- Практические
Оборудование: презентация на компьютере, мультимедийный проектор, раздаточный материал для закрепления грамматических навыков и активизации навыков и умений в говорении, тестовый материал для диалогов, аудио– и видеозаписи.
Используемые технологии: проблемного, коллективного обучения, здоровьесберегающая, ИКТ-технология пользования интернет-ресурсами.
Тип урока: урок актуализации опорных знаний, умений, навыков.
Ход урока
1. Организационный момент. Знакомство (1 мин)
2. Введение в тему урока. (3 мин)
– Crossword which will help you guess the theme of our lesson.
Приложение 1 (Презентация), Приложение 2
P | A | R | T | Y |
- A bird people keep at home ,it can speak(parrot)
- A very healthy fruit (apple)
- A small animal with long ears (rabbit)
- A very popular drink in England (tea)
- The colour of the sun (yellow)
– We’ve got the word “party”, today we’re going to prepare it and I’ll need your help.
– Which party is it going to be? Guess. (Музыка дня рождения)
– Yes, it is going to be a birthday party. I have it on the 28 of October and I’m afraid, I can’t prepare it by myself.
– What do I need for a party?
2. Актуализация знаний: Brainstorming. What should I do?
(Введение грамматики: Giving advice
(should). Слово SHOULD
do на доске.
(презентация: сначала вопрос, потом схема с вылетом) (3 мин)
– buy smth to wear (clothes)
– cook food
– decorate the house
– write invitations
3. Групповая работа (5 мин)
– You will help me to organize my party and you’ll do it in 4 groups:
- You’ll buy some food in some shops. Get the cards and match the things we need with shops where you buy them. Give your advice to me.
- You will decorate the house. Choose things you need for this.
- You will choose the best clothes for me to wear. I want to look beautiful in them.
- You will write the invitations for my guests. Complete the letter.
4. Презентация выполненных заданий (5 мин)
(На проекторе фиксируется план, что я должна сделать)
List of things to do:
I should buy some apples…
Семантизация лексики “Shops”. – What do we buy at the baker’s? (butcher’s, greengrocer’s, sweet shop, grocer’s.)
I should decorate the house with flowers, balloons, ribbons…
Cемантизация лексики “decorations”: -These are ribbons, streamers, banners…
If I want to look smart I should put on ….
Активизация лексики “Clothes” (smart clothes, fancy-dress party)
I’m going to invite ….and send them invitations.
Чтение текста готового приглашения.
5. Физкультминутка “Miming game” (2 мин)
– We usually have games at the party. Let’s play and show what kids do at the party, but show this only with your miming. (we listen to rock, we watch a comedy, we drink a cocktail, we play volleyball, we play cards, we blow balloоns…)
6. Подготовка к аудированию. What do you want to have as a present? (7 мин)
Активизация лексики по теме «Подарки»: картинки c
Прослушивание диалога и выполнение задания: Matching
7. Парная работа. Построение диалога по данным выражениям. (5 мин)
– What would you like to have as a
present? – I would like to have a… because I like…. (or I’m good at…..) – Oh, it’s great! (interesting, funny, cool) |
– These are nice presents you’d like to have. As for me, I like photography, so I’d like a new professional camera .
8. Просмотр фильма Monster shopping trip и выполнение задания к нему: (5 мин)
(фильм с сайта www.britishcouncil.com)
– What did Monster’s friends buy him for his birthday?
Задание по прослушанному тексту: multiple
9. Подведение итогов урока. Обобщение пройденного на уроке (3 мин)
– What should I do to have a good birthday party?
(– You should
– put on a nice dress, high-heeled shoes, or wear a costume for a fancy-dress party)
– buy some food at the baker’s, butcher’s…
– decorate the house with flowers, balloons, banners, ribbons)
– write invitations to friends.)
10. Домашнее задание: составить список дел и пожеланий для празднования своего дня рождения. Отправить по почте shumeiko1944@mail.ru
– Thank you very much! (There is a cake to celebrate your good results and my birthday.)