Урок английского языка по теме "Sounds of music". 11-й класс

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Класс: 11

Цель: развитие иноязычной коммуникативной компетенции учащихся.



развивать у учащихся умения монологической речи;

развивать у учащихся умения понимать иноязычную информацию на слух;

сформировать у учащихся целостное представление об эпохе просвещения, через музыкальные произведения великих композиторов.


формировать у учащихся уважение и интерес к культуре других стран;

содействовать формированию у учащихся мировоззренческих понятий через музыкальные произведения;

формировать потребность в практическом использовании английского языка в социально-культурной сфере;

воспитывать культуру общения.


развивать у учащихся интерес к изучению английского языка;

углублять познавательные мотивы, развивать у учащихся познавательный интерес к творчеству композиторов разных эпох;

развивать умения описывать, интерпретировать, критически оценивать произведения искусства, выражать свое мнение.


обобщить и расширить знания учащихся о мировом культурном наследии;

расширить общий и лингвистический кругозор учащихся.

Оборудование: Компьютер; компьютерные презентации с материалом урока, подготовленные учащимися; портреты; записи музыкальных произведений; видеофрагменты.

Ход урока

Организационный момент

Слайд 1.

Good morning, dear students and our guests! The topic of our lesson today is “ Sounds of music”.

To many people in many cultures, music is an important part of their way of life. But what is music? Specialists explain that music isn't only a combination of pleasant sounds. Can you think of a day without music? We can hear music everywhere: in the streets and at home, over the radio and on TV, in the shops and in the parks. People all over the world are fond of music. They listen to music, they dance to music, they learn to play musical instruments. Tastes differ. So people's musical interests range from pop and rock music, which are extremely popular nowadays, especially among young people, to classical music and opera. Each generation has its own tastes. Music is everywhere! It’s on television, over radio, in all movies! Can you imagine any movie without music?! Of course not. What if you watch television without sound, what if you see ballet without music, what if you hear voices without melody at the opera? Our life will be boring without music. There are a lot of different kinds of music. Some of them appeared long ago, and some are modern. For example, folk music appeared long ago, but it is still alive. Classical music is often associated with the music of the past. Rap is a modern musical style where the singer speaks or shouts the words in time to music with a steady beat. (Звучит Romantic music)

Слайд 2.

Now look at the quotation of a well-known French writer Frederic Stendal: “The perfect music throws the heart into the same condition as you are in enjoying the presence of your loved one, that is to say, music certainly gives the brightest happiness in the world”.

Слайд 3.

“Совершенная музыка приводит сердце в точно такое же состояние, какое испытываешь, наслаждаясь присутствием любимого существа, то есть музыка дает, несомненно, самое яркое счастье, какое только возможно на земле”. (Стендаль)

Слайд 4.

II. Речевая зарядка

Answer my questions:

What role does music play in your life?

Can you play any musical instruments?

Which of the two traditions in music – classical or popular – do you prefer? Do you like modern or old music?

When, where and how often do you listen to music? (Звучит Romantic Piano Melody)

Слайд 5.

Презентации учащихся:

  1. Opera – Петрова Саша.
  2. Swan Lake – Колякина Настя.
  3. Beethoven – Гордеев Артем.
  4. The Waltz King – Дмитриева Саша.
  5. Frederic Chopin – Джумабаева Карина.
  6. Easy Listening – Логин Ирина.
  7. And now, look the video, please. (Звучит Josh’s music)

  8. Rap music – Зайцева Ксения.
  9. Rock music – Занько Света.

Слайд 6.

There are so many kinds of music in our life. For example, rap and pop music, rock and alternative music, industrial and disco music, drum & bass and techno music, and, of course, classic music. Different people like different music. The scientists say that they can define your character if they know what music you like. For example, they suppose that people who listen rock music are very clever and reasonable. British scientists confirm that the most of young people listen to the aggressive music as metal and rock. Scientists say that these people are good students, because of their character. As for me, I agree with this statement, because I think that music shows your soul and nature. (Звучит Flowers of the sea)

Thank you for your attention!

The lesson is over!

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