Материал для внеурочной работы по английскому языку "Помоги себе сам"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Help yourself.

Extra-curriculum material

Help yourself.

This material will be useful for both students of 13-16 who are interested in their health and teachers who can help their students to understand the role of healthy nutrition.

Its aims are:

  • to teach students to understand the processes which are held in a human body
  • to teach to understand what “healthy” nutrition means
  • to help students to organize their nutrition in a right way.

Dear Kids!

Do you have anyone in your family with a disease to nutrition? If yes, name this disease.

Lots of people in our country are starting to realize that the kind of food we put into our bodies are very important. Physicians, dentists, scientists, teachers, parents are all realizing that there is a big need for all of us to eat foods that will help us to stay healthy. Everyone is talking about the importance of good nutrition. One important reason for all this interest in food is that there are so many people who have diseases that are called nutrition related diseases. Some people are eating foods with too much sugar, salt, fat and some of us are simply eating too much food. By overeating, health problems may occur. There are the following diseases that are closely connected to nutrition.


If someone in your family has one of these diseases, you run a greater risk of getting it yourself. This does not mean that you will certainly get one of them .But you must remember that there are some diseases connected with food. So, pay attention to what you eat and how much you eat.

Here are some definitions of nutrition related diseases.

OBESITY - the clinical term obesity is given to the presence of excess body weight 15 % or more above the ideal weight.

DIABETES MELLITUS - Is a chronic disease which interferes with the body’s ability to utilize sugar as a fuel every cell in your body needs sugar for making energy for walking, running eating or relaxing. However, sugar itself cannot get into your body’s cells. It needs help. This help is provided by a complex chemical called INSULIN. IT is produced by a small organ situated near the stomach called the PANCREAS. Diabetes occurs when the pancreas does not produce enough insulin to permit the body to utilize sugar.

There are two types of diabetes: insulin dependent and non insulin dependent. The insulin dependent is controlled by diet and insulin. Non-insulin dependent diabetes usually affects adults and those who are obese.

HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE - is the force exerted by the bloodstream against the walls of arteries.

Normally each time our heart beats 60 – 70. The blood flows to parts of the body, such as liver, kidney or brain and returns to the heart throu the veins. The blood pressure can rise during periods of excitement, nervousness, or exercise or it can become low when you sleep. Normal blood pressure varies depending on age. For adults it is 140/90, for children it is 105/60.

ARTERIOSCLEROSIS - hardening of the arteries can occur if blood pressure is not controlled and some of the fat that normally circulates in our body is pushed more rapidly into the walls of the arteries.Placque accumulates in the arteries, like rust on the inside of the pipe.

HEART ATTACK - If the arteries that supply blood to the heart become clogged with fatty material, the blood flow to portions of heart is slowed. When one of the vessels is completely closed off, there is a temporary stoppage of all blood flow to a part of the heart. Portions of the heart muscle are damaged. We say that a heart attack has occurred.

CANCER - occurs when normal cell reproduction ceases. Cancer cell change and are malformed, imperfect, incapable to normal cell life.

Research indicates that there may be a greater relationship between cancer and dietary.

Kids, teenagers at this age are omnipotent. You are always sure that nothing can happen to you. And of course you have your own reasons why not to eat properly.

Now let` discuss the reasons why people eat at all. Here are some questions and some variants of answer. Choose the most appropriate to you. Try to be sincere. I want to prevent you that there are no wrong or right answers. We will use your answers as pre andposttest.This will show if you changed your point of view.

What does food mean to you?

Comfort, tradition, love, survival, socialization, enjoyment something to eat.

What things influence how you eat?

Hunger, smell, religion, tradition cost taste, advertising, packaging,

Why do you eat?

Boredom, enjoyment. Comfort, anger, smells good, celebrations

Dear Kids!
Answering these questions you will begin to understand your eating habits.
The age you are now is good for learning and making good eating habits. This book will try to guide you toward healthy eating habits for life. Such science as nutrition will help you to do it.. Nutrition is a science of how the body utilizes the food we eat. Although this is a very complicated science, a few simple dietary guidelines will help you to establish, improve and develop your eating habits.
Eat a variety of food.
Maintain healthy weight.
Choose a diet low in fat and cholesterol.
Choose a diet with a plenty of vegetables, fruits and grain products.
Use sugar only in moderation.
Use salt and sodium in moderation.

Dear Kids!
We also suggest you a nutrition survey which will help you to understand correctly what kind of food to eat and how much of it to eat.
Try to be sincere while answering.
Did you eat breakfast?
What did you eat for your breakfast?
(Cereal, pancakes, fruit, eggs, other)
Do you think breakfast is important?
Do you think you eat too much sugar?
What are your favorite vegetables?
(Carrots, tomatoes, peas, cabbage, other)
What vegetables you do not eat?
Do you eat raw vegetables?
Which raw vegetables do you eat?
(Carrots, cauliflower, green peppers, salad, others)
How many times a day do you eat vegetables?
(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, more)
What is your favorite fruit?
(Apples, bananas, pears, oranges, other)
Do you eat fruit at breakfast?
How many times a day do you eat fruit?
(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, more)
What fruit juices do you drink?
What kind of bread do you eat?
(White bread, rye bread, dark bread, other)
How many times a day do you drink milk?
Which snacks do you eat most often?
(Cheese, nuts, fruit, candy, vegetables, others)
What do you drink most often?
(Soda, fruit juice, milk, water, tea, coffee, other)
Do you put additional salt to your food?
Do you eat meat?
Do you eat fish?
Do you eat chicken?
What do you eat more often?
(Fish, meat, chicken)
Do you think your weight is: right, too high, too low.
Do you like the food you eat?
Do you try any new foods?
Do you think you eat the right foods?
Thank you.

Dear Kids!
There are many reasons and factors that influence our eating habits. Some of them are good, some not very, some are bad. You have to understand correctly what is good for you and what is not. You must realize that you can influence your eating habits, choosing the right and not choosing the harmful foods.
Many foods are good sources of several nutrients such as: vitamins, A and C, folic acid, minerals protein etc.no single food can supply all nutrients in the amount you need. One way to assure variety is to choose and combine different foods. But you must remember one simple rule: if you want to be healthy and enjoy your food you must choose something from these 5 groups daily:
Vegetables and fruits, grains, milk and milk products, fish and meat.
If you follow this rule you will find all the nutrients you need for a healthy day and
Successful study work.

Dear Kids!
We are giving you now a Nutrient fact sheet which will help you to know more about nutrients, the function they make in your body and some food sources where these nutrients can be found.

PROTEIN. Builds and repairs all body tissues. Helps to form antibodies to fight infection.

Provides energy. (Meat, fish, poultry, cheese, nuts, peanut butter).

CARBOHYDRATE. Supplies energy and helps the body make the best use of other nutrients. (Bread, cereals, pasta, rice, potatoes).

FAT. Supplies energy carries fat-soluble vitamins (oil, butter, margarine, salad dressing, sausage and bacon.)

VITAMINE A. Helps keep the skin healthy. Helps eyes, promotes growth, helps build resistance to different infections. (Liver, fish oils, dark-green vegetables, deep yellow fruits, butter).

VITAMINE C. Strengthens walls of blood vessels. Needed for healthy gums. Helps body resist different infections. (Citrus fruits, broccoli, tomatoes, cauliflower, green leafy vegetables).

THIAMIN (B-1). Necessary for a healthy nervous system. (Liver, meat, beans, whole grain enriched bread.

RIBOFLAVIN (B-12). Helps cells use oxygen. Helps maintain good vision. Needed for smooth skin. ( liver, milk, cheese, green leavy vegetables, eggs).

NIACIN. Promotes normal appetite. Necessary for healthy nervous system. (meat, fish, poultry, nuts, whole grain bread and cereal, )

CALCIUM. Helps build strong bones. Helps muscles and nerves function normal. (Milk, milk products, cheese, dried fruits).

IRON. Combines with protein to make hemoglobin, the red substance in the blood, and myoglobin which stores oxygen in muscles. ( Red meats, shellfish, egg yolk, dark green leavy vegetables, dried peas, prunes, raisins, apricots).

Dear Kids!
Vitamins, minerals are very important for our health. But we need some other things to look like healthy. What else do we need? What is it? It is Healthy weight.
If a person is too fat or too thin, his or her chances of health problems are increasing.
Being too fat is linked with high blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes.
Being too thin is a less common problem but it occurs with anorexia nervosa and makes a great risk of osteoporosis.
What is a healthy weight? There is no exact answer right now. There is an approximate table of suggested weight below but remember! This is not for children. This is for ADULTS.

Suggested Weights For Adults

Height 19 to 34 year 35 years and over
152 cm 44 – 58 kg 49 kg -
154 cm 46 – 60 kg 50,5 kg -
157 cm 47 – 62 kg 52 kg -
160 cm 48 - 64 kg 54 kg -
162 cm 50 – 66 kg 55,5 kg -
165 cm 51 – 68 kg 57 kg -
167 cm 53 – 70 kg 59 kg -
170 cm 55 – 72 kg 61 kg -
172 cm 56 – 74 kg 63 kg
175 cm 58 – 76 kg 64,5 kg -
177 cm 60 – 79 kg 66 kg -
180 cm 61 – 81 kg 69 kg -

If you need to lose your weight, do it gradually. Do not try to lose too rapidly.

Avoid crash diets. Diets containing fewer than 800 calories may be dangerous. To lose weight:

- Increase physical activity.

- Eat less fat and fatty foods.

- Eat less sugar and sweets.

The chart below gives the calories used per hour in different activities.

Lying down or sleeping 80
Sitting 100
Driving an automobile 120
Standing 140
Domestic work 180
Walking 210
Gardening 220
Volleyball 300
Tennis 420
Running 900

 Severe weight loss may be a sign of any disease. If you lose your weigh suddenly or for unknown reasons, see a physician.

But people know how to control their weight.

Before to start to talk about ways and methods of the weigh control you, dear kids, should try to remember the weight of your parents. Are they slim, thin and sportive?

Do you like the way you look? Do you feel comfortable with yourself? Remember that people are of different sizes and shapes and different people love how they look like. So, before starting to loose or to increase your weight tell your doctor about it. If the doctor approves your desire to correct your weight here are some suggestions how to do it correctly.


Activity Level Typical Activities
Light Sitting, watching TV, eating, working at a computer.
Moderate Walking to school, dancing, making your bed, taking out garbage.
Strenuous Basketball, swimming, running, bicycling, soccer.

Regular physical exercises provide your health benefits:

  • heartbeat becomes stronger
  • blood pressure lowers
  • circulation improves
  • muscles become stronger
  • muscles become more flexible
  • lungs improve their functions
  • weight loses
  • you sleep better
  • Drink water often!
  • Choose snacks that are low in sugar, salt.
  • Watch your portions. Do not overweight.
  • Think positive while eating. Be sincere.

Dear Kids!
Now we approached to the last question concerning eating habits. It is more close to moral aspects than to its physical ones. Will you, please, read the situation and discuss it with your friends and parents.
Your mother has just come home after a long working day. Dinner is over… The dishes are done. At that moment the door bell rings. This is your mother’s friend who came to give bach\k a book which she had borrowed before. Your mother stands up, goes to the kitchen and in a few minutes she comes back holding a tray full of cookies, jam and tea.

Questions for discussion:

  1. What are the cultural norms concerning hospitality?
  2. What is the custom in your family when somebody comes to you?
  3. Is it always necessary to feed people when they come to visit?
  4. Is it healthy for people to eat many times a day?
  5. What would you do if you were in this situation?
  6. What solution would you choose?

- Serve pastries, coffee as always.

- Serve low fat food as fresh fruit and vegetables.

- Serve nothing.

- Ask the guest if she is hungry.

- Serve the guest fruit juice only.

- Your own variant.

Dear Kids!
Sugar - Table sugar, refined sugar, Added sugar-it tastes great and lots of people say they could`t live without it.
Sugar is a carbogidrate. It produces energy. But much of sugar is so called “hidden “sugar. so we do not realize that we are eating or drinking it. It is difficult to control the amount of sugar in such situation. The amount of sugar many of us we eat is too much for our bodies. Sugar calories are not nutritious. The extra sugar is transformed into fat in our body. Besides producing energy too quickly and making fat, sugar gives us nothing!
You can get plenty of natural sugar in many fruits and vegetables. Added sugar can cause us to being overweight. The body can not use all sweets it gets, so sugar is transformed into fat and people become overweight.
Here is the information about high and low sugar in foods. If you fallow our recommendations you will never get problems with sugar in your blood and you will never be overweight.
To avoid too much sugar:
- Choose fresh fruit for dessert.
- Сhoose canned fruit in natural juices instead of fruit in syrup.
- Avoid too sweet foods.
- Limit sugar, jams, jellies.
- Read labels. If sugar is the first ingredient, there is nothing except sugar in this food.
Foods to avoid. sweets, ice cream jelly, chocolate, pudding, pies, cakes, cookies, jam.
Acceptable foods: unseeted juices, apples, pears, oranges, carrots, peas, corn, cauliflower, peppers, cabbage, lowfat yogurt.

Citations: S. Shapiro “Nutrition and your health” Soros foundation, New-York, USA, 2000.