Занятие по теме "Боль"

Разделы: Иностранные языки, Презентация к уроку

Презентация к уроку

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Целевая аудитория: 3-й курс отделения «Сестринское дело»

Необходимое оснащение (методическое и материальное): мультимедийный проектор, компьютер, экран, магнитофон с CD, доска,  компьютерная презентация в “Power Point”.

Раздаточный материал: таблица 1, таблица 2, текст диалога 1, текст диалога 2, карточки для самооценки усвоения нового материала, карточки индивидуальных заданий для составления диалога описания боли.

1. Продолжительность изучения темы.

– кол-во часов, отведенное на изучение темы – 4 час.
– время проведения данного занятия – 90 мин.

 2. Вид занятия

– практическое занятие

4. Основная цель занятия:

– изучив основные характеристики боли сформировать практические умения описывать боль и вести  диалог о боли.

5. Задачи занятия:


– сформировать знания лексики по теме «Боль»
– отработать грамматические структуры “have/has”для описания боли
– отработать постановку специальных  вопросов с целью описания боли.
– активизировать в речи устойчивые выражения “to have a pain”, “to have a sore throat”,  “to have a headache”… при описании боли.
– совершенствовать умения речевой деятельности (чтения,  аудирования, говорения)


– развивать навыки самостоятельной работы
– способствовать развитию памяти, внимания, слухового восприятия, логического мышления.


– формировать профессионально значимые качества личности через   предмет: организованность, внимательность, аккуратность.

6. Ход урока

I. Организационный момент

1. Мотивация учебной деятельности  студентов

T: Good morning, dear students. I’ m glad to see you here, at our lesson. Let’s get start the lesson. Monitor, tell me, please, who is absent today.

Monitor answers.

T: Now, students, answer the questions:
– What date is it today?

– What day of the week is it today?

St: Answer the questions and the student on duty writes down the date and the day of a week for today on the black-board.

2. Формулирование темы занятия и ее введение с помощью «мозгового штурма».

T: I would like you to guess the theme of our lesson. For that, look at the slide 2. You see here three pictures. Answer the question that is in the slide 2.  “What feeling do the pictures show?

- joy; -fear; or - pain;”

(Students say that it is pain. Teacher clicks the mouse and the title “Pain” appears in the slide).

T: So, the theme of our lesson is “Pain” (Боль).

(Students write down the title in their copybooks and the teacher draws the diagram of cluster on the blackboard.)

T: Let’s have a talk about pain. What do you know about it? Look at the black-board. You see a cluster here. Write down the words as much as you know which are associated with the “pain” in this diagram.


(Students are filling in the diagram together with the teacher).

II. Цели и задачи занятия

T: If you look at the diagram we can state that pain is the essential part of our life. We are all have an experience of suffering pain. When we are at the doctor’s we must characterize our pain in the right way as pain is one of the main symptoms of our health problem. What are the characteristics of pain? How to ask about pain? How to answer the questions about pain? Today we try to answer on all these questions. Look at the slide 3.  This is the plan of our lesson.

(The teacher explains what students will do during the lesson according to the plan.)

III. Объяснение новой темы преподавателем

1. Описание четырех характеристик боли (Describing 4 characteristics of pain).

T:  Now we begin studying 4 characteristics of pain. Look at the slide 4. This is the graph-logical scheme of four characteristics of pain.

(The teacher explains the graph-logical scheme and asks the students to write down the subtitle “Describing 4 characteristics of pain”).

  • Введение новой лексики, характеризующей тип боли (первая характеристика).

T: Let’s consider the first characteristic of pain – Type of pain. Look at the table1. (Приложение 1)

There are 7 types of pain in the second column of the table. Please, fill in this table according to the tasks 1 and 2.

Таsk 1. Match transcriptions given below with their words in the table1:

p>a) [‘θ r o b i ŋ];  b) [d Λ l ‘ e i k];   с) [’n o: i ŋ ];   d) [’ b ə: n i ŋ];   e) [∫ a: p];       f)  [‘∫ u: t i ŋ]

Таsk 2. Read and translate the definitions of different types of pain in the table 1 and guess their meanings in Russian.

(Students are filling in the table and then they check their works with the table in the slide 5.)

  • Фонетическая зарядка

The teacher asks the students to read new words by transcription and students do it in turn.

  • Отработка новой лексики  для описания типа боли и постановка вопроса о типе боли.

T: Now we’ll train the use of new words while characterizing the type of pain.  For that, please, do orally the exercises 1 and 2 shown in the slide 6.

The students do the exercises orally speaking one by one. After that the teacher asks the students to write down the model (slide 7), showing how to ask and answer the question about the type of pain. Then she asks them to do orally   the exercise 3 (slide 7) in pairs.

  • Введение понятия – локализация боли (2-я характеристика боли)

T:  We’ll talk about the second characteristic of pain – Localization of pain. It is the place in some part of a human body where a pain is localized. Our task is to learn how to ask and answer about localization of pain. Before doing it we must remember the names of different parts of a human body.

  • Актуализация опорных знаний и отработка вопросов и ответов для выражения  места  боли

T: Look at the slide 8. You see here the picture of a human body the different parts of which are numbered. Your task is to match the names of human body’s parts with their numbers and guess their meaning.

(Students do the task 3 and then read and translate the words. Then teacher asks the students to look at the slide 9 and write down the models showing how to ask and answer the questions about the localization of pain. Then she asks them to do orally the exercise 4 in pairs).

  • Полезные выражения для описания местоположения боли.

T: Look at the slide 10. Here there are the expressions which can be usefully used while talking about pain localization. Please, write down them in your copy books to remember. (Students write down useful expressions).

  • Фонетическая зарядка

The teacher asks the students to read the expressions and the students do it in turn.

  • Введение новой лексики, для описания силы  боли (третьей характеристики боли)

T: The next characteristic of pain is Intensity of pain.  In the slide11 you see the faces that reflex how much pain people feel. This scale is used to determine the degrees (intensities) of pain if children and people cannot speak a language. This scale is called Facial Grimace Scale (Шкала Вонга – Бейкера по имени ее создателя [1]). Below the scale there are adjectives describing pain intensities. Your task is to put the numbers of faces to the adjectives, and then fill in the table 2 according to the task 4. (Приложение 2).

 (Then teacher asks the students to check-up their work with the table shown in the slide 12)

  • Фонетическая зарядка

The teacher asks the students to read new words by transcription and students do it in turn.

  • Отработка новой лексики и постановка вопроса о силе боли

T: Look at the slide 13 and write down the model showing how to ask and answer the question about the intensity of pain. (After that she asks them to do orally the exercise 5 in pairs).

  • Введение понятия длительности боли (четвертая характеристика боли)

T: The last characteristic of pain is Duration. It is the period of time during which the pain has lasted. Look at the slide 14 and write down the models showing how to ask about the duration of pain and then do the task 5.

Task 5. Write down two mini-dialogues, then read and translate them in pairs.

IV. Закрепление нового материала

a) Listening 4 dialogues, where patients are describing their pain. [1]

T: You will hear 4 dialogues (аудиозапись, slide15) between a nurse and a patient. In each dialogue a nurse is asking a patient about her/his pain. While listening answer the question:

– Where is the pain?
– ________________

(The students listen to the dialogues and give their answers. The teacher clicks the mouse and the answers 1. “around my stomach”  2. “just here in my right sight”   3. “in my head”              4. “down my left arm”  appear in the slide 15. The students correct their answers if necessary)

b) Listening to the dialogue 1 “Describing a Pain” the second time (аудиозапись, slide16)

T: Listen to the dialogue1 and try to complete its text with the following words: quite; always; in; about; of; it; away; a; (Приложение 3).

c) Listening to the dialogue the third time. (Аудиозапись, slide17)

T: Listen to the dialogue one more, and then check-up your work with the text in the slide 17.

d) Reading and translating the dialogue 1 by the roles.

T: Read and translate the dialogue by the roles.

V. Заключительный контроль

a) Making-up the dialogue 2 “Describing a pain” (Slide18).

T: Match the answers (Friend 2) with the questions (Friend 1) to make-up the dialogue between 2 friends (Приложение 4) and write down it in your copy-books.

b) Checking-up the dialogue 2, made-up by the students. (Slide 19)

T: Check-up your dialogue with text in the slide 19.

c) Reading and translating the dialogue 2 by the roles.

T:  Read and translate the dialogue by the roles.

VI. Подведение итогов

Self-assessment (slide 20)

T: Our lesson is going to the end. I hope you have known a lot of useful information about pain and had good practice for its description. Now I would like you to make a self-assessment what you have learnt today. Each of you has a self-assessment card (Приложение 5). Please, tick (v) the statements which you agree with.

VII. Домашнее задание

T: Мake-up your own dialogue describing a pain according to the task in your card. (Приложение 5)

VIII. Literature

 1. Tony Grice, Nursing (Сестринское дело), OXFORD University Press, 2007.