Урок систематизации и обобщения знаний по теме "Охрана окружающей среды. Животные в опасности"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Цель: обобщить и систематизировать полученные по теме знания (названия животных, цифры больше тысячи, употребление “a few, a little”)


  • Практическая: повторить названия животных, изученных в цикле; количественные числительные больше тысячи, употребление “a few, a little”; развивать навыки понимания на слух коротких рассказов о животных и делать краткие устные сообщения по теме.
  • Воспитательная: воспитывать у учащихся любовь к животным.
  • Образовательная: приобретение знаний о животных, не обитающих в нашей стране (утконос, жираф, слон …)
  • Развивающая: развитие речемыслительной деятельности, повышение мотивации к изучению английского языка

Оснащение: компьютеры, мультимедийный проектор; презентация, выполненная в Microsoft Power Point, диск к УМК “Way Ahead 4” (Цикл 11, игры A, Б); компьютерная программа “Учите английский” (Британский вариант), магнитофон.


I. Beginning.

Приложение 1

1. Warming – up.

T. – Good morning, children! I am glad to see you. How are you?
P. – Fine, thank you.
T. – I am glad that you are in high spirits today. Let’s begin our lesson.

2. Presenting the aim of the lesson: (Слайд 1)

Teacher: Today we are going to speak about animals in danger. We'll also revise numerals, the use of «a few, a little».

II. Follow up

A: Name the animals which you can see on the screen. (Слайд 2)

T: What animals can you see on the screen? Why are these animals in danger?
P: They are in danger because people hunt them.
P2: They are in danger because there is little food for them.

B: Guess what animal the pupil is speaking about. (Слайд 2.) По гиперссылке переходим на нужный слайд. (Слайды 11 – 18)

1) Speaking:

Teacher: Look at the animals. Your homework was to prepare a riddle story about an animal. Describe an animal but don't name it. We’ll try to guess what animal you are speaking about. Who will start?

P1, P2, P3 speak about animals. The other children guess what animals they are describing.

(Pictures of animals appear on the screen.)

2) Listening: Listen to the description of an animal and choose the correct animal.

(Электронный учебник “Учите английский” (Британский вариант) Animals.)

С: Reading and listening

Teacher: Now we'll read and listen to a story about animals. Be ready to answer some questions on the text. (Disc “Way Ahead 4” Unit 11, Game A) (computers)

SB. Ex. 3, p. 49 Comprehension questions: (Слайд 3)

  1. What was the weather like?
  2. What did the elephant see?
  3. Why was the giraffe hungry?
  4. What did the lion hear?
  5. Why was the hippo thirsty?
  6. Why were the animals happy at the end of the story?

D: Revision: “a few / a little” (Слайд 4)

1) Revision of rules:

a). Look at the following sentences and translate them.

1. There were only a few leaves on the trees.
2. There was only a little grass.

Teacher: How do you translate the first sentence? The second one?
What can you say about the word “a few”? (It is used with countable nouns in plural)
What about the word “a little”? (It is used with uncountable nouns.)

b) Look at the rules and learn them: (Слайд 5)

c) Practice: Look and say using the examples: (Слайд 6)

There is only a little water. There are only a few books.

E: Revision of numbers (Слайд 7)

Match the numbers with the words:

Disc “Way Ahead 4” Unit 11 game B (Individual work on computers)

Write the numbers in words on a sheet of paper. (Слайд 8)

200,000 monkeys
2,200 wolves
12,000 blue whales
25,550 gorillas
4,328 lions

Check your answers

F: Sing a song (Слайд 9)

T: There are a lot poems and songs about animals. What song about an animal do you know?
Let's recall the song about an elephant.

Pupil's book Ex. 2, p. 51

III. Rounding – off (Слайд 10)

a). Conclusion

Teacher: Today we have spoken much about animals. Lots of animals are in danger because people hunt them for fur, food or even for pleasure. We must help animals and protect them.

b) Summary of the lesson (analysis of the pupils' work, marks … )
c) Brief reference ahead to next lesson.
d) Homework: Learn the new words: L.9. 2, WB. p. 55.