Заключительный урок в 8-м классе по теме "Do you like travelling?"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Цель урока – обобщение лексического и грамматического материала по теме “Do You Like Travelling?”.

Задачи урока:


– совершенствование навыков монологической речи по теме “Do You Like Travelling?’;
– совершенствование навыков диалогической речи по теме “Do You Like Travelling?’;
– совершенствование навыков аудирования;
– совершенствование навыков употребления модальных глаголов (must, should,  ought to, need, could, be able to);

развивающая – развитие памяти, внимания, умения слушать собеседника;

социокультурная – развитие навыков культурного поведения во время путешествий. 4. воспитательная – уважительное отношение к собеседнику, уважение чужой точки зрения.

Оборудование – компьютер, мультимедийный проектор, интерактивная доска, раздаточный материал.

План урока

  1. Организационный момент. 2 мин.
  2. Лексическая подготовка. 5 мин.
  3. Совершенствование навыка употребления модальных глаголов. 10 мин.
  4. Аудирование. Выполнение заданий. 6 мин.
  5. Чтение. 5 мин.
  6. Краткие монологические высказывания (неподготовленная речь) 7 мин.
  7. Диалоги по заданным ситуациям. 13 мин.
  8. Итоги урока. Домашнее задание 2 мин.

Ход урока

1. Организационный момент.

Teacher. Glad to see you today. How are you today?
Pupil 1. I am fine.
Pupil 2. Fine, thank you.
Pupil 3. Not bad, thank you.

Teacher. Today I won’t tell you what we are going to discuss. You will tell me. Will you watch a slide-film and think what our topic is for today?

(слайд 2)

Учащиеся просматривают слайды и определяют, о чем пойдет речь на уроке.

2. Лексическая подготовка.

(слайд 3)

Teacher. Speaking about travelling we’ve learnt a lot of new words and word–combinations.

Do you remember them? Today I have a crossword for you. Listen to my definitions and write the necessary word.


1. A brochure that gives information of any kind.
2. A person who has a rest.
3. A process of seeing the sights.
4. A place to visit.
5. The service that controls the entrance to the country.
6. A document.


7. In another country.
8. A person who tells us about the most important sights in a city.
9. An organization that offers different tours.
10. A hotel, a camping, a bungalow.
11. A town or a settlement, mostly in the south where people spend their holidays.
12 A permission to enter the country.

Pupils. На интерактивной доске вписывают слова в кроссворд.



1. leaflet, 2. holidaymaker, 3. excursion, 4. destination, 5. customs, 6. passport.


7. abroad, 8. guide, 9 agency, 10. accommodation, 11. resort, 12 visa.

В более подготовленном классе учитель может предложить учащимся выполнить это задание индивидуально, используя раздаточный материал, с последующей проверкой в классе фронтально или как самостоятельную работу.

3. Совершенствование навыка употребления модальных глаголов.

(слайды 4, 5).

Teacher. When you are planning your travelling you must do a lot of important things. But on the other hand, some tourists do a lot of unimportant things. Tell me, please, what we must, should, ought to, need or needn’t/don’t need to do when we are planning our travelling.

(Учитель может спросить то одному и тому же пункту мнение разных учеников).

Pupils. Высказываются полными предложениями с употреблением модальных глаголов

4. Аудирование. Выполнение заданий.

(слайд 6).

Teacher. A lot of tourists visit famous Russian cities and ancient towns. One of the most popular tourists’ attractions in Russia is Suzdal. Listen to some information for those who want to visit Suzdal. And tell me why tourists should visit Suzdal.

Pupils. Смотрят слайд-фильм о Суздале и отвечают на вопрос учителя.

(слайд 7)

Teacher. Thank you for your answers. Now will you listen to the information again and think if the variants true, false or unstated.

(Учитель дает учащимся время ознакомиться с вариантами).

  1. Everyone can visit Suzdal either by his own or by joining a tourist group.
  2. Suzdal was founded in the 10th century.
  3. The museums of Suzdal are open every day.
  4. The museums of Suzdal show the life of old Russia.
  5. Suzdal got its name after one of the Russian princes.
  6. The guided coach tours to Suzdal are not easy to reserve.
  7. A tourist won’t have any problems where to dine in Suzdal.
  8. The way from your hometown to Suzdal takes 2 hours.

Текст для аудирования.Welcome to Suzdal. We would like to welcome you to spend your day in this ancient town of Russia. Suzdal is the town of many cathedrals, churches and monasteries. The museums of Suzdal are open between 9 am and 6 pm 6 days a week accept Thursday. Bring the family and spend a day in the quiet halls of Suzdal museums enjoying the atmosphere of old Russia. One of the best ways to see this historic town is by joining one of the different guided coach tours organized by travel agencies. These tours cover all part of the town.

If the weather is fine why not just walk in and around the town and have a rest in one of the numerous cafes where everyone can try Russian national dishes.

It takes you about an hour and a half to get to Suzdal from your hometown.

Different pictures which every tourist takes in Suzdal will bring him back to this wonderful town again and again and he or she would like to visit Suzdal at least one more time.

Pupils. Слушают информацию еще раз, определяют, какие варианты верные, неверный, неуказанный.

  1. True.
  2. Unstated.
  3. False.
  4. True.
  5. Unstated.
  6. False.
  7. True.
  8. False.

Teacher. Do you want to visit Suzdal? Why?

Pupils. Отвечают на вопрос учителя.

5. Чтение.

Teacher. When a person travels abroad he or she should read and understand different announcements in street, in cafes, in museums and stations. Now we’ll see if you can understand announcements perfectly well. Please, read some announcements and tick the variant that explains the meaning of the announcements.

Учащиеся получают текст объявлений и работают индивидуально.

1. Do not park your car by these gates.

A. Parking near these gates is forbidden.
B. The entrance to the park is through these gates.
C. Do not bring your car into this park.
D. Close these gates after parking your car.

2. Any lost luggage after two weeks is sold.

A. We charge s fine for lost luggage.
B. We give lost luggage away if it is not collected after two weeks.
C. We will look after your luggage for two week if you pay a fee.
D. We keep things people have lost for maximum of two weeks.

3. Don’t touch or feed the ducks.

A. You should leave the ducks alone.
B. These ducks can hurt you.
C. These ducks eat special food.
D. You should not fish here.

4. Passengers for international flights – check luggage in here.

A. Passengers arriving from abroad must check in their luggage here.
B. Travellers from other countries have to check in their own luggage here.
C. If you have checked in your luggage, you must wait here or your flight.
D. This is where you check in your luggage when you are going abroad.

5. Saver tickets can be used on the 10.15 bus and any bus after that.

A. The first bus you can travel with a “saver” ticket is the 10.15.
B. “Saver” ticket cost extra money if you travel after 10.15.
C. After 10.15 it is not possible to use a “saver” ticket.
D. The 10.15 is the only train you can travel on with a “saver” ticket.

6. The coach driver takes cash only. The ticket office takes credit cards or cash.

A. You nee the correct money to pay the driver.
B. You cannot pay the coach driver with a credit card.
C. The ticket office can give you change for the bus.
D. It is not possible to buy a ticket with a credit card.

7. This gate is to be open at all times.

A. Leave this gate open during a day.
B. this gate must never be closed.
C. There is no lock on the gate.
D. Please open the gate carefully.

8. Please do not sit or place anything on these benches.

A. These benches are reserved for the guests.
B. You need tickets to sit on them.
C. These benches must not be touched.
D. These benches have already been sold.

Pupils. Читают объявления и отмечают, какой вариант является синонимичным для данного объявления.


1. A. 2. D. 3. A. 4. D. 5. A. 6. B. 7. B. 8. C.

Teacher. Well done. I see that you can understand announcements correctly.

6. Краткие монологические высказывания (неподготовленная речь).

(слайд 8)

Teacher. When we are planning our travelling we read a lot of travel leaflets. Now you’ll take the role of travel agents and try to tell different tourists about the possibilities of active holidays. You will speak about the activities some tourists had the previous years, have every year or will have next year.

Pupils. Употребляя формы глаголов “could” и “be able to”, учащиеся составляют краткие высказывания.

Teacher. Well, maybe in future some of you will have the travel agent careers. And you’ll speak about wonderful sights of different places.

7. Диалоги по заданным ситуациям.

Teacher. When anyone travels, especially abroad, he or she sometimes needs to ask other people to help him/her. Now you’ll find yourself in the situations that can happen to any tourist. Ask the necessary information, don’t forget to be polite.

And even if a person doesn’t travel he can fund himself in a situation when he is asked questions by tourists. Be polite to tourists.

(Учитель выдает ученикам карточки с заданной ситуацией.)

Card 1.

Student 1.

Buy a ticket from London to Edinburgh. You are not going to come back today.

Be polite. If you don’t understand anything, ask to explain.

Student 2.

Answer the tourist’s questions. Don’t forget to ask what ticket the tourist wants. Don’t forget to tell the price. Be polite.

Card 2.

Student 1.

You are near the cinema. Ask the way to the railway station.

Be polite. If you don’t understand anything, ask to explain.

Student 2.

You are near the cinema. Answer the tourist’s questions. Be polite.

Card 3.

Student 1.

You are near the cinema. Ask where to buy Russian souvenirs.

Be polite. If you don’t understand anything, ask to explain.

Student 2.

You are near the cinema. Answer the tourist’s questions. Be polite.

Card 4.

Student 1.

You are at the customs. You are the customs officer. You must see the tourist’s documents and the luggage. Be polite.

Student 2.

You are at the customs. Answer the customs officer’s questions.

Be polite. If you don’t understand anything, ask to explain.

Card 5.

Student 1.

You are a guide. Give some facts about Ivanovo. Answer the tourist’s questions. Be polite.

Student 2.

You are a tourist. Listen to your guide. If you don’t understand anything, ask to explain.

Be polite.

Card 6.

Student 1.

You are in the cafe. You want to try Russian national dishes. Be polite. If you don’t understand anything, ask to explain.

Student 2.

You are a waiter (официант) in the cafe. Offer one of the Russian national dishes. Be polite.

Pupils. Разыгрывают диалоги по заданным темам.  (слайд 9)

Teacher. Will other students listen to the speakers and tell me, what picture suits the dialogue and what is discussed.

Pupil. Слушают говорящих и определяют, о чем идет речь.

8. Итоги урока. Домашнее задание.

Teacher. Well, students, I hope the exercises of today’s lesson will help you during your travelling abroad. And to have better results for your English there are some exercises for you. AB p.39, ex. 2, 3, 4, 5.

Учитель выставляет оценки за работу на уроке.

Pupils. Записывают домашнее задание.

Список использованных ресурсов.

  1. В.П.Кузовлев, Р.М.Лапа, Э.Ш. Перегудова, И.П. Костина, Е.В.Кузнецова, Ю.Н. Кобец, О.В. Дуванова. English -8. М.: Просвещение. 2008.
  2. В.П.Кузовлев, Р.М.Лапа, Э.Ш. Перегудова, И.П. Костина, Е.В.Кузнецова, Ю.Н. Кобец, О.В. Дуванова. English -8. Activity Book М.: Просвещение. 2008.
  3. В.П.Кузовлев, Р.М.Лапа, Э.Ш. Перегудова, И.П. Костина, Е.В.Кузнецова, Ю.Н. Кобец, О.В. Дуванова. English -8. Reader. М.: Просвещение. 2008.
  4. Е.Б.Власова. Школьные олимпиады. Английский язык. 5-8 классы. М.: Айрис-пресс. 2008
  5. http://images.yandex.ru

Приложение 1

Приложение 2

Приложение 3

Приложение 4