Урок английского языка на тему "How are you feeling"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Столкнувшись с необходимостью закрепления лексики, связанной с эмоциональным состоянием человека, мною был разработан предлагаемый урок. Идеи навеяны материалами из учебника “Click On 3” издательства “ExpressPublishing”, в то время как коммуникативные техники - некий сплав знаний, вынесенных из многочисленных педагогических семинаров.

В начале урока предлагается провести разминку, в ходе которой учащимся предлагается вспомнить слова по теме “Эмоции и чувства”. Далее, выполняя задание по аудированию, они пытаются определить то эмоциональное состояние, в котором пребывали герои истории. Кроме того, тексты по аудированию служат образцом составления небольшой по объему истории. В третьей части урока учащиеся, работающие в парах, сами придумывают короткие рассказы с использованием лексических единиц по теме урока, опираясь на одну из идей, предложенных учителем. Четвертая часть урока предполагает расширение словарного запаса учащихся, так как в ходе мозгового штурма они обмениваются знанием слов, фраз, идиоматических выражений, отражающих позитивные и негативные чувства. Мозговой штурм – является заданием, предваряющим следующую творческую работу. Ученики тянут карточки, в которых даются житейские ситуации, выраженные одним предложением. Каждый должен описать ситуацию, не называя ее, а также предположить, какие чувства и эмоции человек испытывает в подобной ситуации. Остальные стараются понять, какой жизненный случай описывается. Закончить урок стоит экспресс-опросом на тему как чувствуют себя ребята к концу занятия.

Опыт показывает, что ученики с удовольствием включаются в творческую работу, поэтому эффект от урока значительный, так как учебный процесс протекает на фоне положительного эмоционального настроя.

Урок, о котором пойдет речь, направлен на закрепление лексики на тему “Наши эмоции и чувства”, а также на развитие навыков аудирования, говорения и письма. Я рекомендую его для групп уровня Pre-Intermediate, то есть для тех ребят, которые без особого труда способны описать ситуации из повседневной жизни и выразить к ним свое отношение. Итак, начинаем.

1. Warming-up activity.

The teacher asks the following questions. The students give their answers choosing a suitable word from the list written on the blackboard.

How do you feel …

  • After a long walk in the mountains?
  • If you have lost your passport?
  • If you are given a fantastic gift?
  • If you have found yourself in an unusual place?
  • If someone has stolen your bike?
  • If you have broken mum’s favourite vase?
  • If you have got lost in an unknown place?
  • If your lost cat has come home?
  • When you walk down a dark street?

(The suggested list of possible adjectives: Upset, Angry, Exhausted, Pleased, Fed up, Excited, Disappointed, Terrified, Relieved…)

2. Listening.

The students have to listen to four people and match them to the feelings they once experienced. There are two answers they do not need.

1 Jamie
2 Danny
3 Miss Bell
4 Ted Holmes

  1. Exhausted
  2. Relieved
  3. Proud
  4. Shocked
  5. Embarrassed
  6. Scared

(Unfortunately, it is impossible to attach a CD-recording due to the fact that only a cassette is available. Thus, the typescript of the recording is given below:

Answer key: 1F 2D 3B 4C

  1. Jamie: All I can remember is that we were walking along the top of the cliff when suddenly I slipped on the wet grass and fell over the edge. I don’t know how I did it, but as I was falling I managed to grab onto this rock that was sticking out and stop myself. I was so afraid! I thought I was going to fall!

  2. Danny: I didn’t know what was happening at first. I didn’t see him go over, I just heard him shouting for help. When I looked over the edge and saw him hanging there I froze! At first I didn’t know what to do. Then, I shouted for Miss Bell and I climbed down the cliff and helped Jamie back up.

  3. Miss Bell: To be honest, I thought the boys were playing a joke on me at first, but then I looked over the cliff and saw them both down there! I was really thankful to see them both still alive. I phoned for help on my mobile, but by that time Danny was on his way back up the cliff with Jamie. I didn’t know whether to scold them or kiss them when they got back to the top!

  4. Ted Holmes: Well, there wasn’t really much for me to do when I arrived. Both Danny and Jamie were safe. They had a few cuts and bruises and so on, so I radioed for a helicopter to take them to hospital. I have to say, Though, Danny is a very brave young man. We’re all more than pleased with him– with both of them, in fact. By staying calm, they managed to get themselves out of a very sticky situation [1].)

3. Pair-work activity

The class is split into pairs, each one is given a task to

Make up a short story for a case mentioned in the warming-up activity. Remind the students not to forget to use the adjectives which express feelings. I recommend allowing the students themselves to choose the case they would prefer. The situations are written on cards. In 5 minutes the students read out their stories.

4. Brainstorming activity.

The teacher suggests recalling words denoting, at first, positive, then, negative feelings. The students give possible answers while the teacher notes them down into two columns on the blackboard. The teacher can help the students by gestures, mimics, besides he/she is recommended to add 2-4 words to the list if necessary (the suggested list is provided below).


In high spirits


Fed Up


Each student is given a card with a situation. He/ she has to describe (in writing) the situation and how a person could feel in it. Remind the student: 1) to use as many words from the columns as possible; 2) not to name the situation but only to give a hint.

All students take turns in reading out their descriptions while others try to guess the situations.


  • You have lost your mobile phone.
  • You are invited for have dinner with the President.
  • After waking up you found yourself on a deserted island.
  • You have just passed your exam.
  • You have failed your exam.
  • You have met your favourite film star.
  • You have won the lottery.
  • You have met your ex– friend.
  • The rain has spoilt your white clothes.
  • You are given a chance to visit Australia.


At the end of the lesson the teacher asks the students how they are feeling.

Список использованной литературы:

1. Virginia Evans, Neil O’Sullivan “Click On 3”, Express Publishing, 2001.