Открытый урок по теме "Pets and other animals / Parts of the body"

Разделы: Иностранные языки, Презентация к уроку

Презентация к уроку

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Целеполагание: триединые дидактические цели учебного занятия.


- активизировать употребление сравнительной и превосходной степеней прилагательных в устной и письменной речи;

- развивать навыки аудирования.

2. Воспитательные:

- проявлять интерес к изучению жизни животных ;

- прививать любовь к природе;

- повышать мотивацию к изучению иностранного языка.

3. Развивающие:

- активизировать внимание учащихся на занятии, создавать благоприятный психологический климат;

- развивать диалогическую и монологическую речь;

- развивать содержательность, понятность, выразительность;

- развивать образную и эмоциональную память;

- развивать умения познавательной деятельности.

Оформление: рисунки с изображением животных, карточки со словами и предложениями.

Ход урока

I. Организационный момент

II. Объявление темы и целей урока

III. Лексические упражнения

1. Teacher asks the questions:

How many degrees of the adjectives do you know?

What are they?

How many groups of the adjectives do you know?

What adjectives of the first group do you know?

What are the adjectives of the second group?

How many adjectives of the third group (exceptions) do you know?

2. Find Russian equivalents to the adjectives (English words are given in a column on the blackboard, cards with Russian words are mixed).

Match the words in A with the words in B.

1. dirty а) интересный  
2. dangerous b) чистый  
3. quiet с) удивительный  
4. clean d) грязный  
5. difficult e) быстрый  
6. important f) опасный  
7. fast g) спокойный  
8. interesting h) большой  
9. big i) важный  
10. wonderful j) трудный  
11.popular k) популярный  

3. Give antonyms for the adjectives. (The teacher pronounces the word - the students give the antonyms):













4. Name the animals in the pictures and make up a sentence with an adjective describing the animal . For example: This is a lion. The lion is strong. (The pictures are on the blackboard);

(Приложение 1)

5. Give comparatives and superlatives to the adjectives. (The teacher names words and the students name the forms of the adjectives.)

For example: clean - cleaner - the cleanest; good - better - the best.












6. Correct the word order. (On the poster there are sentences with a wrong word order.)

  • tallest the animal that is.

  • book this funny is.

  • is that very dog old.

  • this very is a cake nice.

  • small kitten is that very.

  • clever that’s cat a.

7. Аудирование:

Teacher: What animals can you see in my pictures?

(The teacher shows pictures of a little lion, a lioness and an owl.)

Teacher: Now listen to a short dialogue. After that you will act the dialogue out.


Little Lion: Mum, who am I?

Lioness: You are the best, the most beautiful, the fastest and the strongest of all the animals.

(Then the Little Lion sees an Owl.)

Owl: Hello, who are you?

Little Lion: Hello! I'm the best, the most beautiful, the fastest and the strongest of all the animals.

Owl: Never say that you are the fastest, the strongest, the best and the most beautiful of all the animals. There are animals which are better, faster, stronger and more beautiful than you are.

Little Lion: Thank you, Mr. Owl! And you are the cleverest of all.

T: Which animal is the best?

Which animal is the most beautiful?

Which animal is the fastest?

Which animal is the strongest of all animal?

Are there any animals which are better, faster, stronger, more beautiful than

the little lion?

Which animal is the cleverest of all?

8. Dramatization “Things are different’’

1. - I’m an elephant. What is your name?

- N…

- You are very small.

- Yes, I am a small little girl.

- Goodbye.

2. - I’m a mouse. What are you?

- I am a small little girl.

- You are very big.

- Goodbye.

3. - Hallo. I’m a giraffe. What are you?

- I am a big small little girl.

- You are very short.

- Goodbye.

4. - I’ m a hedgehog. What are you?

- I am a short big small little girl.

- You are very tall.

- Goodbye.

5. - I am snake, hello, what are you?

- I am a tall short big small little girl.

- You are very fat. Goodbye.

- Bye.

6. - I am a pig. And what are you?

- I am a fat tall short big small little girl.

- You are wrong. You are not fat, you are very thin.

- Goodbye.

7. - I am a bird. What are you?

- I am a thin fat tall short big small little girl.

- Well, you are very slow. I can go three times round the world while you are walking across this small field.

- Goodbye then.

8. - I‘m a tortoise. What are you?

- I am a slow thin fat tall short big small little girl. And I know what to say next .You want to say that I am very quick!

- You are wrong! I don’t know what to say.

- Well, maybe you can tell me why I am called so many different things?

- Things are very different but it depends on how you feel, not what somebody say. Tell me for instance. They call me slow, but I often feel quite quick. When I go for a walk with my grandfather, who is a hundred and seventy- three years old, he says I am too quick for him. Goodbye for now.

- Thank you dear tortoise. Now I understand why I am called so many different things. Goodbye.

(Приложение 2)

9. Unscramble the text

(Текст в виде отдельных предложений на узких полосках бумаги находится в конвертах. Учащиеся должны выстроить предложения текста в нужном по смыслу порядке.)

The Kittens

  1. There were three nice kittens in the garden.
  2. Once upon a time there was a beautiful garden.
  3. She saw three nice kittens in the garden.
  4. A red kitten said: "I am a very beautiful kitten".
  5. One day the kittens had a quarrel.
  6. At that moment a girl came into the garden.
  7. A black kitten said: "Yes, you are beautiful, but I am more beautiful than you are".
  8. She liked the kittens best of all and took all the kittens with her.
  9. A white kitten said: "You are both beautiful, but I am the most beautiful kitten in this garden".

(Приложение 3)

10. Listen to the text and cope out all the adjectives, then write down their degrees.

Jumbo the elephant

Jumbo is an elephant. A very big elephant. Jumbo has a long trunk, two big ears, four strong legs, two white tusks and one tiny tail.

One day Jumbo goes for a walk. He walks slowly. Plod, plod, plod. He comes to the river and sees a little girl. The girl is crying.

“Why are you crying?” asks Jumbo.

“I want to take water to my house but my bucket has a big hole in it,” cries the little girl.

“Don’t cry,” says Jumbo. “I shall help you.”

Jumbo goes to the river. He puts his long trunk in the water. He fills his long trunk with water.

“Look,” says Jumbo. “My trunk is full of water. I shall bring the water to your house.”

The little girl is happy. She claps her hands.

“Thank you, Jumbo,” she says.

Jumbo goes to the girl’s house. Plod, plod, plod. The girl finds some jugs. Jumbo pours all the water into the jugs. The jugs are full and his trunk is empty.

“Thank you, dear Jumbo,” says the girl. “You are very kind”.

11. Give comparative and superlative of the adjectives from the brackets.

These are my friends. Tim is ten years old . He's 1 … (old) boy of all my friends, but he's not 2 … (tall) of all . 3 … (tall) boy of all is David . David is nine. Tim is 4 … (short) than David, but he’s 5 … (tall) than Mike . Mike is 6 … (short) of all my friends. Mike is small, but he's 7 … (clever) of all the boys . Three of my friends are girls. Linda is 8 … (old) and the tallest of the girls. Amy has got 9 … (long) hair than Linda, but Karen has got 10 … (long) hair of all and she's 11 … (thin) of all girls . Linda has got. 12 … (curly) hair and Amy has got 13 … (big) ears of all my friends.

(Приложение 4)

12. Make up the antonyms of the following adjectives and complete the crossword.

1. big; 2. interesting; 3. good; 4. dangerous; 5. clean; 6. quiet.

13. Подведение итогов. Оценки.

Teacher: At the end of our lesson I want to say that I am very happy to have such talented and creative students. Thanks a lot for your work. Your marks are …