Урок-чтение "The last leaf" by O. Henry

Разделы: Иностранные языки


1) развитие навыков чтения, перевода, аналитической переработки литературного произведения;

2) развитие навыков устной речи;

3) развитие умений, необходимых для работы в группе;

3) знакомство с биографией и творчеством писателя О.Генри, расширение кругозора студентов;

4) воспитание нравственности, любви к искусству (на лучших образцах мировой литературы).

Оборудование: портрет О.Генри, иллюстрации к его произведению, текст произведения, карточки-задания к тексту, кроссворд, лексические схемы “словесные паутинки”, дополнительные задания.

Ход урока

1. Оргмомент – объяснение целей и задач урока, вводное слово учителя: Today we are going to read and analyse the story of great American writer O. Henry “The Last Leaf”. Here you can see the portrait of O.Henry.

2. Проверка домашнего задания – устный опрос. <Приложение 1>

Do you know anything about this author? Is O. Henry his real name? (What is his real name?)

When was he born?

Where was he born?

When was his first story published?

When did he become a professional writer?

How many stories did he write?

What are his stories about?

What can we see through the gaiety and humour of his stories?

3. Работа в группах – чтение, перевод произведения “The last leaf”, выполнение заданий по тексту. <Приложение 2>

1) Подготовка к работе:

- деление на группы;

- ознакомление с вариантами заданий для работы с текстом произведения;

- ознакомление с именами собственными, встречающимися в тексте произведения;

Look at the blackboard. Here are some proper names which you will meet in the text. Read them.

Pneumonia – пневмония, воспаление легких

Sue – Сью

Johnsy – Джонси

Behrman – Берман

- активизации мыслительной деятельности:

Before you begin to read the story read this proverb: “Not he who has much is rich, but he who gives much”. After reading the text tell me can this proverb express the main idea of this story?;

2) Работа в группах;

3) Ответ каждой группы.

4. Совместное обсуждение содержания текста.

1. Did you like the story?

2. What are the main characters of this story? Distribute them according to main characteristics.

Try to describe them using these Word Webs. <Приложение 3>

3. Now come back to our proverb. How do you understand it? Do you agree that we can explain the main idea of this text using it?

4. Do this crossword. <Приложение 4>. It helps us to check how you understand the story and find the necessary word to describe what is really Behrman’s masterpiece.

Do you agree that Behrman sacrificed his life for the sake of Johnsy’s life?

What do you do in such a situation?

What do you think about Sue? Is she a real friend? Why?

5. How else can you name this story? What heading is the most suitable?

“The last hope”

“The last chance”

“The greatest masterpiece”

6. What can you sacrifice for the sake of your friend? <Приложение 5>

You can see that life is the most difficult thing to sacrifice and it proves that Behrman’s self-sacrifice is his greatest masterpiece. I wish you to have real friends in your life - with whom you can share your problems and ideas, who never betray you.

5. Домашнее задание: составить краткий пересказ текста по плану. (Retell the story according to the plan):

I’ve read the story “The last leaf” written by famous American writer O.Henry. This story is about …

The main characters of this story is…

The main idea is self-sacrifice and friendship.

It’s very interesting and instructive.