Тема урока: "Born to Become Heroes"

Разделы: Иностранные языки, Презентация к уроку

Презентация к уроку

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Воспитание у подрастающего поколения высоких патриотических чувств, нравственных качеств, норм морали всегда остается в центре внимания нашего общества. В прошлом учебном году в феврале в нашей школе был проведен городской семинар по военно-патриотическому воспитанию. В МОУ “Средняя общеобразовательная школа № 38” расположен Музей 376 стрелковой дивизии. Музей был создан по инициативе А.Б. Сухацкого, заслуженного учителя Российской Федерации, ветерана ВОВ. Музей начинался с нескольких экспонатов. Следопытами музея собран богатейший материал о наших земляках, участниках ВОВ. Следопыты посетили места сражений: Самарканд, Бухару, Андижан, Ташкент, Ригу и Лесной бор. Ученики нашей школы проводят экскурсии, встречают гостей. После посещения музея многие люди оставляют записи в “книге отзывов”. Мой урок о тех, кто отдал жизнь за наше светлое будущее, воевал за счастье на Земле.

Цели урока.

1. Формирование гражданских и патриотических качеств обучающихся через работу школьного музея.

2. Учить обучающихся строить монологические высказывания на военные темы.

3. Формирование навыков подготовленной речи.

Задачи урока.

1. Учить выражать свое мнение о прочитанном и прослушанном.

2. Воспитание патриотизма и культуры межнациональных отношений.

Оборудование урока.:

1. Материалы школьного музея.

2. Песня Победы “ресурсы интернета”.

3. Письмо из англоязычной страны.

4. Текст для аудирования.

5. Компьютер, проектор, экран.

6. Карточки.


1. The beginning of the lesson.

Teacher: Hello,dear students, guests! I am glad to see you. Let’s start our work. Today we are having a very unusual lesson. Look! Some days ago we received a letter from our pen-friends.

But before reading the letter let’s revise the words of the previous lesson. Look at the blackboard and read them. (Обучающиеся читают слова):







shooting division









Учащимся предлагается задание на карточках: перевести с русского на английский следующие выражения:

славные традиции

места сражений

Герои Великой Отечественной войны

создать музей

основатель музея

экспонаты музея

стрелковая дивизия

интересная экскурсия

военное оружие



Teacher: Look at the screen and read the letter from your pen-friends (обучающиеся читают письмо по цепочке).

Cathy Bigden

Hawshead Road 5

Gode N1 IHS


The UK.

Dear Russian friends,

We, English students,have learned from the Internet about your school №38. We have also found out that your school museum is 36 and the Museum Room received the name of the “School Museum” in 1976 and later in 1990 - the name of the” Excellent School Museum”. We want to know more about your school museum. Who was the founder of the museum? When was it opened? Have the students of your school visited the places of battles? And we areinterested in many other questions too. We also want to learn more about your school and your lifestyle. We want to meet more people and make new friends in Russia.

Write soon,

Cathy, Pam, David.

2. The main body of the lesson.

Teacher: As you have already guessed, we are going to speak about our school museum, about the heroes of the Great Patriotic War and their heroic deeds. We are having guests today. They are the students of our school museum. Introduce yourselves, please.

Guest 1: Hello! My name is Ann. I’m the school President and I’m also a vice chairman of the school soviet of the museum. My friends work hard in the museum. We also try to do well at all subjects .Let me introduce other students. They are Kristina, Ann, Anatoly and Nataly. They are very active in the work of the school museum, too. They are our followers. You may ask us questions about our work. Thank you.

Обучающиеся задают вопросы гостям, которые отвечают на них. Предполагаемые вопросы и ответы:

P1: May I ask you a question, please? When was the school museum created?

Guest 1: The school museum was created in 1970 and it was opened on the 23d of February 1975. Everybody knows that the founder of the museum was A.B. Sukhatskiy, Honoured Теасher of theRussian Federation, the veteran of the Great Patriotic War. By the way, the museum was created by the initiative of M.P. Shishova, the first director of our school. At the present moment R.G. Fatikov, a Technology teacher is the leader of the school museum.

Guest 2: The museum started with some exhibits.

P2: I’m interested to know, how many exhibits there are in the museum?

Guest 2: There are more than 6 thousand exhibits in the museum. They are the arms of war times, personal things of soldiers, war newspapers, and photos.

P3: Have our students visited any places of battles?

Guest 3: There were more than 40 trips all over the country. Our students also visited the places of battles. More than 2 thousand students took part in the trips. They visited Samarcand, Bukhara, Andizhan,Tashkent. They even were in Riga and in LesnoyBor – the place where the soldiers of the shooting division fought heroically against faschists.

P4: You take an active part in the life of the school museum, don’t you?

Guest 4: We hold excursions, meet guests. After visiting the museum many people write down in the visitors’ book what they think about what they have seen.

Teacher: Thank you very much for your interesting talk. I’m sure you can write a letter to your English pen-friends.It will be your homework for the next lesson. By the way two lessons ago we repeated the rules of writing a personal letter. I’m going to remind you these rules.

And now listen to the text about the former pupil of our school, who fought heroically and died. His name was Sergei Kaigorodov. (The students listen to the text):

Sergei is 18 years old now. He was 18, when he joined the Soviet Army. He will always be 18.

Sergei lived in our native town. He studied at our school. He loved, read books. He loved his native town, his friends. Then he joined the Soviet Army. After some time he was sent to Chechnya with other young men of his age. When he fought against enemies he didn’t think about himself. His native town, the wind in the town, his family and friends became so dear to him. He thought only about one thing: his Motherland and so he had to fight and risk. Sergei died. But we’ll always remember him. There is a memorial board in his memory in our school museum.

Teacher: What do you think of Sergei?

Предполагаемые ответы:

P1: I’m sure, Sergei was brave.

P2: I suppose, he loved his town and his family very much.

P3: I think, he loved his native town and his friends.

P4: I believe, Sergei had a very strong feeling of patriotism. He was thinking about his Motherland when he met with his enemy face to face.

Teacher: What is patriotism?

P1: I suppose you want to see your country free.

P2: The finest qualities of young people are developed in children. We learn about the glorious traditions of the Soviet people from our parents and teachers, from literature, films.

P3: Taking part in social life of school is one of the ways to develop high moral qualities.

P4: Receiving a passport is a great event in the life of a young man, because he or she becomes a full citizen of Russia.

P5: And I’d like to receive my passport in a holiday atmosphere. I’d like to listen to what war and labour veterans have to say to young people.

Teacher: Listen to the poem, dedicated to the memory of Sergei Kaigorodov.


I had a son, who fought for me
He went away,
I had a son, who fought for me,
He’s not here today…
I had a son, who fought for me,
To see that wars would ever cease
And he’ll sure put his name down.

3. The ending of the lesson.

Teacher: Look at the screen, please! There are the names of those, who fought heroically for our happiness. (На экране фамилии тех, кто сражался за мир на Земле). Звучит песня ‘’Офицеры.’’

Mинутой молчания чтят все присутствующие память погибших героев.

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