Урок английского языка по теме "Do you like Holidays". 6-й класс

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Класс: 6

Цель: повторить и закрепить ЗУН по теме “Do you like Holidays?”,совершенствовать лексические навыки по данной теме во всех видах речевой деятельности.


  • Образовательная: систематизировать лексику по теме, активизировать навыки и умения вопросительно-ответного взаимодействия с использованием высказываний типа предложения, сообщения; совершенствовать навыки и умения оформления речевых высказываний в диалогической речи на основе спонтанной драматизации.
  • Развивающая: развивать психологические функции, связанные с речевой деятельностью, такие как: внимание, способность к анализу и синтезу, логическое мышление, языковая догадка.
  • Воспитывающая: повышение интереса к изучению английского языка, воспитание культуры языкового общения, умения внимательно слушать собеседника.

Оборудование: телевизор, DVD, индивидуальные карточки, иллюстрации с видами праздников.

Ход занятия

I. Организационный момент.

Good afternoon, boys and girls! I am glad to see you.

Let’s start our lesson.

II. Вводная беседа.

You can see some pictures on the blackboard. (Приложение 1)

Please, guess how our topic is called.

(Children: “Holidays”, “My favourite day”, etc.)

That’s right. “Do you like Holidays?” is our topic.

You know different English Holidays.

I have some cards. You should take one of them, read this information and choose the right picture on the blackboard.

(1. On that day people visit their friends, have a lot of dancing and eating. They make resolutions. For example, they decide to give up smoking or go to the gym once a week. It’s …)

– When do Englishmen celebrate this Holiday? (in January)

(2. This is Holiday for English women. On that day people visit their mothers and give them presents. It’s … )

– When is it celebrated? (in March)

(3. People celebrate this Holiday as the start of spring or a religious festival. Children get chocolate eggs or rabbits. It is … )

– When is this day? (in April)

(4. On that day children send cards and gives presents to their fathers and grandfathers. It’s … )

– When is it celebrated? (in June)

(5. On that day people put pumpkins on the windowsills. Children dress up in funny clothes, go from house to house and say “Trick or treat.” It is … )

– When is this day? (in October)

(6. It’s a happy holidays for many people. They send greeting cards to their relatives and friends. People buy a special tree and decorate it. It’s … )

– When do people celebrate this day? (in December)

III. Цели урока.

I know some more English Holiday. It is Pancake Day, the last day when you can eat what you want until Easter. English women cook pancakes and arrange pancake race. They run with frying pans in their hands, throw and catch pancakes.

I have three frying pans with toy pancakes. Let’s arrange our race. Please, read the words on the pancakes, make up sentences and put your pancakes on the blackboard in the correct order. You have magnets for helping.

Let’s read and translate your sentences and we’ll learn what we’ll do at our lesson.

We will talk about the most favourite day in our life.
We will remember good manners and traditions in our families.
We will build our skills doing different exercises.

IV. Совершенствование пройденного материала.

Many people in Russia and Britain like a certain day in their life best of all.

Now let’s listen to the poem and answer the question: “What is the most favourite day in our life?”

You have a day to celebrate
Which comes/ but once a year
And so today we’d like to say
From all of as to you
Happy birthday
Happy birthday
Happy birthday
Happy birthday to you (запись на магнитофоне)
Let’s talk about our birthdays.

My birthday is on the 29th of December. What about you?
When is your birthday, …?
Where do you usually celebrate your birthday?
Look at the blackboard and answer.

the cafe

British children often organize a party for their birthdays. They give invitations to all their friends.

You can see lists of the invitations on your desks, read them and write names of children. (Приложение 2)

Let’s check your work. What can you say about these children.

A lot of people in Russia and Great Britain have their birthday parties at home. And they try to entertain their guests during a birthday party.

And how do you entertain your guests?

(Play games, watch video, sings songs/karaoke, dance)

How does your family prepare for your birthday party?

(clean the flat, decorate the flat, arrange the flowers, cook special dishes )

Let’s talk about favourite food in your family. What special dishes does your mother cook for your birthday party?

I have a set of different products. Who can cook any dish using them? Please, give your instruction and show.

(For example:
Take fruit or berries. (for example oranges, apples, strawberries, etс.)
Wash them and dry well.
Chop fruit into small pieces.
Put fruit and berries into a bowl.
Add some cream.
Eat salad, delicious.)

There are a lot of good manners among people. Let’s remember them.

I give you three boards. Complete the rules using the words on your boards.

(in time, present, hello, call up, thank you, goodbye, send a card )

1. If you want to invite guests … .
2. Don’t be late. Come … .
3. Don’t forget to say … , … , … .
4. Buy or make a … for your friends.

Let’s check your work. Read and translate your rules.

When people are sitting and eating at the table they follow other rules.

I have three sets of things. Open your boxes, look at these things and make up your rules. These things will help you. Use the words on the blackboard (use, put, like this, don’t leave, don’t eat, don’t read). Show your rules, please.

1. knife/fork/plate (набор предметов в коробке)

Use the knife and the fork.
Put the knife and the fork on the plate after meal like this.
(Примеры детей.)

2. napkin/spoon/cup/ saucer (набор предметов в коробке)

Put the napkin on your lap.
Don’t leave the spoon in the cup. Put it on the saucer.
(Примеры детей.)

3. knife/book (набор предметов в коробке)

Don’t eat from the knife.
Don’t read while eating.
(Примеры детей.)

You can see that Russian and British people have the same manners.

At the lesson we have remembered a lot of information about Holidays, done different exercises. Now let’s act out some dialogues. Imagine that you have a birthday party. Look at the dialogues on your desks, read and choose one of them, then act it out. (Приложение 3)

V. Домашние задание.

Choose one of them and learn it by heart at home.

VI. Итог урока.

At the end of our lesson let’s watch the video and then answer the questions:

“What Holidays are only celebrated in Britain?”

“What Holidays are celebrated in many countries in the world?”

“Do you like Holidays?”

“What is your favourite holiday?” (Вопросы на доске.)