is the duty of an artist.

We may continue this phrase: and the duty of museums.

3 этап. Этап обобщения.

Teacher: But let's check what museums you know.

Match the name of the museum and the city where it is situated.

Учащимся на экране предлагается подстановочная таблица, в которой они должны соотнести названия известных музеев мира и города, в которых они находятся. "Представители" музеев работают в группах вместе с учащимися.

The Metropolitan Museum of Art New-York
The Tretyakov Gallery Washington
The Natural History Museum Saint-Petersburg
The Tate Gallery Moscow
The Natural Air and Space Museum London

The Tower

The Diamond Treasury

The Hermitage

The Guggenheim Museum

The British Museum

Madam Tussaud's

Учащиеся работают в группах, обмениваются результатами, затем проверяют себя по ключу.

Этап систематизации знаний.

Teacher: And now we welcome our guests to retell us about their museums. Listen attentively and then ask questions. I give the floor to Lucy Bell.

(сообщение ученика сопровождается презентацией)

Lucy Bell: The Tate Gallery is a world-known Art gallery. The idea of the Tate gallery took shape in 1890. In that year Henry Tate's gift of sixty-five paintings and two sculptures, almost all of them the work of Victorian contemporaries, was offered to the nation. But there was no building to house this gift. When opened seven later, the Tate Gallery consisted of eight rooms, and was intended as a collection of contemporary British painting only. The Gallery was an addition to the National Gallery, Trafalgar Square.

The Tate Gallery has become the national collection of British paintings of all periods, the national collection of modern foreign painting, and the national collection of modern sculpture, both British and foreign.

Do you have any questions?

(учащиеся задают вопросы гиду)

Pupil 1: Who was Henry Tate?

Lucy: He was a sugar magnate and a major collector of Victorian art.

Pupil 2: The Tate Gallery has only one building, doesn't it?

Lucy: There are 4 physical Tate galleries:

Tate Britain

Tate Liverpool (opened in 1988)

Tate St Ives (opened in 1933)

Tate Modern (opened in 2000)

Pupil 3: Can I find the information about this museum in the Internet?

Lucy: Sure. There is Tate Online (The Tate's web site launched in 1998).

Do you know the names of famous British painters whose pictures you can see in the gallery?

(eсли учащиеся затрудняются назвать имена английских художников, то можно обратить их внимание на репродукции картин, которыми оформлена мини-экспозиция на стене класса)

They are: William Hogarth, John Constable, William Turner, Thomas Gainsborough and others.

Teacher: Thank you, Lucy. And now there is a task for every one. Read the text about another famous British museum and put the verbs into the right form.

(учащиеся работают с текстом в группах, "гиды" присоединяются к группам)

The British Museum

In the beginning:

Sir Hans Sloan1(to be) a great collector. He filled his house with rare books and pictures, precious stones, stuffed animals, birds and butterflies, and ancient remains from all over the world. There 2 (to be) a collection quite like it, and visitors 3(to amaze) by what they saw.

When Sir Hans Sloan 4(to die) in 1753, his will let the King buy the whole collection for just 20,000 pounds so that it 5(can) belong to the nation for ever. This was the start of the British Museum.

The building of the British Museum 6(to finish) in 1948.

Remains - останки

Will - воля

The key: 1 was; 2 had been; 3 were amazed; 4 died; 5 could; 6 was finished

Выполнение данного упражнения дает возможность узнать историю создания еще одного известного музея и повторить грамматическую тему "Видовременные формы глагола".

Teacher: And now I invite Bill Brown. He is from the USA.

(учащиеся прослушивают рассказ о музее Американской истории)

Bill: Hi, everybody. I am from Washington and I would like to draw your attention to the National Museum of the American History.

Our museum displays the heritage of the US in the areas of social, political, scientific and military history. Among the items on display are the original Star-Spangled Banner, a collection of inaugural dresses from the First Ladies, Abraham Lincoln's top hat, and even a teddy bear.

The museum is part of the Smithsonian Institution and located on the National Mall. Next to it there are also such museums as Natural History Museum, American Art museum, National Portrait Gallery and others.

The museum first opened in 1964 as the Museum of History and Technology.

In 1980 the museum was renamed the National Museum of American History to better represent a refocused mission: the collection, care, study and interpretation of objects that reflect the experience of the American people.

The exhibitions on the 1 floor address science and innovation.

There is a statue of George Washington on the 2 floor. The exhibitions here consider American ideals and contain artifacts of the American History.

The exhibitions on the 3 floor are focused on Americans wars, politics, American Presidency (explores the personal and public lives of American Presidents). So, welcome to our museum and see everything with your own eyes.

Teacher: Thank you, Bill. And do you remember American history?

Учитель представляет последнего гостя, "представителя" Третьяковской галереи. Она представляется и рассказывает учащимся об истории создания Третьяковской галереи. Ее рассказ также сопровождается презентацией.

Pavel Tretyakov was a Russian merchant and was successful in trade. At the age of 20 he visited the Hermitage in St.Petersburg and was enchanted by the collection of world famous paintings there. He decided to found a national gallery for Russian people. It was in 1860. Tretyakov was very strict in selecting pictures. Old paintings and icons were the subject of his collection. He began to buy pictures from the Peredvizhniki and in 80s he supported the young generation of artists. They were Levitan, Serov, Korovin, Nesterov and others.

Tretyakov was very careful in choosing the place for his pictures for them not to loose their beauty. This collection was presented to the people of Moscow.

Let's remember some famous Russian artists and their works. You will help me to match a name and a picture.

I. Aivasovsky "The Last Day of Pompei", "The Rider"
K. Brullov "Capture of Snow Town"
V. Surikov "The Appearance of Christ before People"
I. Repin "The Ninth Wave"
V. Tropinin "Barge Haulers on the Volga"
A. Ivanov "The Portrait of Pushkin"


Capture - взятие

Bargehaulers - бурлаки

Учащиеся вместе с учителем подбирают имена художников и их картины.

5 этап. Подведение итогов. Рефлексия.

В конце урока учащимся предлагается заполнить листы со своими впечатлениями об "экскурсии".



What you liked most of all.

What you don't like.

What was difficult for you.

What museum would you like to visit.

6 этап. Домашнее задание.

Учащимся предлагается текст "We All Make Mistakes", в котором учащимся предлагается исправить ошибки.

Написать эссе (100) слов"The museum I would like to visit"
