Урок по теме "Стоит ли посетить вашу страну?"

Разделы: Иностранные языки, Презентация к уроку

Презентация к уроку

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Цели урока.

1) Развитие коммуникативно-речевых навыков по теме "Моя страна в мире".

2) Развитие лингвистического мышления.

3) Воспитание цивилизованной личности.

Ход урока

I. Организационный момент. Сообщение целей урока

Teacher: Hello, everybody! I'm glad to see you. Boys and girls, you may take your seats.

Online, people exchange their impressions and opinions about travelling to different places around the world. Today we're going to discuss some opinions about travelling to Russia. The main reason for visiting our country is its unique culture and architecture. We have a lucky chance to visit not only the State Hermitage but other large and small museums.

II. Pечевая разминка

Беседа в режиме "Учитель - ученик" по теме "Стоит ли посетить вашу страну?"

Teacher: Please, answer my questions:

1. What are the most popular tourist attractions in Russia? 2. Russians are hospitable, friendly and open-hearted people aren't they? 3. Is the place where you live warm or cold? Do you like its climate? 4. What do you usually do on a holiday trip? 6. Is travelling an important part of people's education? 7. Travelling is the most pleasant way of learning about the world, isn't it? 8. Does it teach us about art and culture? 9. How often do you visit museums or art galleries? 10. What famous museums in Russia do you know? 11. Have you ever been to the Hermitage? 12. Is it in Moscow or in St. Petersburg? 13. What English museums do you know? 14. What museums have you been to this year? 15. Do you think Russian people should learn English to attract more tourists?

III. Совершенствование навыков чтения

Teacher: Will you open your textbooks, page 171, exercise 1.1)? Let's read some opinions about travelling to Russia one by one.

IV. Развитие коммуникативно-речевых навыков.

Teacher: The next task for you is exercise 1.2), page 172. Please, answer which arguments do the people give for and against visiting Russia? Do you agree or disagree with them? Explain why.

V. Презентация сообщений учащихся "Стоит ли посетить вашу страну?"

(Сообщения сопровождаются демонстрацией слайдов и оцениваются в зависимости от содержания, правильности произношения и количества грамматических ошибок. После выступления каждого ученика одноклассники задают ему вопросы.)

Teacher: You have prepared the presentations devoted to the theme "Is your country worth visiting?". Museums are part of Russian unique culture and architecture. Maybe, it is the main reason for visiting our country. Please, listen to each other attentively and prepare your questions to the speakers.

1. Let's make an excursion to the Tretyakov Gallery.

2. You are welcome to the Hermitage.

It is Sunday morning. It is autumn landscape.
The sky is very clear and transparent.
Today we are going to the Hermitage!
The dancing leaves fall on the ground.
We' ve heard so much of this splendid museum
From our acquaintances, relatives, friends!
We've felt even little ashamed
Not visiting the Hermitage.

(From the book by O.Taratutin "What I have seen in the Hermitage", translated by Galina Guklenkova, School № 23, Aikhal)

3. Now visit Alexander Pushkin Museum Flat.

4. Have you ever been to the Historical and Production Museum of Yakutalmaz Concern? Well, do it or do it again. It is in Mirny.

Teacher: Thanks a lot for this interesting information. I hope it will help you to become more civilized people.

VI. Объяснение домашнего задания

Teacher: Your homework is to write a composition "Is Russia worth visiting?". Student's book, page 172, exercise 2.

VII. Подведение итогов урока. Оценка успешности достижения цели.

Teacher: Boys and girls, you have done your work well today. I think, you have enjoyed the lesson. I'll be glad to see you again. Good-bye.

Приложение 1

Пример сообщения по теме "Historical and Production Museum of Yakutalmaz Concern":

Hello, everybody! I would like to present you a Historical and Production Museum of Yakutalmaz Concern. It is in Mirny, Republic of Sakha (Yakutia). In 1957 diamond miners arrived in the town of Mirny. They lived in tents. Here you can see the road to the lower tent settlement. There are portraits of the discoveres of kimberlite pipes in the museum, Larisa Popugaeva and Natalia Kind among them. In 1954 L. Popugaeva discovered the first kimberlite pipe "Zarnitsa". You know that one of the streets in Aikhal is named after L. Popugaeva.

Historical and Production Museum of Yakutalmaz Concern contains the Collection of minerals and of course the largest diamonds found in Yakutia. They are "Star of Yakutia" and "A. Pushkin". There are also expositions which depict the life of nature population and reindeer breeders standing. Thank you for attention.