План урока "Спорт и профессии". 7-й класс

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Класс: 7

Учебник “Enjoy English - 7”, М.З. Биболетова, Н.Н. Трубанева.

Урок работы с лексикой (каждое упражнение можно использовать отдельно на любом другом уроке). Мы не устали повторять своим ученикам – “Не будешь учить лексику – не заговоришь”. Так как мы знаем, что с помощью зрительной памяти усваивается 90 % информации, мы стараемся максимально это использовать на наших уроках.

Кроме того, использование увеличенного шрифта, курсива, цветового выделения, подчеркивания, является скрытой зарядкой для глаз, так как требует дополнительного привлечения внимания.

Вторым важным пунктом в нашей работе являются опорные схемы, которые побуждают учащихся сконцентрировать свое внимание на главном и способствуют логическому построению высказывания.

Постепенное их снятие способствует повышению самостоятельности обучающихся в речи.

Таким образом, опорные схемы помогают добиться автоматизма в использовании языковых опор и в тоже время не утратить творческую индивидуальность учащихся.


  1. Практиковать учащихся в употреблении лексики по теме “Спорт” и “Черты характера человека”.
  2. Повторить изученные грамматические структуры.
  3. Развивать коммуникативные умения учащихся.
  4. Расширить кругозор учащихся.

Оборудование: Учебник “Enjoy English - 7” М.З. Биболетова, Н.Н. Трубанева, стр. 100, 101, 105; CD к учебнику, карточки со схемами, словами, раздаточный материал по теме, рисунки по теме; “карточки – оценки с счастливыми, улыбающимися (+) и сердитыми удивленными лицами (-)”.

Ход урока

  1. Организационный момент.
  2. На доске:

    The aim of the lessons is to get as much knowledge as possible.

    The purpose of our lesson is to help you to become familiar with sport vocabulary.

    Our helper, a beautiful fairy, Natalia Victorovna, will give you a happy face for your right answer, and after the lesson, pay attention, during the break, you will hand in your happy faces and get your happy marks. Be active! Don’t get sad or surprised faces.

  3. Фонетическая зарядка. Аудирование.
  4. So, start our lesson with phonetic exercises. Mind your pronunciation and stress. Repeat after the speaker.

  5. Now, let’s see how good are you at sports vocabulary.

Match the picture and the sport.

Picture 1 is bungee jumping.

Picture 2 is golf.

Picture 3 is mountaineering.

Picture 4 is skydiving.

Picture 5 is rafting.

Picture 6 is horse-racing.

Picture 7 is surfing.

Picture 8 is mountain biking.

Picture 9 is snowboarding.

Picture 10 is skateboarding.

Picture 11 is windsurfing.

Picture 12 is karate.

Well, great, now look carefully at these words and tell me please what sports are new or unusual for you?

By the way – why do you guess easily the meaning of these words? (Picture help us and they are international).

4. Let’s practice the new vocabulary in your speech. Use the expressions from ex.2 p. 100. Be good at, be fond of, do sports, watch sports.

Make your own sentences, for example: “I’m not good at skydiving” and get your happy faces.

5. Thank you everybody, now look carefully at spelling of these words: running, jumping, swimming, mountaineering. What is the same in the spelling of these words? Yes, you are absolutely right. It is ending – ing. Look at the blackboard and let’s build the sports stairs together. What letters are lacking (or missing)?

…ing (skiing)

… ing (boxing)

… ing (racing)

…. ing (cycling)

…. ing (skating)

…. ing (walking)

…. ing (running)

…. ing (jumping)

….. ing (swimming)

…… ing (wrestling)

……. ing (kickboxing)

…….. ing (waterskiing)

…….. ing (windserfing)

………. ing (rollerskating)

………. ing (figureskating)

…………….ing (crosscountryrunning)

6. Физкультминутка.

You have worked hard and it’s time to test a little bit. Stand up, please, put your chairs close to desks, and enjoy your singing and exercises.

Tommy Thumb, Tommy Thumb,

Where are you? Where are you?

Here I am? Here I am.

How are you? Fine? Thank you!

(Peter pointer, Bobby Big, Ruby Ring and Boby Small)

7. Great, with energy go on our lesson.

- Egor, Are you energetic? (Yes, I am)

-Danila, Are you emotional? (No, I am not) Are you serious? (Yes, I am).

We are all different.

For next step of our work we need adjectives. Our beautiful fairy will help you with them.

8. Let’s do ex. 6 p. 101 and continue our work with following adjectives: responsible, hard-working, kind, friendly, fast, enduring, positive, clever, energetic, ambitious, serious.

So, what sort (what kind) are all these adjectives (they are the chief traits of a person’s character).

9. Развитие коммуникативных умений.

Составляем характер хорошего спортсмена.

Look at the blackboard. We have a pot, but it is not an ordinary pot, it’s magic pot, it’s “character pot”. We are going “to boil” the proper character of a good sportsman.

Help me, please. So…

A good sportsman should be …

Thank you. Summarize!

St.1, st.2, st.3.

Excellent! Let’s think a bit, what traits a good teacher should have? What traits a good engineer should have?

10. Let’s summarize what common traits any person should have if he or she would like to be successful in life?

Let’s choose 5 the most important.

It means that you would like to be successful in life.

You should be: hard-working, responsible, creative, positive…

It’s your life motto. Egor, what is your life motto? Polina, what is your life motto< What traits should you have to be successful in life?

11. So, your home task is you will choose 3 any professions and fill in your “boiling pot”.

12. You are the nicest students in the world you’ve work properly and now let’s relax. Do chain word.

Look at our snail, the first word is responsible – it means next word begins with “e” and so on.

13. Если останется время “Slalom”. Help a skier to join their friends.