Открытый урок английского языка по теме "Важна ли для вас мода?" 8-й класс

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Класс: 8

Цели урока:

  • Формирование навыков ознакомительного чтения, аудирования и разговорной речи;
  • Развитие умения применять лексические единицы в речи учащихся.

Задачи урока:

  • Развивать умение выделять главную мысль в тексте;
  • Учить умению понимать речь на слух, отвечать на вопросы;
  • Учить умению использовать новые лексические единицы при составлении фраз, предложений;
  • Учит умению выражать собственную мысль по поводу прочитанного;
  • Развивать умение работать в группе;
  • Воспитывать доброжелательное отношение друг к другу, чувство поддержки и взаимопомощи;
  • Воспитывать чувство вкуса по отношению к одежде и моде.

Учебные пособия и оборудование:

Картинки из журналов мод, раздаточный материал, магнитофон, мультимедийный проектор.

Ход урока

I. Организационный момент. Приветствие. (слайд 1- заголовок)

T – Good morning, everybody! I’m glad to see you again.

Sit down, please.

II. Фонетическая зарядка.

T – Let’s begin our lesson with phonetic drill. Try to pronounce the words and the sounds correctly. Say after me.

(Слайд 2): [S] classmates, stylish, spend, stores, pierced, decent.

[t] attitude, towards, T-shirt, tidy, untidy, tattoos.

[r] trendy, untrendy, attractive, charity, express, accessories.

[w] would, why, wear, sportswear, sweater.

III. Речевая зарядка.

T – Now, listen to my statements, Agree or disagree with me. If you agree with these statements you should say:

(Слайд 3): Absolutely! Exactly! Right! Correct!

That’s right! I’m of the same opinion! And repeat my sentence.

If you disagree with me you will use these phrases:

Not exactly! I wouldn’t say that! That’s not true at all! I can’t agree. And correct me.

T – 1). Classic dresses will never go out of fashion.

S-1 Exactly! Classic dresses will never go out of fashion.

T – 2). A tam o’ shanter is a Scottish woolen sweater.

S-2 Not exactly! A tam o’ shanter is a Scottish woolen cap.

T 3). In Britain students wear uniform in all the public schools.

4). Denim leather jackets are really the height of fashion.

5). Brogues are strong thick shoes.

6). In British schools students can’t wear accessories.

7). The kilt is the traditional clothes of an Englishman.

IV. Сообщение темы и цели урока.

T – Read the proverb and translate it.

Слайд 4

“It is not the gay coat that makes the gentlemen”

(Не нарядный костюм делает мужчину джентльменом.

По одежке встречают, по уму провожают.)

T – Do you agree with it? Yes, of course.

And what do young people in Great Britain think about clothing and fashion?

What is their attitude towards trends?

Do they care what they wear?

At our lesson we’ll try to answer these questions.

V. Активизация лексики.

T – Match the adjectives and the nouns.

(Слайд 5)

Trendy Trouser suit
Untrendy Raincoat
Denim Tights
Smart Overcoat
Classic Pinafore
Woolen Jacket
Attractive Kaftan
Leather Flares
Tight Cardigan

T – Every teenager wants to wear fashionable things. Write some of them. For each clue give a word that begins with the syllable above it.

Слайд 6

Hair… a) The way you like to have your hair.

A bra… b) A piece of jewellery

San… c) The summer footwear

Make… d) What we decorate our face with.

A cos… e) A thing for women’s everyday wear.

A car… f) A short woolen jacket with buttons.

VI. Слушание учащимися текстов об отношении подростков к одежде и моде с целью понимания основной идеи текста.

T – And now I want you to listen to the texts about British teenagers’ attitude towards fashion.

Try to answer my questions:

Do they have different opinions about fashion?

Do they care what they wear?

Is fashion important for all of them?

VII. Чтение учащимися текстов с целью понимания конкретного содержания.

Tracey Ponsford: All my classmates say that I’m trendy. Yes, I am! I enjoy wearing trendy clothes. I like to look cool and attractive. It’s very important to know what is in fashion at the present moment. I like shopping and spend hours picking clothes that suit me. My classmates say that I am interested in fashion too much, but it’s not that bad, is it? Sometimes I can appear in something really gorgeous. When you are up with the latest fashions you feel you are an individual. If I could I would wear different pieces of clothing every day. I wish I had lots of money to do that.

Phil Slager: I don’t care what I wear. More than that I don’t care what other people wear. My mum buys clothes for me at a market. Sometimes we have to shop in charity shops. Why not? Not all people can afford to be up to date with the latest fashions. I prefer casual things – jeans, T-shirts, sweaters or sportswear. My elder brother’s mates have spiky hair, tattoos and piercing. I wish my brother wouldn’t do that but he doesn’t listen. He says that they express their individuality. I don’t know if they are right or not but I would never have all those things.

Katya Guseva: Everyone in my class is really trendy. They spend a lot of time talking about clothes or accessories they want to spend their money on. Some friends of mine think that I’m boring and wear unfashionable things. Frankly speaking fashion is not very important for me. Fashion comes and goes. Looking clean and decent is more important than looking trendy, isn’t it? I prefer clothes which I feel comfortable in. I’m sure that you must feel good in what you wear and that is all. If I had a lot of money I would buy clothes which would never go out of fashion, or I’d rather buy some DVDs or a good book.

T – Well, read through the texts and answer the questions:

1) What clothes does Tracey wear?
2) Why is fashion important for Tracey?
3) What does Tracey like about clothes?
4) What does Tracey dream about?
5) What clothes does Phil prefer wearing?
6) What is it that Phil doesn’t like about his brother and his friends?
7) What is more important for Katya than being up to date with the latest fashions?
8) What clothes does Katya prefer? Why?

T – Look at the pictures and say which pieces of clothing belong to Phil, Tracey and Katya. Why?

Слайд 7. Учащиеся смотрят на картинки и выполняют задания.

Example: Phil prefers to wear jeans, t-shirts, sweaters or sportswear because he likes casual things.

VIII. Работа в группах.

T – Let’s work in groups. Choose some pictures and advertise your favourite clothes.

Ребята садятся по группам в зависимости от того, какую одежду они предпочитают (casual, classic, sport clothes), выбирают картинки и рекламируют её.

Example: Classic dresses! They will never go out of fashion.

Buy a pair of simple but very attractive shoes. They are really the height of fashion!

IX. Итог урока.

T – I think our lesson was very interesting today. I’m very pleased with your work at the lesson Your marks are…Well done!

X. Домашнее задание.

T – Your homework is to express your personal attitude towards fashion. Choose from the suggestions below.

Fashion is important. I don’t care what I wear Clothes do not make the man but…

………. ………… ……….. (слайд 8).

The lesson is over. Good – bye!
