Методическая разработка открытого урока на тему "Интернет. Поиск в Интернете"

Разделы: Иностранные языки, Презентация к уроку

Презентация к уроку

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Цели урока.


1. Формировать коммуникативную компетенцию по теме "Интернет".

2. Способствовать расширению словарного запаса студентов.

3. Активизировать употребление компьютерной лексики в устной и письменной речи.

4. Интегрировать знания английского языка и ИКТ.

5. Повторить грамматический материал по теме “Настоящее простое время”.


1. Развивать навыки чтения и перевода литературы с терминологической лексикой.

2. Способствовать развитию логического мышления ,памяти, внимания и умения анализа и сравнения.

3. Совершенствовать навыки применения ИКТ в учебной деятельности.

4. Развивать умение организовывать свою деятельность, выбирать способы выполнения учебных задач и оценивать их эффективность и качество.


1. Воспитывать любовь и интерес к избранной специальности.

2. Повышать мотивацию к изучению иностранных языков.

3. Прививать навыки эффективного взаимодействия и умения работать в команде .

4. Формировать инициативность, самостоятельность, способность к успешной самореализации.

Практическая: Научить читать, переводить и использовать в речи лексику по теме “Интернет. Поиск в интернете”.

Оснащение урока.

1. Компьютер.

2. Мультимедийный проектор.

3. Маркерная доска.

4. Компьютерная презентация урока. (Презентация)

5. Компьютерные презентации студентов.

6. Раздаточный материал.

7. Видеоматериалы.

8. Aнгло-русские и русско-английские словари.

Сценарий урока

1. Приветствие. Организационный момент.

1) Раздать папки с материалом урока и бланки для рефлексии и объяснить правила их заполнения.

Good afternoon, dear students and guests! Welcome to our English lesson! I give you these sheets of paper. Here you see three types of smiles, your task is to give yourselves marks putting ticks under the smiles. If you manage to do the work well put a tick opposite the happy smile. If not - opposite the sad one. If you are not sure put a tick under the neutral smile. On your desks you see folders with some files of different colors. You will need them during the lesson.

2. Введение в ситуацию урока.

1) Найти место в мире с помощью интернета. (Биг Бен в Лондоне).

Do you like to travel? Some years ago we couldn`t even imagine travelling without leaving our home. Now it became possible thanks to the great invention of the 21st century. We turn on your computer, find the icon of the browser on the desktop, double click on it and go to the first page , type the keyword in the box of the search engine and press "enter'.


1. Do you recognize the city?

2. What building is this ?

2. What helps us to travel online?

2) Объявление темы и плана урока.

We can travel thanks to computers and computer network, which is called the Internet. It completely changed our life. Now we can travel anywhere and anytime we like. So, the Internet and research on the Internet is the theme of our lesson today.

Today at the lesson we shall develop your speaking skills, enrich you vocabulary read, translate, listen, watch some videos, do some exercises and tests and online tests too.

3) Цитаты про интернет.

Let`s read and translate some quotations about the Internet.

3. Формирование фонетической и речевой компетенций. (Приложение 1)

1) Интернациональные слова

At lesson we shall learn some new words. Some words are familiar to you, because they are international.

2) Глаголы

Read the verbs after me all together and translate them one by one.

3) Существительные

Now let`s read and translate the nouns.

4) Словосочетания.

. Let`s make some word combinations using two columns of words.

What can we surf?

What can we download?

What can we create?

What can we transfer?

Where can we communicate?

Where can we navigate?

4. Формирование языковой компетенции.

Повторение грамматики. Настоящее неопределенное время.

1) Объяснение правила учителем.

We must speak correct English, so let`s revise some grammar rules.

Present Simple Active of the English verbs.

When we speak about ourselves, about you or about them we use the verb in the 1st form, but when we speak about him or her or it we add the ending -s to the verbs. Making negative sentences we use the verbs - don`t and doesn`t. Asking questions-do, does.

2) Выполнение лексико - грамматических упражнений.

Now let`s do some exercises.

For example, I plan… but he plans…

We surf the Internet… but she surfs the Internet…

You create links… but it creates links…

They join the networks… but he joins the network…

3) Поиск ошибок.

Now correct some mistakes in the sentences. (Приложение 2)

4) Игра по цепочке. Ask each other questions one by one. (Приложение 2)

Does he / she ...? Do you...? I... . He / she ... .

Use the following word combinations:

play interactive games

download music files

go on the Internet

surf the cyberspace

create web-pages

talk in chat rooms

send e-mails

do research

shop in the Internet

transfer information

visit websites

5) Грамматическая игра.

Now guess what does he/she usually do in the Internet. Use your grammar rules.

Does he / she ....? Yes, he/ she does. No, he/ she doesn`t.

6) Выполнение он-лайн теста.

Let`s check up your language skills using the Internet and do some grammar tests.


5. Ознакомительное чтение. Работа с текстом.

1) Чтение про себя. Open your folders and find green sheets of paper. Here you see a text about the Internet. Let`s read the text in silence. (Приложение 3)

2) Контроль понимания прочитанного текста, выполнение упражнений.

Now let`s do some exercises

a) give the title to each paragraph.

- logical operators

- search engines

- keywords

- internet today

- the origin of the network

- the invention of Berners-Lee

b) Find the correct word or abbreviation in the text. (Приложение 4)

1) An address for Web pages ___________

2) A coding system that creates links ________

3) This finds and shows Web pages ________

4) Rules for transferring files ________

5) A group of computers joined together _______

c) Match the groups of verbs below with their general meaning from the box.

(Move; make, start; join; look; find)

1) Browse, surf, view ________

2) Download, navigate, transfer ______

3) Connect, link _______

4) Discover, locate _______

5) Originate, create, invent ________

d) Complete the sentences (1-7) with the words from the text.

1) Some people spend too much time playing ____ games on the Internet.

2) You can sometimes have computer _________ that is not connected to the Internet.

3) It is easy to _______ around a screen with a mouse.

4) Berners-Lee discovered how to ________ links between computers in new ways.

5) Some people surf the Internet at ________ just to see what they can find.

6) People use the Internet to ________ information from one place to another.

7) When you surf the Internet, you are traveling in _________ .

e) Match the words

What do these computer tools do?

browser finds and shows websites

Search engine reads the keyword, searches for the Internet files

Coding system creates links to files

Transfer rules link Web files together across the Internet

f) Игра: найди свою пару. (Приложение 5)

The next task .Open the white sheets of paper, read the word and search for a synonym. When you find the synonym, stand next to each other.

g) Complete the dialogue. (Приложение 6)

Your next task is to fill in the gaps in the dialogue with the words below.

6. Аудирование и просмотр фильма.

1) Подготовка к просмотру. Объяснение трудных слов. (Приложение 7)

Now we shall watch a film about the beginning of the Internet. But before that let`s read some difficult words that you will hear in the film.

2) Просмотр видеоролика.

3) Контроль понимания фильма. (Приложение 8)

Now let`s check up what you have understood. Choose the correct answer.

7. Контроль выполнения домашнего задания. Компьютерные проекты студентов.

Now it is the time to check up your homework. Let`s watch your computer projects.

1) What software helps us to go the Internet? They are browsers. (Group 1)

2) What helps us to find files in the Internet? They are search machines. (Group 2)

3) What can you do in the Internet? (Group 3)

4) What are the most popular sites in the world? (Group 4)

8. Развитие речевой компетенции. Совершенствование навыков монологической речи.

1) Составление алгоритма поиска в интернете. (Приложение 9)

Look at the screen. Here you see some word combinations, which you will need for describing your research in the internet.

Make an algorithm of Internet research

2) Самоконтроль. Проверка выполнения задания.

Check yourself.

3) Поиск информации по полученному заданию.

I shall give you individual tasks. You are to find some information in the Internet. Go to the computers and start working.

a) the weather forecast for tomorrow

b) TV program for the weekend

c) timetable of group for the next day

d) the biography of Steve Jobs

e) the Olympic stadium in Cheboksary in real time

f) CHEMK on the map of Cheboksary


4) Формирование речевой компетенции, развитие навыков монологического высказывания на тему “Описание поиска в интернете по алгоритму”.

Now describe how you did the research in the Internet using the algorithm.

9. Изучающее чтение. (Приложение 10)

1) Чтение электронного письма.

A lot of people in the world use e-mail. So do I. I got an e-mail and I would like to read it.

2) Работа над текстом. Выполнение упражнений.

Answer the questions.

1. Who wrote the e-mail?

2. Where does she live?

3. Where does she study?

3. How do teens in America use the Internet?

4. What are the most popular sites among American teenagers?

5. What site helps them to do their home tasks?

6. Where can the students find the timetable?

7. Has you college got a website?

8. Do you use it?

9. What are the most popular sites among Russian students?

3) Развитие навыков монологического речи. Составление монологического высказывания.

Now tell me what is this letter about.

10. Закрепление изученного материала. Работа в группах.

Now divide into groups. You have folders with files on your desks. Some of them are blue, the others are green. Those students who have blue folders sit on this desk, who have green ones on that one. Your team is called Yandex, your team - Google.

1) Выбор верных и неверных утверждений. (Приложение 11)

Do you believe that...? True/false.

The first task for the teams is to say if the sentences are true or false.

1. One million people join the Internet every month.

2. E-mail was invented earlier than www.

3. When you are 21 years old, you will have spent 5 000 hours playing video games.

4. The first banner appeared in 1994.

5. The first computer mouse was made of wood.

6. Every user blinks 7 times a minute.

7. About 1 319 872 109 users visit Internet every day.

8. In 2012 there will be more than 17 billion of computers, connected to the Internet.

2) Викторина. (Приложение 12)

Let`s do the quiz.

3) Просмотр мультфильма.

Let`s watch a cartoon.

What is it about?

4) Составление диалога из реплик вразброс. (Приложение 13)

5) Озвучивание мультфильма.

Now come up to the screen and try to sound the film.

6) Онлайн-игра “Найдите антонимы”.

One of the possibilities of Internet gives us an opportunity to learn foreign languages. Sometimes it can be useful to play games while learning new English words. Let`s play one of them. The task is to find antonyms - the words with the opposite meaning.


11. Обобщение изученной темы. Выводы.

You know that everything has its advantages and disadvantages. So has the Internet.

1) Выбор аргументов “за” и “против”. (Приложение 14)

Choose arguments for and against the Internet. Work in groups.

Read the advantages and the disadvantages of the Internet.

2) Что такое синквейн? Объяснение с примерами.

Do you know what a cinquain is? It is a kind of Japanese poem. It consists of 5 lines. The first line is the name of the word, the second is two adjectives, the third is 3 verbs, the fourth is a phrase, and the last is the noun again, a synonym of the first line. Here you see 3 examples of cinquains.

3) Групповая работа. Написать синквейн об интернете.

Now try to write your own cinquain poem about the Internet. Work in 2 groups, I give you 3 minutes.

4) Озвучивание синквейна, выбор лучшего.

Now let`s listen to your poems.

12. Заключительный этап. Подведение итогов. Рефлексия.

1) Самооценка работы на уроке.

Count your smiles (happy, neutral and sad).

2) Рефлексия.I liked the way you worked at the lesson and I would like to know your opinion about it.

1. Was the lesson interesting for you?

а) yes, of course; c) I don`t know;

в) I believe so; d) No, it wasn`t.

2. Can you speak on this topic now ?

а) yes, I can; c) it is difficult for me;

в) I am not sure; d) I am afraid not.

3. Will you be able to discuss this topic?

а) I am sure, I can; c) I don`t think so;

в) I hope, I can; г) no, I won`t;

4. What did you find the most difficult at the lesson?

а) to read and translate; c) to listen and understand;

в) to ask and answer questions; d) to do exercises.

Список рекомендуемой литературы

1. Information technology Eric H. Glen. - Oxford University, 2005.

2. Oxford English Computing. Eric H. Glen. - Oxford University, 2005.

3. Английский язык. Основы компьютерной грамотности. Радовель В.А. - Ростов-н/Д: Феникс, 2010.

4. Англо-русский словарь ПК. – М.: ОЛМА- Пресс Образование, 2006.

Интернет ресурсы



