Гражданское образование на уроках английского языка. Тема урока: "Государственные символы России"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

The materials of this lesson plan are based on the materials published on the governmental web site and have the potential to be examined from numerous perspectives. The lesson plan ideas presented here are mean to serve as a starting point for teachers interested in introducing this topic to their students, for teaching civics within the English language classroom.

The lesson plan will equip teachers with relevant background information, interactive and communicative classroom activities which will allow them to extend and expand the lesson further, if so desired. The versatility of the lesson plan will give teachers the flexibility to use the resources in any number of ways. It can lead to stimulating classroom interaction, giving students opportunities for meaningful and purposeful communication in English. The combination of improved language skills and increased knowledge can enhance students’ studies, work and ability.

Language teachers can help their students master English and simultaneously become more knowledgeable citizens of our country.


“State Symbols of the Russian Federation”


  • To introduce students to the topic: State Symbols of the Russian Federation”.
  • To develop students’ awareness of the state honors of the Russian Federation
  • To practice reading for detailed information.
  • To form background knowledge of the state symbols


  1. A poster “State Symbols of the Russian Federation”
  2. The Constitution of the Russian Federation


  1. Reading for main idea
  2. Topic discussion
  3. Vocabulary -building
  4. Writing
  5. Grammar: Parts of Speech

Activity 1: Reading for main idea

The State Seal of the Russian Federation is an official state symbol and the state’s official emblem.

The double-headed eagle has regained its status as the centerpiece of Russia's state seal, testifying to the continuity of Russian history.

The State Seal of the Russian Federation is a rectangular red heraldic shield. At the bottom, it has rounded corners and a pointed middle. The shield is adorned with a golden double-headed eagle spreading its wings upward. The eagle is crowned with two small crowns and, above them, a large crown, all three joined together by a ribbon.

The National Flag of the Russian Federation is an official state symbol, whose description is established by law. It is a symbol of the sovereignty of the state.

The National Flag of the Russian Federation is a rectangular cloth of three equal horizontal stripes: the uppermost is white, the middle is blue and the bottom is red. The proportion of the flag’s width to its length is 2:3.

The National Anthem is one of the official state symbols of the Russian Federation.

The lyrics and music of the national anthem create a ceremonial composition intended as a symbol of state unity. The Anthem’s words reflect feelings of patriotism and respect for the country’s history and its system of government.

 The National Anthem can be performed by an orchestra or choir, separately or jointly, or using other vocal and instrumental media. Audio and video recordings can also be made and used in performing the Anthem, as can television and radio broadcasts.

 The National Anthem must be performed in strict accordance with the approved music and text.

 When the National Anthem is performed at official occasions, the audience is expected to stand and men must remove their hats.

 If the National Anthem is played while the State Flag is being raised, the audience faces the flag.

The new National Anthem of the Russian Federation was first officially performed on December 30, 2000, at a state reception in the Great Kremlin Palace.

Topic Discussion

Ask students to discuss the questions in groups or individually.

  1. What are the State Symbols?
  2. What is the state’s official emblem?
  3. What is the symbol of sovereignty of the state?
  4. What does the double-headed eagle testify?
  5. What are the colors of the National Flag of the Russian Federation?
  6. What are the proportions of the national flag?
  7. What do Anthem’s words reflect?
  8. How must the Anthem be performed?
  9. When is the National Anthem of the Russian Federation performed?
  10. When was the new National Anthem of the Russian Federation performed?

Activity 2: Building Your Vocabulary

Ask students to find in the text words that mean:

  1. the official song of a particular country or organization that people sing on special occasions (anthem)
  2. a group of people who have come to a place to see or hear a film, performance, speech etc.(audience)
  3. a circular decoration that a king or a queen wears on their head as a symbol of power, often decorated with jewels (crown)
  4. a design or object that is a symbol of something such as a country or organization
  5. the right of a country to rule itself (sovereignty)
  6. the words of a song (lyrics)
  7. the state of being complete and having all the separate parts connected (unity)
  8. a large bird that kills other birds and animals for food (eagle)
  9. something such as a piece of music, a piece of writing, or a painting (composition)
  10. done by people in authority (official)

Activity 3: Writing

  • Ask students to write about the use State Symbols of the Russian Federation.
  • Ask students to comment the words of the national Anthem.

Россия - любимая наша страна.
Могучая воля, великая слава –
Твое достоянье на все времена! 

Славься, Отечество наше свободное,
Братских народов союз вековой,
Предками данная мудрость народная!
Славься, страна! Мы гордимся тобой!

Широкий простор для мечты и для жизни
Грядущие нам открывают года.
Нам силу дает наша верность Отчизне.
Так было, так есть и так будет всегда! 

Славься, Отечество наше свободное.
Братских народов союз вековой,
Предками данная мудрость народная!
Славься, страна! Мы гордимся тобой!

Activity 4: Grammar. Parts of Speech.

A. Read the sentences and choose one of the words in bold to fill each gap.

  1. The State Seal of the Russian Federation is an …………state symbol. office/official
  2. The National Flag is a symbol of the ………of the state. sovereignty/sovereign
  3. The National Anthem can be performed by………………using vocal and media. instrumental/instrument
  4. The lyrics and music of the national anthem create a ceremonial …………... compose/composition
  5. The ………………..of the National Flag is established by law. description/describe

B. Read the sentences below. Use the word given at the end of each line to form a word that best in the space.

1.(1) ……….. of the Russian Federation is acquired in accordance

with federal law. CITIZEN

2. The state flag, emblem and anthem of the Russian Federation is established

by the federal (2) ………………. law. CONSTITUTION

3. The Russian Federation has jurisdiction over the (3) …………. FEDERATION

structure and the territory of the Russian Federation.

4. (4)…………..of the basis principles of federal policy and

federal programmes. ESTABLISH

in the sphere of national development is under the (5) ………… JURY of the Russian Federation.

5. The (6) ………… unit in the Russian federation is ruble. MONEY

6. The principle function of the (7) ………..Bank is protecting and ensuring CENTER

the (8) stability of the ruble. STABLE

7. Executive power in the Russian Federation is exercised by (9) the……………. GOVERN

of the Russian Federation.

8. The Government of the Russian Federation (10) ……………... measures IMPLIMENTION

to ensure lawfulness.

As an additional activity you may ask the students to describe the state symbols.