"Faces of London" с НРК. 6-й класс

Разделы: Иностранные языки, Презентация к уроку

Класс: 6

Презентация к уроку

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УМК «Английский язык: Английский с удовольствием»/ “Enjoy English”, учебник для 5-6 классов общеобразовательных учреждений под редакцией Биболетовой М.З., Добрыниной Н.В., Трубаневой Н.Н..– Обнинск: Титул, 2008.

Тип урока: комбинированный.

Цель урока: Совершенствование лексических навыков говорения на основе знакомого материала

  • Развивающий компонент цели урока: развитие языковых способностей учащихся, готовности к коммуникации;
  • Образовательный компонент цели урока: развитие навыков устной речи, навыков чтения, совершенствование грамматических навыков (структура вопроса Haveyoueverbeento…) и навыков письменной речи
  • Воспитательный компонент цели урока: воспитание уважительного и толерантного отношения к иноязычной культуре и гордости за свою.

Оснащение урока: мультимедийный проектор, компьютерная презентация с видами Лондона и Мамадыша, раздаточный материал (клише письма).

Ход урока

I. Организационный момент.

Teacher: Good morning, my dears. The bell is ringing, the lesson is beginning. Take your sits and welcome to our tour from London to Russia. I hope our trip will be merry and interesting.

II. Фонетическая зарядка.

Teacher: First let’s review our language luggage.

1. Фонетическая отработка словосочетаний it’s worth, to be rich in, to be tired of, to be free, to be proud of, and to be full of

2. Teacher: You can see two columns of words on the blackboard. Can you match the words from the first column and the second one to make up the word combinations?

(Слайд 2)

It’s worth   noise
To be rich in   gardens
To be proud of   visiting
To be tired of   trees and flowers
To be full of   our culture
To be famous for   his poems

(Примерные сочетания it’s worth visiting, to be rich in parks, to be proud of our culture, to be tired of noise, to be full of trees and flowers, to be famous for his poems)

3. Teacher: What do you think about when you hear the word “London”? But don’t only name this word, remember the first letters of your names or surnames and say words or word combinations from our unit with these sounds.

(For example: P1: My name is Tanya, the Tate Gallery)

(Слайд 3-4)

III. Речевая зарядка.

T.: Imagine you went to London and saw many interesting places. Work in pairs and ask question to each other: “Have you ever been to anywhere”? Or “Have you ever seen anything”?

(Слайд 5)

For ex:

P1: Have you ever been to the Houses of Parliament?
P2: Oh, yes, I have. It has world wide fame.
P3: Have you ever seen St. Paul’s Cathedral?
P4: Oh, what the question to ask! Of course I have. It is an outstanding architectural monument.
P5: Have you ever seen the Tower of London?
P6: No, I’m sorry to say, but I heard it was worth seeing

Teacher: I think you enjoyed your trip; I want you to share with your impressions. What do you think what city London is? Why? Don’t forget to use word combinations such as “to be rich in...”

For ex .:

P1: It is a large and modern city, because there are many parks and gardens, straight streets, wide squares, fine buildings. The parks are full of beautiful trees and flowers.
P2: It is a political centre, because the British government seats there in the Houses of Parliament. British people are proud of their Queen, who lives in Buckingham Palace.
P3: It is an industrial centre too, because there are many plants and factories. Sometimes people are tired of noise and smog.
P4. It is a cultural centre, because London is rich in museums, theatres and art galleries.

IV. Совершенствование навыков устной речи.

(проверка домашнего задания – подготовка устного сообщения о достопримечательнос-тях Лондона)

Teacher: I have never been to London and I don’t know this city and its places of interest. Some days ago I looked through the photos and thought what it is. Help me please. Look at the screen. You must name the sight and speak about it.

(На экране – достопримечательности Лондона (Слайды 6–12). Ребята рассказывают о них)

Примерные ответы:

P1: I see the Tower of London. The tower of London is a very old building. It is about nine hundred years old. The English kings lived here. Then it was a prison where many people died. It is a museum now. Black ravens live outside the Tower.
P2: We took this picture. It is St. Paul’s Cathedral. It is a greatest work of England’s greatest architect Sir Christopher Wren. The Cathedral was begun in 1675 and was finished in 1710. Christopher Wren was buried there.
P3: It is a view of Trafalgar Square. It is in the centre of the West End of London. Trafalgar Square commemorates Nelson’s victory at the battle of Trafalgar in which he was wounded. Nelson’s Column stands in the middle of the square.
P4: I want to introduce you the British Museum. It has one of the largest libraries in the world. There are more than six million books in the library. You can see beautifully illustrated old manuscripts which they keep in glass cases. In the reading-room of the British Museum many famous men have read and studied. Charles Dickens was among them . (etc)

V. Формирование навыков чтения с полным пониманием основного содержания текста.

Teacher: You know a lot about London. But today I want to speak about another capital. Look at the screen and guess what town (not city) we’ll speak about.

(Просмотр слайдов о Мамадыше (слайды 13-15 ))

Teacher: Yes, we are going to speak about Mamadysh. Look at the blackboard. You can see new words.

(Слайд 16)

  • Region – район
  • Picturesque – живописный
  • To develop – развиваться
  • The handicraft centre – ремесленный центр
  • The trading centre – торговый центр
  • The status – статус
  • Ancient – старинный
  • The tradesman – купец
  • Remarkable – основной
  • To admire – восхищаться

Look at the text. There is some information about our town. Let’s read it.

A) Mamadysh is the centre of our region. It is situated on the picturesque bank of the Vyatka River in the eastern part of Tatarstan. The population of Mamadysh is nearly 14 thousand people.
B) Mamadysh is one of the oldest towns. It was founded in the 14th century. Our town quickly developed and had become the trading and handicraft centre by the end of the 18 century. On the 28th of September in 1781 Mamadysh was got the status of the town by Ekaterina II’s edict.
C) Mamadysh is not highly developed town, but it has some plants: alcohol plant, cheese and butter plant, brick works and others. There are a lot of useful goods.
D) There are many ancient buildings in Mamadysh which are outstanding architectural monuments. The tradesman such as Lisitsun, Verevkin, Zaharov, Scherbakov and many others lived there. Though these buildings were built in the 19th century they are very firm and many organization work inside them nowadays. Also there are straight streets, beautiful monuments, 2 parks, fine new buildings in our town. The Ice Palace, the Sport Palace, the Musical school are worth seeing. Soviet street is one of the most remarkable streets in our town. It is one of the oldest one in our town.
E) Mamadysh is also famous for its sportsman, singers, composers and writers. Alipov is a winner in wrestling, Mingol Galiev is a well-known singer, Yarullin is an outstanding composer. They and many others are among them. Culture and sport are paid the main attention. Museum of Local Lore and History, sport clubs and different clubs activities open their doors to all who wants to visit them.
F) I think my town is really beautiful, modern and clean. We love our parks. They are full of trees, grass and flowers. We can walk among old trees, relax and admire nature or take part in many sport and cultural activities. People living in Mamadysh are friendly and hospitable. They are proud of their town.


1. Match each of the headings 1-6 to one of the part A-F of the text.(определите, какой из заголовков точно передает смысл каждой части A–F)

(Слайд 17)

  1. Description of Mamadysh
  2. Outstanding people
  3. History of Mamadysh
  4. Industry
  5. Geographical position
  6. My opinion

(1 – C, 2 – E, 3 – B, 4 – C, 5 – A, 6 – F)

2. Find which sentences are false or true and correct false ones. (определите, какие предложения верны, какие ложны и исправить неправильные)

(Слайд 18)

  1. Mamadysh was founded on the 28th of September in 1781.
  2. Scherbakov’s house is an administrative centre now.
  3. Mamadysh is an industrial centre.
  4. Soviet street is the oldest street in our town.
  5. Sport is developed in Mamadysh

(1 – F, 2 – F, 3 – F, 4 – T, 5 – T)

Teacher: Now listen to me very carefully. I’ll read you the descriptions of some buildings and organizations. Your task is to guess what it is.

  1. This building is the pulse of our town. It’s a residence of the head of the district. (the Building of the Administration) – Слайд 19.
  2. It’s a sacred place of our town where wreaths are laid. (the Perpetual Fire) – Слайд 20.
  3. District news and TV program broadcast from this place (the Tele-Radio Company “Vyatka”) – Слайд 21.
  4. It’s a heart of sporting life, events of Mamadysh and Mamadysh district. (the Ice Palace “Olympus”) – Слайд 22.
  5. It’s a centre of cultural life of the district and the town. (the District House of Culture) – Слайд 23.
  6. It’s a place which showed our champion in wrestling Eugenie Alipov to the whole world. (The Sport School) – Слайд24.
  7. Which kind of sport is the most popular in Mamadysh? (Football, hockey, wrestling)
  8. After who is the Art School in Mamadysh named? (The composers Jarullins) – Слайд 25.

VI. Обучение навыкам письменной речи.

Teacher: Now we’ll send postcards to our friends. Take the postcards and fill in the missing words. They are the words why do you like Mamadysh.

(Слайд 26)


Dear friend__________________,

I’m in Mamadysh now.

I like this town because ____________________________________________________



Write me back.

Best wishes,


VII. Домашнее задание.

Подготовить рассказ о Мамадыше:

А) от лица гостя, приехавшего в этот город;
В) реклама нашему городу;
С) от жителя города.

VIII. Подведение итогов урока.


  1. Биболетова М.З. и др. Учебник «Enjoy English» (Английский с удовольствием), учебник для 5–6 кл. общеобраз. учрежд. – «Титул», 2008.
  2. Дзюина Е.В. Поурочные разработки по английскому языку к УМК М.З. Биболетовой и др. «Enjoy English» – Москва «ВАКО», 2010.
  3. Журнал «Иностранные языки в школе». – 2003. №2.
  4. Газизов Р.Г. «Мамадышым- язмышым. Мамадыш- судьба моя». – Ижевск, 2007.