Открытый урок по теме "Healthy Food vs. Unhealthy Food". 9-й класс кубок

Разделы: Иностранные языки, Презентация к уроку

Класс: 9

Презентация к уроку

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  • развитие навыка аудирования;
  • развитие лексических навыков;
  • развитие навыка просмотрового чтения;
  • развитие навыка монологической речи;


  • развитие критического и логического мышления;
  • развитие социокультурной компетенции;
  • развитие информационно-коммуникационной компетенции;
  • развитие умения учебного труда (работа в заданном темпе);
  • (приемы наблюдения, развитие воли и самостоятельности, уверенности в своих силах, преодоление трудностей, умение владеть собой);


  • воспитание положительного отношения к здоровому питанию;
  • воспитание эстетических взглядов;
  • формирование толерантного мышления.


  • учить извлекать конкретную информацию из аудиотекстов в заданиях экзаменационного типа;
  • учить составлять монологические высказывания (в формате ГИА-9) по теме;
  • учить выполнять лексические задания (в формате ГИА-9) по теме;
  • учить читать тексты ( в формате ГИА-9) с извлечением общей информации по теме.

Тип урока: совершенствования знаний, умений и навыков, полученных ранее, и целевого применения усвоенного.

Вид урока: Урок самостоятельных работ репродуктивного типа с элементами исследования. Цель – развивающее обучение – определила систему методов и приемов на уроке. Система методов построена на основе принципа целеполагания.

Методы и приемы:

  • метод эвристической беседы;
  • метод исследовательских заданий;
  • метод монологического изложения.

Формы работы:

  • индивидуальная;
  • фронтальная;
  • парная.

Межпредметные связи: Связь с биологией.

Оснащение урока: Компьютерная презентация, магнитная доска, карточки, интернет.

План урока:

  1. Организационный момент.
  2. Целеполагание.
  3. Аудирование с извлечением конкретной информации.
  4. Проверка домашнего задания.
  5. Развитие критического мышления. Анализ социологического опроса.
  6. Развитие лексического навыка.
  7. Развитие навыка монологической речи.
  8. Чтение с общим пониманием прочитанного.
  9. Групповая работа над мини-проектом (с использованием ИКТ).
  10. Подведение итогов, рефлексия.

Ход урока

I. Организационный момент.

Slide 1

Teacher (T): Good morning! I’m glad to see you.

II. Целеполагание.

T: Today we are going to speak about food. Students of the 10th forms prepared a list of food for you. What is special about it?

Slide 2 (10th Form Survey Results)

Student (S): It is all unhealthy.

Slide 3 (Healthy Food vs. Unhealthy Food)

T: You are right. Why do people eat it if they know that it is bad for their health? Why does it appeal to them?

Slide 4 (Why does unhealthy food appeal to people?)

Ss: It is delicious, tasty; looks attractive (mouth-watering); rather cheap; mostly fast food, easy to find, easy to eat…

III. Аудирование с извлечением конкретной информации.

T: All your guesses were right. Let’s see what special tricks are used to make us buy it. Watch the video, look at the statements in the tasks and decide if they are true, false or there is no information about it. Be attentive: you will see the video only once.

Ss: read out the questions and the options.

Приложение 1

Slide 5 (Video – Lights, Action, Burger! www.youtube.com/watch?v=SKBQJvgOgNw)

(After watching the video students do the task, then exchange the cards with their neighbours and check the answers with the screen)

Slide 6 (Watching and Listening)

Slide 7 (Keys)

T: Did you enjoy the video? What is our conclusion?

S1: We should avoid eating fast food.

S2: We should keep away from unhealthy food.

IV. Проверка домашнего задания.

T: We mentioned many kinds of unhealthy food. It is high time for us to decide which one is healthy. Your homework was to surf the internet and find out what is considered to be good for us.

Ss: Fruit, vegetables, nuts, cereal, fish, dairy products, seafood, etc.

T: That’s right. You can see it in the Food Guide Pyramid on the screen.

Slide 8 (Food Guide Pyramid)

V. Развитие критического мышления. Анализ социологического опроса (Survey).

Slide 9 (Photos of the school canteen)

T: Now look at the photos. Do you recognize what it is?

S: It is our school canteen.

T: What kind of food are you served there? Is school food healthy?

S: We usually get healthy food in our canteen, e.g. …

T: Very good, and I know that one more dish cooked there used to be very popular with you. Guess what it is?

S: It is pizza.

Slide 10 (Pizza – Unhealthy?)

T: Look at the screen; here you can see the results of the survey among students of the 10th and 11th forms about it. Let’s analyze it. (48 students took part: 3 eat pizza every week, 45 – once a month or even more seldom).

Slide 11 (How often do you eat pizza?)

S: The majority of students in our high school eat pizza very seldom.

T: You are right. But is pizza really so unhealthy? Or is it a stereotype? Let’s find out.

(Popular vote – Ss vote by raising their hands supporting each of the opinions)

VI. Развитие лексического навыка (Exam-type task)

T: Look at the screen: here is some information about a healthy pizza. What does it provide our body with?

Slide 12 (Healthy Pizza)

S: It gives us necessary proteins, fat and carbohydrates.

T: Now I will give you the recipe, read it and try to work out the missing words.

Приложение 2

After checking with the neighbours, Ss read out their answers and check with the screen.

Slide 13 (Healthy Pizza Recipe – Keys)

VII. Развитие навыка монологической речи.

T – We have said so many things about different kinds of food. It is one of our exam topics. Let’s sum up all our ideas and try to make up short talks about healthy food according to the plan.

Slide 14 (Healthy Food)

Ss look through the plan and brainstorm ideas about the reasons for healthy food choice:

  • lift your spirits
  • make you feel happy and active, positive and energetic
  • boost your body energy/elevate your energy level
  • people tend to be less stressed and less depressed
  • people think quicker
  • fast food eaters are prone to panic attacks and bad behaviour, thus have problems
  • they are prone to obesity, often feel sad and anxious

Then Ss in pairs give short exam-type talks about healthy food using the plan provided by the teacher. The teacher monitors the activity and then asks one or two students to present their talks to the class.

Приложение 3

VIII. Чтение с общим пониманием прочитанного

T: Very soon you are going to have exams, students are usually very nervous about them. Food can help you to get relaxed. Now you are going to read four short stories about traditional British comfort food. Look through them very quickly, guess the main idea and choose the most suitable heading for each story.

Slide 15 (Traditional British Comfort Food)

Ss do the task individually, and then check in pairs or with the screen.

Slide 16 (Traditional British Comfort Food - Keys)

Приложение 4

IX. Групповая работа над мини-проектом с использованием интернета.

T: Now you know what food might help you relax during the exams. But it is not enough. What is more important is to help your brain work properly. Let’s find out what food is useful for it. We are going to watch a short video, listen carefully and pick up the names of brain food.

Slide 17 (Video – livestrong.com - www.youtube.com/watch?v=6AqfDPXsh3U)

Then the teacher asks one of the Students to connect to the internet and find the wordle.net website. After the watching Ss give their ideas and create their own word cloud of brain food.

Slide 18 (Word Cloud – www.wordle.net)

T: Now I hope at the exams it will help you get better marks.

X. Подведение итогов, рефлексия.

T: Did you like our lesson?

What did you like best?

What new things did you learn at the lesson?

Your homework is either to find out if Russian cuisine is healthy and bring a typical recipe or prepare a short story about Russian comfort food. Your marks are …