Занятие "Saving Energy" кубок

Разделы: Иностранные языки, Презентация к уроку

Презентация к уроку

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1. To define energy and its uses.

2. To explain the connection between energy use and global climate change.

3. To expand the pupils’ vocabulary and to practise using the lexics in monologue and dialogue speech.

4. To practise listening on this topic.

5. To practise using If-Clauses in oral speech.

6. To advise how to use household appliances more efficiently.

Teaching equipment: an interactive board, a presentation, handout materials.


I. Introduction. Слайд 1.

Good morning my pupils! I am glad to see you. The theme of our lesson is “Saving Energy”. I want to begin it from the lines of P.J. Grand’s song “Мother nature needs us”. (По щелчку появляются слова на слайде, которые читаются учителем.) I have begun this lesson from these words because we understand the connection between energy use and global warming. Find and name the words which relate to our topic in these lines. Name some more word combinations and words on this theme. (Учащиеся должны назвать как можно больше слов и словосочетаний по данной теме в быстром темпе).

You’ve probably heard the grown-ups in your house say “Turn off the light!” or “Close the refrigerator door!” Have you ever wondered why? (Pupils should answer). The grown-ups in your house pay for the all electricity you use. So wasting energy is the same as wasting money – and we know that’s not a good idea!

Wasting energy isn’t good for the environment either. Today at our lesson you should realize why we need to conserve energy. You should understand the connection between energy use and global climate change and learn how to use our household appliances more efficiently.

Activity 1. And now you should work in the groups and make a list of the activities you usually do during the week at home. You ought to use gerund. You have two minutes. Then the pupils name these activities:

P1: listening to music

P2: watching TV

P3: playing computer games

P4: reading books

P5: playing chess

P6: washing up

P7: taking shower

P8: doing one’s home work

P9: painting

P10: drawing

P11 ironing, etc

Could you do these activities without electricity? There are many forms of energy and electricity is a common one that we use daily.

II. What is energy anyway? Слайд 2.

Energy is found everywhere in the world and comes in many forms. Слайд 3. The energy we use to power things, like our cars, and homes, comes in the two different types: renewable energy and non-renewable energy. Слайд 4. Two pupils should tell about these types of energy. (Приложение 1)

Activity 2. Now I’ll read definitions and you should name these words.

1. Plant materials and animal waste used especially as a source of fuel. (Biomass)

2. Something consumed to produce energy. (Fuel)

3. A black, liquid fuel found deep in the Earth. (Oil)

4. The radiant energy of the sun, which can be converted into other forms of energy, such us heat or electricity. (Solar Energy)

5. Energy from the movement of wind. (Wind Energy)

6. The ability to do work. (Energy)

7. Energy which produced in the Earth’s core (Geothermal Energy)

8. Energy sources can be made again in a short time. (Renewable Energy)

9. A fuel made with vegetable oils, fats, or greases - such as recycled restaurant grease. (Biodiesel)

10. All the living and non-living things, such as air, water, soil, plants and animals, found on Earth or in some particular region. (Environment)

So electricity is generated from both renewable and non-renewable energy sources.

Activity 3. Group work. Слайд 5.

Pupils should unscramble words. After that the members of each group has to read them and translate.




Check yourselves. Слайд 6.

T: What are these?

P: These objects are household appliances which we use every day.

Activity 4. Group work

Let’s play a game “Spell the Word” with these words! Two members from each group should make a line. A teacher names a word in Russian; a student translates and spells it. If he (or she) gives a right answer, he (or she) will go the end of the line and continue this game. If a student gives a wrong answer, he (or she) will leave a game. The student who does not make any mistakes is the winner

Activity 5. Group work. “Household appliance energy quiz”. Слайд 7.

(Приложение 2 раздаётся каждой группе).

Objectives: Students should understand how energy is used by common household appliances and which appliances use the most energy, and develop ideas to conserve energy

There is a list of common household appliances in front of you.

1) Rank the appliances from 1 (lowest) to 10 (highest) according to the amount of energy you think they use. For example, if you think the refrigerator uses the most energy, rank it 10.

Each group should explain their choice. Why do they think so?

2) Next, figure out how each household appliance uses energy by filling in letters in the column "What Am l" for each appliance from the letters in the column "How Do I Use Energy?" Check yourselves and correct. (По щелчку осуществляется проверка на этом же слайде).Who has made any mistakes? Nobody has. It’s OK!

There are information tables on the back panels of the household appliances. Слайд 8.

In a home where electricity supplies all of the energy requirements, the average energy consumption is shown on this slide. Слайд 9.

III. What can happen?

We have to remember there is limited amount of non-renewable fuel sources. Even if we don’t run out of fuel, we can damage our environment by using too much and wasting energy. Using too much electricity can lead to global warming.

Activity 6. Discussion: “Global warming”.

The class should be divided into two teams. (Приложение 3). Each student should ask question and answer the questions if he or she knows an answer. The members of the groups can help each other. The more the team gives correct answers, the more the pupils get points.

What is global warming? What should we do? To answer these questions let’s watch a video about it.

Activity 7. Watching video: “What is global warming?” Слайд 10..

Group work. After watching this video the pupils should make up sentences, translate them, put these sentences in the logical order and learn by heart. Each student of the group should tell one sentence. Слайд 11. (Приложение 4 можно раздать или воспользоваться только слайдом).

Check yourselves. (Проверка порядка слов по щелчку - слайд 12; проверка порядка предложений по щелчку - слайд 13)

IV. Reading: “Why is energy conservation impORTANT?” (Приложение 5). This text was the pupils’ homework.

Activity 8. Group work. Слайд 14. (Приложение 6).

Sort these words and word combinations in three columns and put them in alphabetical order.

The first group: nouns

The second group: verbs

The third group: word combinations

(По щелчку осуществляется проверка данного задания на этом же слайде). Then some pupils from each group ought to read these words as quickly as they can.

Activity 9. Pair work. Слайд 15.

Match the English word combinations with the right translations. Then these pairs should exchange themselves their works and check them. (Приложение 6)

Check yourselves. Слайд 16.

Activity 10. Answer the questions and translate answers. Слайд 17.

(Каждый вопрос выплывает по щелчку.)

1. Why is it important to conserve our current supply?

2. How is carbon dioxide produced?

3. How does carbon dioxide act in the atmosphere?

4 What do the possible impacts include?

5. When is sulfur dioxide emitted?

6. With what does the sulfur dioxide react?

7. How does the “acid rain” impact the environment?

8. What is the main idea of this text?

Activity 11. Each group has to write a synquane. Слайд 18.

The first group: With the word “ENERGY”

The second group: With the word combination “GLOBAL WARMING”

The third group: With the word “ENERGY”

Then one member of each group ought to read their synquane.

Activity 12. Individual and pair works. Слайд 19.

Complete these sentences. Remember what you have learnt about the If-Clauses. (Приложение 7). Students should find their pairs and check themselves. (По щелчку осуществляется проверка данного задания на этом же слайде). After that they should read own sentence, translate and name the type of the If-Clause.

V. Individual work. Listening. Слайд 20.

Listen to an energy expert, Sue Booth, talking about how to use renewable energy sources in the home two times. Before listening a teacher should introduce unknown words. The teacher reads and the pupils repeat after him or her. (По щелчку на значке , после знакомства с новыми словами, звучит аудиозапись. Второй раз этот же текст может прочитать учитель.). (Приложение 8)

Activity 13.

1) Individual work. Слайд 21.

Students should decide whether the following sentences are true or false. Then pupils have to exchange themselves their works and check them. (По щелчку осуществляется проверка данного задания на этом же слайде).

2) Group work. Слайды 22, 23.

Students should translate the true sentences.

VI. Remember!!! Слайд 24.

The less energy we use the less impact we have on our environment. And that means our planet stays clean and healthy. Energy costs money. So, the less energy you use, the more you save!

VII. Rules for Saving Energy. Слайды 25-29.

Activity 14. Let’s play a game “Snowball”. Слайд 30.

I can help saving energy by

P1: planting trees.

P2: planting trees and taking a short shower.

P3: planting trees, taking a short shower and using fluorescent bulbs.

P4: planting trees, taking a short shower using fluorescent bulbs and installing double glazing.

P5: etc.

(После ответа первого учащегося по щелчку выплывает “ planting trees”, после ответа второго учащегося “ taking a short shower” и т.д.)

Then some students should try to repeat all sentences by heart.

VIII. Reflection. Each student should do this task. Слайд 31.

Before I couldn’t speak on this subject because ….

Now I know many words and word combinations on this topic such as …

I can understand the definitions of the active vocabulary of this topic such as …

I can use the If-Clauses in my speech.

I think that this problem is …

I can help to save energy by …

IX. Homework. Слайд 32.

Have students write the following questions in their journals:

1. How is energy used in your home?

2. Are you using the conservation ideas discussed during class?

3. What alternatives and energy conservation actions can you practice at home to save money?

Using these questions, students should conduct a "home energy audit” with their families and write the results in their exercise books.

Sources used:

1. www.jointhepod.org

2. www.esl diiscussions.com

3. www.epa.gov

4. www.youtube.com

5. Ayapova T, Abildayeva Z, Tutbayeva Zh, Кurmambayeva Zh. “ENGLISH”, Grade 11. – Almaty : “Mektep”, 2007.