Цель: обобщить и систематизировать знания и умения обучающихся по темам: “Режим дня”, “Семья”, “Домашние любимцы”, “Еда”, “Одежда”, “Сезоны”, “Праздники”.
- Обобщение и углубление знаний обучающихся по теме;
- Активизация навыков говорения, чтения, аудирования.
- Развитие воображения, творческого мышления, речевых способностей, способностей логически излагать мысли.
- Повышение интереса обучающихся к изучению английского языка;
- Воспитание чувства коллективизма.
Оборудование: диски с песнями, проигрыватель, карточки с глаголами, муляж “Яблоко”, карандаши, листы бумаги.
Ход урока
1. Организационный момент.
Teacher: Good morning, boys and girls!
Pupils: Good morning, our teacher!
T. I am glad to see you!
P. We are glad to see you too!
T. Let’s start! Dear boys and girls, the theme of today’s lesson is “The Revision of Knowledge”. We’ll revise a lot of topics today such as “Daily Life”, “People in the Family”, “Animals”, “Food”, “Clothes”, “Seasons” and “Holidays”.
2. Речевая разминка.
T. Here is the task for you connected with your daily life:
Name three things that you can do.
(Примерные ответы обучающихся: I can swim/ jump/ run/ read etc.)
Three things that the boys wear.
(Примерные ответы: Boys wear jeans/ boots/ shirts etc.)
Three things that the girls wear.
(Girls wear skirts/ dresses/ blouses etc.)
Three things that you put on the table for breakfast.
(A cup of tea/ a glass of milk/ a cup of coffee etc.)
Three pets and other animals.
(Kitten/ dog/ hamster etc.)
Three holidays.
(New Year’s Day/ Merry Christmas/ the Easter etc.)
Three seasons of the year.
(Autumn/ winter/ summer etc.)
Well done! Thanks!
3. Развитие навыков диалогической речи
T. – You are very smart children and also you are beautiful, cheerful, charming boys and girls! It’s a great pleasure when somebody admires you.
I ask you to make compliments to each other. Who will start?
(Примерные диалоги обучающихся.)
1) – You look wonderful today!
– So do you!
2) – What a nice sweater!
– Thank you! I’m glad you like it!
3) – You are so slim! What do you eat I wonder?
– Oh, I eat everything. I like bread and butter with tea for breakfast. I also
enjoy fruit and vegetables.
– How about fried food?
– I enjoy fried food, meat, fish.
– No dairy products?
– Yes, I like dairy products – milk, cream, sour cream. So you see, I like
– Lucky you!
T. Thank you, children. Now let’s sing a song about food.
(Песня из УМК И. Н. Верещагиной, О. В. Афанасьевой “Английский язык для IV класса”.)
I Like Food.
I like food, I like eating lots of food. (2 times)
Bread and jam, meat and fish,
Beans and mustard, eggs and chips,
Mutton steaks, potatoes, peas,
And salted mushrooms too.
4. Развитие навыков монологической речи.
T. Now, children, I want you to tell us a bit about your family. I have a “magic apple” (в руке муляж “яблоко”). Take this apple – a symbol of many important things, a symbol of a friendly united family. Take and pass it to your friend after you’ve finished your story. Welcome!
(Примерные высказывания обучающихся.)
P1. My family consists of my father, my mother, two brothers and myself.
P2. My father’s name is…. . He is…. . My mother’s name is… . She is….
P3. My mother is very beautiful. She has a lot of work to do about the house and I help her.
P4. I have got an elder brother. His name is … . I love my brother very much.
P5. I have got a pet called… . He is very clever.
P6. I have got a lot of relatives: aunts, uncles, cousins, two grandmothers and two grandfathers.
P7. Our family is not large: my father, my mother and me. We are very friendly.
T. Thank you, boys and girls!
5. Совершенствование навыков чтения. Работа с текстом.
T. – Children, take these sheets of paper and I ask you to read and to translate this text about the family. Welcome.
(Текст см. Приложение 1).
T. Terrific! Look at the board and do this exercise “True or False”. Read these sentences from our text and then say: “It’s true” or “It’s false”.
1) My family is large. (It’s false)
2) My mother’s name is Marina Vladimirovna. She is 34. (It’s true)
3) I usually get up at 8 o’clock. (It’s false)
4) I usually have a glass of milk for my breakfast. (It’s false)
5) My favorite vegetables are tomatoes and potatoes. (It’s false)
T. Thank you, children! And let’s do the following task. You can see some cards with the verbs from our text on my table. I ask you to come up to my table and take any three cards, read and give us three forms, then translate these verbs.
(Глаголы из текста, написанные на карточках: be, live, have, get up, like, wash, make, go, give.)
6. Активизация лексических навыков.
T. Boys and girls, may I tell you a poem about family?
Our friendly family
Has a nice flat.
We live there happily
With a kitten and a cat!
T. I think it’s very interesting to keep pets. Have you got any pets at home? Will you tell us, please? Who shall we begin with?
(Примерные высказывания обучающихся.)
P1. I've got two pets: a cat called Kostyanka and a dog called Rex. They are so funny! It’s a pity you can’t see them.
P2. And I also want to tell you a poem.
I’ve got a pet
It’s a cat.
His name is Fat
I love my cat!
T. It’s so interesting to listen to your stories about your pets and as I understood you love them very much.
T. Do you sometimes make a holiday for your pets?
(Примерные высказывания обучающихся.)
P1. When my cat Bonya has a birthday it’s a holiday for it. I give him some tasty things.
P2. My dog Sharick likes the New Year and my winter holidays. We go for a walk a lot.
T. And what other holidays are there in your family?
(Дети перечисляют: my birthday, Merry Christmas, Victory Day, Women's Day etc.)
T. What is your favorite holiday? Can you tell us a few words about your favorite holiday?
(Примерные высказывания обучающихся.)
P1. My favorite holiday is The New Year’s Day. All Russian people celebrate it. A lot of people go out and have a good time, they wish each other “Happy New Year!” I enjoy this holiday very much.
T. Do you like to go out with your parents to play around New Year Tree?
T. What do you usually put on on a cold winter New Year’s night?
P1. I put on a coat, high boots, mittens, trousers, a hat etc.
P2. So do I.
T. Children, when isn’t necessary to put on warm clothes?
P1. In summer.
P2. In autumn.
P3. In spring.
T. What do you usually wear in summer?
P1. I usually wear shorts, T–shirts, sandals.
T. When do you have to put on a raincoat?
P2. When it looks like rain.
T. So, it’s going to be raining?
(Дети исполняют песню “It’s going to be raining” на мотив песни “По улицам ходила большая крокодила”.)
(Текст песни см. Приложение 2).
7. Игровая пауза.
T. – Now we shall guess some clothes. So let’s play!
(Игра объясняется на русском языке.)
T. Делимся на две группы. Один человек из команды № 1 выходит за дверь, а команда № 2 загадывает слово по теме “Одежда”. Затем все вместе зовем ученика, который вышел за дверь: “Come in, please!”. Когда он входит, ребята говорят: “Guess, what is it?”, команда начинает давать подсказки. Например, загадали слово “платье” (“dress”), подсказка первая: “Only girls wear it”. Если ученик не угадал, то все вместе говорим: “No, it’s wrong!”, даем вторую подсказку и т. д. Если ученик угадал, говорим: “Yes, you are right!”. Затем команды меняются.
Now, let’s play!
8. Заключение.
T. Children, you have worked hard today and I hope all of you are in a good mood.
Have a look at this picture with four faces. They are GOOD, OK, BAD, SO-SO. Draw a face according to your mood. Do it quickly and merrily.
(Дети рисуют на листочках рожицы.)
T. I'm very happy that you all are in a good mood.
The lesson is over. Good bye!